"中瀬正彦,岡村知拓,田原義壽,望月弘保,村上 毅,小山正史","塩化物溶融塩高速炉のフィージビリティー研究(V)(4)溶融塩高速炉の諸量評価","日本原子力学会2025年春の年会",,,,,,2025,Mar. "山脇 道夫,望月弘保,石塚知香子,中瀬正彦,三田地紘史,島津 洋一郎,有田裕二,小山 正史,福元 謙一,後藤 琢也","塩化物溶融塩高速炉のフィージビリティー研究(IV)(1)研究概要","日本原子力学会2024年秋の大会","日本原子力学会2024年秋の大会予稿集",,,,,2024,Sept. "望月弘保,中瀬正彦","Heバブリング二相流を考慮した溶融塩高速炉負荷追従解析","日本原子力学会 2024年春の年会",,,,,,2024,Mar. "Hiroyasu Mochizuki","Transient behavior of a molten salt fast reactor under two phase flow conditions with helium bubbling",,"Nuclear Engineering and Design","Elsevier","vol. 417",,"pp. 1-21",2023,Dec. "望月弘保,他多数","次世代原子炉が拓く新しい市場",,"次世代原子炉が拓く新しい市場","一般社団法人 日本原子力産業協会 原子力システム研究懇話会"," NSA/COMMENTARIES","No. 28","pp. 141-155",2023,Nov. "Yoshihisa Tahara,Haruka Hirano,Satoshi Chiba,Hiroyasu Mochizuki,Tatsuya Katabuchi","Request for 35Cl(n,p) reaction cross-section measurements and re-evaluations from the standpoint of molten chloride salt fast reactor design",,"Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology",,,,,2023,Nov. "山脇道夫,望月弘保,田原義壽,三田地紘史,島津洋一郎,有田裕二,小山正史,村上毅,福元謙一,後藤琢也","塩化物溶融塩高速炉のフィージビリティ―研究(III) (1)研究概要","日本原子力学会「2023年秋の大会」","日本原子力学会「2023秋の大会」予稿集.","日本原子力学会",,,,2023,Sept. "望月弘保","塩化物溶融塩高速炉のフィージビリティ―研究(III) (2)過渡事象時の安全性","日本原子力学会「2023年秋の大会」","日本原子力学会「2023年秋の大会」予稿集","日本原子力学会",,,,2023,Sept. "Hiroyasu Mochizuki","Study on Start-up of Molten Salt Fast Modular Reactor from Shutdown Based on Two-Phase Flow CFD Analysis,",,"Nuclear Engineering and Design","Elsevier","vol. 414",,,2023,Aug. "Hiroyasu Mochizuki,Masahiko Nakase","Study of power control of a molten-salt reactor using void fraction change","30th International Conference on Nuclear Engineering (ICONE30)","Proceedings of the 30th International Conference on Nuclear Engineering",,,,,2023,May "望月弘保","固有の安全性を有する溶融塩高速炉の開発状況",,"自動車技術",,"Vol. 77","No. 4","pp. 68-74",2023,Apr. "平野はるか,田原義壽,望月弘保,千葉敏","小型塩化物溶融塩高速炉の研究開発 (3)燃焼解析と燃料補給方法の検討","日本原子力学会「2023年春の年会」","日本原子力学会「2023年春の年会」要旨",,,,,2023,Mar. "田原義壽,平野はるか,望月弘保,千葉敏","小型塩化物溶融塩高速炉の研究開発 (4)最小臨界炉心の炉心パラメータに対するTRU核変換能力の依存性","日本原子力学会「2023年春の年会」","日本原子力学会「2023年春の年会」要旨集",,,,,2023,Mar. "望月弘保,中瀬正彦","ボイドを利用した溶融塩高速炉の反応度制御","日本原子力学会2023年春の年会",,,,,,2023,Mar. "Hiroyasu Mochizuki,Masahiko Nakase","Study on Load Following of a Molten Chloride Salt Fast Reactor","International Symposium on Zero-Carbon Energy Systems, IZES",,,,,,2023,Jan. "Hiroyasu Mochizuki","Neutronics and thermal-hydraulics coupling analyses on transient and accident behaviors of molten chloride salt fast reactor",,"Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology","Taylor & Francis",,,,2022,Oct. "田原義壽,千葉 敏,望月弘保","小型塩化物溶融塩高速炉の研究開発(1)核熱結合計算による炉内出力分布の評価","日本原子力学会「2022年秋の大会」","日本原子力学会「2022年秋の大会」予稿集",,,,,2022,Sept. "望月弘保","塩化物溶融塩高速炉のフィージビリティー研究 (II) (3) 即発臨界を超える反応度投入時安全性","日本原子力学会「2022年秋の大会」","日本原子力学会「2022年秋の大会」予稿集",,,,,2022,Sept. "山脇道夫,望月弘保,三田地紘史,島津洋一郎,有田裕二,福元謙一,後藤琢也,小山正史,村上毅","塩化物溶融塩高速炉のフィージビリティー研究 (II) (1) 研究概要","日本原子力学会「2022年秋の大会」","日本原子力学会「2022年秋の大会」予稿集",,,,,2022,Sept. "平野はるか,田原義壽,千葉 敏,望月弘保","小型塩化物溶融塩高速炉の研究開発(2)制御棒価値の最適化に関する予備検討","日本原子力学会「2022年秋の大会」","日本原子力学会「2022年秋の大会」予稿集",,,,,2022,Sept. "Hiroyasu Mochizuki","Study of thermal-hydraulics of a sinusoidal layered heat exchanger for MSR",,"Nuclear Engineering and Design","Elsevier","Vol. 396",,,2022,Aug. "田原義壽,千葉 敏,望月弘保","小型塩化物溶融塩高速炉の超ウラン元素燃焼性能の評価","日本原子力学会「2022年春の年会」","日本原子力学会「2022年春の年会」予稿集","日本原子力学会",,,,2022,Mar. "望月弘保","RELAP5-3Dを用いたMSRE反応度投入実験解析","日本原子力学会「2022年春の年会」","日本原子力学「2022年春の年会」予稿集","日本原子力学会",,,,2022,Mar. "Hiroyasu Mochizuki","Validation of neutronics and thermal-hydraulics coupling model of the RELAP5-3D code using the MSRE reactivity insertion tests",,"Nuclear Engineering and Design","Elsevier","vol. 389",,,2022,Feb. "山脇道夫,望月弘保,小山正史,有田裕二,三田地紘史,島津洋一郎,木下幹康,吉岡律夫","溶融塩炉の最新開発状況",,"日本原子力学会誌「アトモス」","日本原子力学会","Vol. 63","No. 11","pp. 791-796",2021,Nov. "望月弘保","溶融塩高速炉の燃料塩-冷却材塩熱交換器の検討","日本原子力学会「2021年秋の大会」","日本原子力学会「2021年秋の年会」予稿集","日本原子力学会",,," 3J06",2021,Sept. "望月弘保","FLUENTコード用核熱結合UDFのMSRE実験結果での検証 -ポンプ起動・停止実験解析-","日本原子力学会「2021年春の年会」","日本原子力学会「2021年春の年会」予稿集","日本原子力学会",,,,2021,Mar. "Hiroyasu Mochizuki","Verification of neutronics and thermal-hydraulics coupling method for FLUENT code using the MSRE pump startup, trip data",,"Nuclear Engineering and Design,","Elsevier","vol. 378",,"pp. 1-11",2021,Mar. "Hiroyasu Mochizuki","Modeling of an air cooler with finned heat transfer tube banks using the RELAP5-3D code",,"Modeling of an air cooler with finned heat transfer tube banks using the RELAP5-3D code","Elsevier","Vol. 370",,,2020,Nov. "望月弘保","塩化物溶融塩高速炉のフィージビリティー(4)核熱結合動特性と安全性","日本原子力学会「2020年秋の大会」","日本原子力学会「2020年秋の大会」予稿集",,,,"p. 3I11",2020,Sept. "山脇道夫,望月弘保,有田裕二,三田地紘史,後藤琢也,小山正史","塩化物溶融塩高速炉のフィージビリティー(1)研究概要","日本原子力学会「2020年秋の大会」","日本原子力学会「2020秋の大会」予稿集",,,,"p. 3I08",2020,Sept. "Hiroyasu Mochizuki","Neutronics and thermal-hydraulics coupling analysis using the FLUENT code and RELAP5-3D code for a molten salt fast reactor",,"Nuclear Engineering and Design","Elsevier","Vol. 368",,"pp. 1-15",2020,Aug. "望月弘保,千葉 敏","高速炉を活用したLLFP核変換システムの研究開発 (5) LLFPターゲットの熱的健全性評価","日本原子力学会「2020年春の年会」","日本原子力学会「2020春の年会」予稿集",,,,"p. 2H14",2020,Mar. "望月弘保,山脇道夫","溶融塩高速炉の核熱結合特性","日本原子力学会「2019年秋の大会」","日本原子力学会「2019年秋の大会」予稿集",,,,"p. 2F09",2019,Sept. "Hiroyasu Mochizuki","Consideration on Nusselt numbers of liquid metals flowing in tubes",,"Nuclear Engineering and Design","Elsevier","Vol. 351",,"pp. 1-19",2019,May "望月弘保","液体金属の管内流熱伝達率についての考察","日本原子力学会「2019年春の年会」","日本原子力学会「2019年春の年会」予稿集",,,,"p. 3I10",2019,Mar. "Hiroyasu Mochizuki","Consideration on Nusselt numbers of liquid metals under low Peclet number conditions",,"Nuclear Engineering and Design","Elsevier","Vol. 339",,"pp. 171-180",2018,Sept. "望月弘保","液体金属の低Pe数領域熱伝達率について","日本原子力学会「2018年秋の大会」","日本原子力学会「2018年秋の大会」予稿集",,,,"p. 1I06",2018,Sept. "Hiroyasu Mochizuki,Kohmei Muranaka","Benchmark Analyses for EBR-II shutdown heat removal tests SHRT-17 and SHRT-45R - (2) Subchannel analysis of instrumented fuel subassembly",,"Nuclear Engineering and Design","Elsevier","Vol. 330",,"pp. 14-27",2018,Feb. "Keiko Chitose,Hiroyasu Mochizuki,Naoyuki Takaki","Thermal-hydraulic feasibility study of a convex shaped fast reactor core",,"Energy Procedia","Elsevier","vol. 131",,"pp. 86-93",2017,Dec. "Hiroyasu Mochizuki,P.S. Uppala,E. Bates,G. Su,I. Di Piazza,H. Ohira,M. Stempniewicz,B. Truong,A. Moisseytsev,L.L. Briggs,T. Sofu,T. Sumner,T. Fei,D. Zhang,D. Sui,W. Hu,L. Maas,B. Vezzoni,M. Marchetti,R. Zanino,D. Caron,W.F. van Rooijen,K. Morita,C. Choi,N. Rtischev,Y. Zhang,K. Mikityuk,etc.","Benchmark Analysis of EBR-II Shutdown Heat Removal Tests",,"IAEA-TECDOC-1819","IAEA",,,,2017,Aug. "Hiroyasu Mochizuki","Analyses of decay heat removal tests with PRACS and DRACS of a sodium loop using the NETFLOW++ code",,"Nuclear Engineering and Design",,"Vol. 322",,"pp. 345-359",2017,July "Partha Sarathy U.,E. Bates,G. Su,I. Di Piazza,H. Ohira,H. Mochizuki,M. Stempniewicz,B. Truong,A. Moisseytsev,T. Sumner","Thermal Hydraulic Investigation of EBR-II Instrumented Subassemblies during SHRT-17 and SHRT-45R Tests","FR17","Proceedings of FR17","IAEA",,,"pp. 1-10",2017,June "E. Bates,D. Zhang.,B. Truong,D. Sui,W. Hu,G.H. Su,T. Sumner,L. Maas,B. Vezzoni,M. Marchetti,R. Zanino,D. Caron,W.F. van Rooijen,H. Mochizuki,Koji Morita,C. Choi,M. Stempniewicz,N. Rtischev,Y. Zhang,K. Mikityuk","Conclusions of a Benchmark Study on the EBR-II SHRT-45R Experiment","FR17","Proceedings of FR17","IAEA",,,"pp. 1-11",2017,June "Hiroyasu Mochizuki","Evaluation of spent fuel pool temperature and water level during SBO",,"Annals of Nuclear Energy","Elsevier","Vol. 109",,"pp. 548-556",2017,June "Tadas Kaliatka,Algirdas Kaliatka,Eugenijus Uspuras,M. Vai?norus,Hiroyasu Mochizuki,W.F.G. van Rooijen","Best estimate approach for the evaluation of critical heat flux phenomenon in the boiling water reactors,",,"Kerntechnik",,"Vol. 82","No. 2","pp. 148-160",2017,Apr. "Hiroyasu Mochizuki,Takahiro Yano","A passive decay-heat removal system for an ABWR based on air cooling",,"Nuclear Engineering and Design",,"Vol. 311",,"pp. 35-42",2017,Jan. "Daisuke Suzuki,Hiroyasu Mochizuki","Thermal hydraulic analysis of air cooled finned heat transfer tubes",,"Annals of Nuclear Energy",,"Vol. 95",,"pp. 1-11",2016,Nov. "Keiko Chitose,Hiroyasu Mochizuki,Naoyuki Takaki","Thermal-hydraulic feasibility study of a convex shaped fast reactor core","The 5th International Symposium on Innovative Nuclear Energy Systems (INES-5)","Proceedings of INES-5",,,,"pp. 1-8",2016,Oct. "Masahito Takano,Hiroyasu Mochizuki","Experimental and analytical studies on heat transfer in a scaled intermediate heat exchanger with water",,"Annals of Nuclear Energy",,"Vol. 94",,"pp. 691-705",2016,Aug. "A. Kaliatka,T. Kaliatka,E. Uspuras,H. Mochizuki","Modeling of Critical Heat Flux Phenomenon in the Boiling Water Reactors","The 11th International Conference of the Croatian Nuclear Society","Proceedings of the 11th International Conference of the Croatian Nuclear Society",,,,"pp. 27-1 ? 27-10",2016,June "Hiroyasu Mochizuki,Kiyoyuki Hirai,Akira Okamoto,Masahito Takano","A thermal hydraulic calculation method of an intermediate heat exchanger of a loop type FBR",,"Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology","Taylor & Francis","Vol. 52","No. 11","pp. 1436-1447",2015,Nov. "L.Briggs,S. Monti,W. Hu,D. Sui,G.H. Su,L. Maas,B. Vezzoni,U. Partha Sarathy,A. Del Nevo,A. Petruzzi,R. Zanino,H. Ohira,H. Mochizuki,K. Morita,C. Choi, A,Shin,M. Stempniewicz,N. Rtishchev,Y. Zhang,B. Truong","EBR-II Passive Safety Demonstration Tests Benchmark Analyses ? Phase 2","The 16th International Topical Meeting on Nuclear Reactor Thermalhydraulics","Proceedings of NURETH-16",,,,"pp. 3030-3043",2015,Aug. "Hiroyasu Mochizuki","Liquid Metal Heat Transfer under Low P?clet Number Conditions","The 16th International Topical Meeting on Nuclear Reactor Thermalhydraulics","Proceedings of NURETH-16",,,,"pp. 1020-1032",2015,Aug. "Hiroyasu Mochizuki","CFD application to thermal hydraulic problems in components","International Symposium on CFD Application to Nuclear Thermal-Hydraulics",,,,,,2015,June "Hiroyasu Mochizuki","Liquid metal heat transfer in heat exchangers under low flow rate conditions",,"Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology",,"Vol. 52","No. 6","pp. 821-828",2015,June "Takahiro Yano,Hiroyasu Mochizuki","A passive decay heat removal system for LWRs based on air cooling","The 23th International Conference on Nuclear Engineering (ICONE-23)","Proceedings of ICONE-23",,,,"pp. 1-9",2015,May "W.F.G. van Rooijen,Hiroyasu Mochizuki","Analysis of the EBR-II SHRT-45R Unprotected Loss of Flow experiment with ERANOS and RELAP",,"Science and Technology of Nuclear Installations",,"Vol. 2015",,"pp. 1-14",2015,Jan. "Hiroyasu Mochizuki,Takahiro Yano","A passive decay heat removal system for LWRs based on air cooling",,"Nuclear Engineering and Design",,"Vol. 286",,"pp. 139-149",2015, "U. Bieder,SK. Choi,H. Mochizuki,S. Monti,H. Ohira,I. Shvetsov,T. Sofu,A. Stanculescu,J.W. Thomas,A. Toti,K. Velusamy,Y. Xu,S. Yoshikawa","Benchmark Analyses of Sodium Natural Convection in the Upper Plenum of the Monju Reactor Vessel",,"IAEA-TECDOC-1754","IAEA",,,,2014,Nov. "Hiroyasu Mochizuki","Plant Transients under Small Abnormalities of FBR “Monju” Calculated by a Plant System Code",,"E-Journal of Advanced Maintenance",,"Vol. 6","No. 3","pp. 57-70",2014,Oct. "Hiroyasu Mochizuki","Dryout phenomena under low water level","International Workshop on Nuclear Safety and Severe Accident (NUSSA-2014)","Proc. of NUSSA-2014",,,,,2014,Sept. "Guillaume Grandjean,Willem F. G. van Rooijen,Yoichiro Shimazu,Hiroyasu Mochizuki","Reactivity Risk in PWR Spent Fuel Pools","International Conference PHYSOR 2014","Proceedings of PHYSOR 2014",,,,"pp. 1-16",2014,Sept. "Hiroyasu Mochizuki","A Decay Heat Removal System for a PWR based on Air Cooling","2014 International Congress on the Advances in Nuclear Power Plants (ICAPP 2014)","Proceedings of ICAPP 2014",,,,"pp. 212-219",2014,Apr. "Norihiro Kikuchi,Hiroyasu Mochizuki","Application of statistical method for FBR plant transient computation",,"Nuclear Engineering and Design",,"Vol. 266",,"pp. 89-99",2014, "Hiroyasu Mochizuki,Kohmei Muranaka,Takayuki Asai,W.F.G. van Rooijen","Benchmark Analyses for EBR-II Shutdown Heat Removal Tests SHRT-17 and SHRT-45R",,"Nuclear Engineering and Design",,"Vol. 275",,"pp. 312-321",2014, "Hiroyasu Mochizuki,Hiroki Yao","Analysis of thermal stratification in the upper plenum of the “Monju” reactor",,"Nuclear Engineering and Design",,"Vol. 270",,"pp. 48-59",2014, "T. Ishiguro,W.F.G. van Rooijen,Y. Shimazu,H. Mochizuki","Design of a passive residual heat removal system for the FUJI-233Um molten salt reactor system",,"Annals of Nuclear Energy",,"Vol. 64",,"pp. 398-407",2014, "W. Chang,P. Chellapandi,F. Cochem?,T.H. Fanning,P. Gauthe,K. Ha,H.Y. Jeong,N. Kikuchi,S. Li,L. Maas,K. Mikityuk,H. Mochizuki,S. Monti,K. Natesan,Partha U. Saratha,D. Pialla,I. Shvetsov,T. Sofu,A. Stanculescu,D. Tenchine,J.W. Thomas,A. Tori,A. Vasile,K. Velusamy","Benchmark Analysis on the Natural Circulation Test Performed During the PHENIX End-of-life Experiments",,"IAEA-TECDOC-1703","IAEA",,,,2013,July "Akio Gofuku,Makoto Takahashi,Takashi Nagamatsu,Hiroyasu Mochizuki,Hiroaki Furusawa,Hirotsugu Minowa","Hybrid diagnostic agent system for the fast-breeder reactor “Monju”",,"Nuclear Safety and Simulation",,"Vol. 4","No. 2","pp. 105-114",2013,June "Hiroyasu Mochizuki,Takayuki Shimizu","Detection of Abnormal Symptoms of FBR Through Plant Simulations","The 15th International Topical Meeting on Nuclear Reactor Thermal-Hydraulics (NURETH-15)","Proceedings of NURETH-15",,,,"pp. 1-12",2013,May "L. Briggs,C. Choi,W. Hu,L. Maas,W. Maschek,B. Merk,K. Mikityuk,H. Mochizuki,S. Monti,K. Morita,A. Del Nevo,H. Ohira,A. Petruzzi,U. Partha Sarathy,A. Shin,I. Shvetsov,M. Stempniewicz,G. Su,D. Sui,B. Truong","Benchmark analyses of the shutdown heat removal tests performed in the EBR-II reactor","International Conference on Fast Reactors and Related Fuel Cycles: Safe Technologies and Sustainable Scenarios (FR13)","Proceedings of FR13","IAEA",,,"pp. 1-8",2013,Mar. "Hiroki Yao,Jean Riberaud,Hiroyasu Mochizuki","CFD computation of thermal stratification in the upper plenum of Monju Reactor","International Conference on Fast Reactors and Related Fuel Cycles: Safe Technologies and Sustainable Scenarios (FR13)","Proceedings of FR13","IAEA",,,"pp. 1-10",2013,Mar. "H. Ohira,Y. Xu,U. Bieder,K. Velusamy,H. Mochizuki,S. Choi,Y. Shvetsov,T. Sofu,J. Thomas,S. Monti,S. Yoshikawa,A. Stanculescu","Benchmark Analyses of Sodium Natural Convection in the Upper Plenum of the MONJU Reactor Vessel","International Conference on Fast Reactors and Related Fuel Cycles: Safe Technologies and Sustainable Scenarios (FR13)","Proceeding of FR13","IAEA",,,"pp. 1-10",2013,Mar. "Hiroyasu Mochizuki,Norihiro Kikuchi,Simon Li","Computation of natural convection test at Phenix reactor using the NETFLOW++ code",,"Nuclear Engineering and Design",,"Vol. 262",,"pp. 1-11",2013,Jan. "D. Tenchine,D. Pialla,T.H. Fanning,J.W. Thomas,P. Chellapandi,Y. Shvetsov,L. Maas,H.Y. Jeong,K. Mikityuk,A. Chenu,H. Mochizuki,S. Monti","International benchmark on the natural convection test in Phenix reactor",,"Nuclear Engineering and Design",,"Vol. 258",,"pp. 189-198",2013, "K. Hirai,M. Takano,H. Mochizuki","Thermal-hydraulic CFD computation in an intermediate heat exchanger","International Symposium on Advanced Mechanical and Power Engineering (ISAMPE 2012)","Proc. of ISAMPE-2012",,," OB05",,2012,Nov. "K. Nakagawa,M. Takano,H. Mochizuki","Study of high?cycle thermal fatigue at a T-junction using 3D CFD analysis","International Symposium on Advanced Mechanical and Power Engineering (ISAMPE 2012)","Proc. of ISAMPE 2012",,," PB08",,2012,Nov. "Toshikazu Takeda,W.F.G. van Rooijen,Katsuhisa Yamaguchi,Masayoshi Uno,Yuji Arita,Hiroyasu Mochizuki","Study on Detailed Calculation and Experiment Methods of Neutronics, Fuel Materials, and Thermal Hydraulics for a Commercial Type Japanese Sodium-Cooled Fast Reactor",,"Science and Technology of Nuclear Installations",,"Vol. 2012",," 1-13",2012,Jan. "Hiroyasu Mochizuki","Plant Behavior of a Fast Breeder Reactor under Loss of AC Power for Long Period",,"Nuclear Engineering and Design",,"Vol. 245",,"pp. 19-27",2012,Jan. "Masahito Takano,Hiroyasu Mochizuki","Thermal-hydraulic analysis of water-water heat exchanger under low flow conditions using CFD code","The 14th International Topical Meeting on Nuclear Reactor Thermalhydraulics (NURETH-14)","Proceedings of NURETH-14",,,,"pp. 1-10",2011,Sept. "Hiroyasu Mochizuki,Masahito Takano,Hiroki Yao","Analysis of thermal stratification in the upper plenum of the “Monju” reactor vessel ?Effect of chamfer of flow hole on thermal stratification-","The 14th International Topical Meeting on Nuclear Reactor Thermalhydraulics (NURETH-14)","Proceedings of NURETH-14",,,,"pp. 1-10",2011,Sept. "Masahito Takano,Hiroyasu Mochizuki","CFD Flow Pattern Analysis on Primary-side of IHX for Fast Reactors","The 19th International Conference on Nuclear Engineering (ICONE-19)","Proceedings of ICONE-19",,,,"pp. 1-8",2011,May "Hiroyasu Mochizuki,Takateru Tsukamoto","Network analysis of turbine and feedwater systems of the ‘Fugen’ nuclear power plant",,"Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology",,"Vol. 48","No. 5","pp. 786-796",2011,May "Masahito Takano,Kohei Yoshikawa,Hiroyasu Mochizuki","CFD Analysis of the ATR Feedwater Piping to Investigate the Influence of the Number of Bends on Flow Field","The 19th International Conference on Nuclear Engineering (ICONE-19)","Proceeding of ICONE-19",,,,"pp. 1-9",2011,May "A. Okamoto,M. Takano,H. Mochizuki","Thermal-hydraulic analysis in an intermediate heat exchanger","International Symposium on Advanced Mechanical and Power Engineering (ISAMPE 2011)","Proc. of ISAMPE 2011",,,,"pp. 65-75",2011, "K. Yoshikawa,M. Takano,H. Mochizuki","CFD Analysis of the ATR Feedwater Piping to Investigate the Influence of the Number of Bends on Flow Field","International Symposium on Advanced Mechanical and Power Engineering (ISAMPE 2011)",,,,,"pp. 280-287",2011, "D. Nakamura,T. Shimizu,H. Mochizuki","Generation of abnormal transient process data of FBR by numerical analysis","International Symposium on Advanced Mechanical and Power Engineering (ISAMPE 2011)",,,,,"pp. 135-143",2011, "Hiroyasu Mochizuki","Heat transfer in intermediate heat exchanger under low flow rate conditions",,"Nuclear Technology",,"Vol. 170",,"pp. 90-99",2010,Apr. "Hiroyasu Mochizuki","Experience of Development of the Pressure-tube Type Reactor ATR","International Workshop “New Horizons in Nuclear Reactor Thermal Hydraulics and Safety”","Proceedings of International Workshop “New Horizons in Nuclear Reactor Thermal Hydraulics and Safety”",,,,"pp. 1-10",2010,Jan. "N. Kikuchi,H. Mochizuki","Simulation of the Natural Circulation Test Conducted at Ph?nix Reactor","International Symposium on Advanced Mechanical and Power Engineering (ISAMPE 2010)","Proc. of ISAMPE 2010",," B1-2",,,2010, "T. Shimizu,H. Mochizuki","Comparison Study on Decay Heat Removal Systems for Fast Reactor","International Symposium on Advanced Mechanical and Power Engineering (ISAMPE 2010)","Proc. of ISAMPE 2010",,," P12",,2010, "M. Takano,K. Yoshikawa,H. Mochizuki","CFD Analysis of the ATR Feedwater Piping to Investigate the Influence of the Number of Bends on Flow Field","International Symposium on Advanced Mechanical and Power Engineering (ISAMPE2010)","Proc. of ISAMPE 2010",," B3-2",,,2010, "S. Suzuki,H. Mochizuki","Experimental Study on Thermal-Hydraulics of an IHX under Low Flow Rate Conditions","International Symposium on Advanced Mechanical and Power Engineering (ISAMPE 2010)",,,," P13",,2010, "Hiroyasu Mochizuki","Development of the plant dynamics analysis code NETFLOW++",,"Nuclear Engineering and Design",,"Vol. 240",,"pp. 577-587",2010, "Hiroyasu Mochizuki","Calculation capability of NETFLOW++ code for natural circulation in sodium cooled fast reactor","International Conference on Fast Reactor and Related Fuel Cycles (FR09)","Proceedings of FR09","IAEA",,,"pp. 1-8",2009,Dec. "Hiroyasu Mochizuki","Code Validation for Decay Heat Removal using PRACS or DRACS in a Sodium Loop","GLOBAL 2009","Proceedings of GLOBAL 2009",,,,"pp. 1674-1681",2009,Sept. "Hiroyasu Mochizuki","Natural Circulation Characteristics in a Loop-Type LMFBR","The 13th International Topical Meeting on Nuclear Thermal Hydraulics (NURETH-13)","Proceedings of NURETH-13",,,,"pp. 1-12",2009,Sept. "Hiroyasu Mochizuki,Masahito Takano","Heat Transfer in Heat Exchangers of Sodium Cooled Fast Reactor Systems",,"Nuclear Engineering and Design",,"Vol. 239",,"pp. 295-307",2009,Jan. "Hiroyasu Mochizuki","Natural Circulation Characteristics in a Loop-Type LMFBR","International Symposium on Advanced Engineering (ISAE 2009)","Proc. of ISAE 2009",,,,"pp. 2001-2004",2009, "神田誠,梅田賢治,三宅修平,清水建男,一宮正和,山下清信,望月弘保,与能本泰介,岡芳明","原子力プラント工学",,,"オーム社",,,,2009, "H. Mochizuki,N. Kikuchi","Simulation of Decay Heat Removal Experiment with Sodium Loop using NETFLOW++ Code","International Symposium on Advanced Mechanical and Power Engineering (ISAMPE 2009)",,,,,,2009, "S. Kawagoe,H. Mochizuki","Experimental Study on Thermal-Hydraulics of an IHX for a Fast Reactor","International Symposium on Advanced Mechanical and Power Engineering (ISAMPE 2009)",,,,,,2009, "Hiroyasu Mochizuki","Simulation Capability of NETFLOW++ Code for Natural Circulation in the Experimental Fast Reactor ‘Joyo’","International Symposium on Advanced Mechanical and Power Engineering (ISAMPE 2009)",,,,,,2009, "Hiroyasu Mochizuki","Expansion of a Versatile Plant Dynamics Analysis Code And Validation using FBR Plant Data","Sixth Japan-Korea Symposium on Nuclear Thermal Hydraulics and Safety (NTHAS6)","Proceedings of NTHAS6",,,,"pp. 1-8",2008,Nov. "Hiroyasu Mochizuki","Development of the Plant Dynamics Analysis Code NETFLOW++","International Symposium on Advanced Mechanical and Power Engineering (ISAMPE 2008)","Proc. of ISAMPE 2008",,,,"pp. 188-202",2008, "Hiroyasu Mochizuki","Development of a Versatile Plant Simulation Code with PC","2007 International Congress on Advances in Nuclear Power Plants (ICAPP 2007)","Proceedings of ICAPP 2007",,,,"pp. 1-9",2007,May "Hiroyasu Mochizuki","Inter-subassembly Heat Transfer of Sodium Cooled Fast Reactors: Validation of the NETFLOW code",,"Nuclear Engineering and Design",,"Vol. 237",,"pp. 2040-2053",2007,Mar. "Hiroyasu Mochizuki","Verification of NETFLOW Code using Plant Data of Sodium Cooled Reactor and Facility",,"Nuclear Engineering and Design","JAEA","Vol. 237",,"pp. 87-93",2007,Mar. "Hiroyasu Mochizuki","Analysis of the Chernobyl Accident from 1:19:00 to the First Power Excursion",,"Nuclear Engineering and Design",,"Vol. 237",,"pp. 300-307",2007, "阿部宜之,望月弘保,その他73名","熱設計ハンドブック",,,"朝倉書店",,,,2006,June "S.B. Shimanskii,B.P. Strelkov,A.N. Anan'ev,A.M. Lyubishkin,T. Iijima,H. Mochizuki,Y. Kasai,K. Yokota,J. Kanazawa","Acoustic Method of Leak Detection using High-temperature Microphnos",,"Atomic Energy",,"Vol. 98","No. 2","pp. 89-96",2005,Feb. "Mochizuki Hiroyasu,T. Nagata","Knowledge Preservation Programme for Sodium-Cooled Fast Reactors in JNC","IAEA TM in IPPE",,,,,,2005, "T. Nagata,H. Mochizuki","Operational Experience in Fast Reactor Development","IAEA TM in IPPE",,,,,,2005, "Hiroyasu Mochizuki","Density Wave Oscillation Beyond Dryout under Forced Circulation",,"Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology",,"Vol. 38","No. 1","pp. 76-84",2001,Jan. "Hiroyasu Mochizuki,Sadao Satoh,Tadayoshi Koizumi,Mitsuo Sueyoshi,Kazuteru Naruo","Fuel Channel Inspection Equipment for RBMK Reactors",,"Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology",,"Vol. 38","No. 8","pp. 674-681",2001, "Hiroyasu Mochizuki","A Validation of ATR LOCA Thermal-hydraulic Code with a Statistical Approach",,"Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology",,"Vol. 37","No. 8","pp. 697-709",2000,Aug. "S. Shimanskii,B. Strelkov,H. Mochizuki,H. Takeda,Y. Kasai,F. Nakamura,Y. Morishita,A. Ananyev,V. Picos,A. Ljubishkin","Development of Leak Detection System for Piping Using High-Temperature Resistant Microphones ?(2): Multi-Channel Test-","The 8th International Conference on Nuclear Engineering (ICONE-8)","Proceedings of ICONE-8",,,,"pp. 1-11",2000,Apr. "H. Mochizuki,H. Takeda,Y. Kasai,F. Nakamura,Y. Morishita,B. Strelkov,S. Shimanskiy,V. Levedev,V. Vanukov","Development of Leak Detection System for Piping Using High-Temperature Resistant Microphones ?(1): Development of System-","The 8th International Conference on Nuclear Engineering (ICONE-8)","Proceeding of ICONE-8",,,,"pp. 1-9",2000,Apr. "Hiroyasu Mochizuki","Evaluation Method of Check-Valve Integrity during Sudden Closure Using Thermal-Hydraulic and Structural Analyses",,"Nuclear Engineering and Design",,"Vol. 200",,"pp. 273-284",2000, "Hiroyasu Mochizuki","Flow Pattern Induced Oscillation under Natural Circulation in Boiling Channels","The 9th International Topical Conference on Nuclear Reactor Thermal Hydraulics (NURETH-9)","Proceedings of NURETH-9",,,,"pp. 1-10",1999,Oct. "Hiroyasu Mochizuki","Response of a Water Filled Calandria Vessel to Pressure Tube Rupture","The 7th International Conference on Nuclear Engineering (ICONE-7)","Proceedings of ICONE-7",,,,"pp. 1-8",1999,Apr. "Hiroyasu Mochizuki","Response of a Water Filled Calandria Vessel to Explosion","The 7th International Conference on Nuclear Engineering (ICONE-7)",,,,,"pp. 1-7",1999,Apr. "Hiroaki Shimozaki,Katsuyuki Kumasaka,R.J. Hammersley,C.Y. Paik,Yukihiro Iguchi,Masutake Sotsu,Kouichi Mizuno,Hiroyasu Mochizuki","Investigation of Debris Jet Attack to Submerged Calandria and Pressure Tubes,","The 7th International Conference on Nuclear Engineering (ICONE-7)",,,,,"pp. 1-10",1999,Apr. "Hiroyasu Mochizuki,Masako Kishida","Network Calculation of System Integration Experiment with a Sodium Loop under Natural Circulation Condition","The 6th International Conference on Nuclear Engineering (ICONE-6)","Proceedings of ICONE-6",,,,"pp. 1-11",1998,May "Hiroyasu Mochizuki","Report on Code Validation for Selected Phenomena Relevant to RBMK Safety Analysis",,"RBMK-SC-058","IAEA",,,,1998, "Hiroyasu Mochizuki,Takashi Inada","Heat Removal Characteristics from a 36-rod Fuel Bundle in a Tube by Radiative Heat Transfer during LOCAs","International Topical Meeting on Nuclear Reactor Thermal-Hydraulics (NURETH-8)","Proceedings of NURETH-8",,"Vol. 3",,"pp. 1425-1431",1997,Sept. "Hiroyasu Mochizuki","Overview of Ablation Experiment of Water Cooled Pressure/Calandria Tubes by High Temperature Melt","The Accident Management and Simulation Symposium",,,,,,1997, "M. Kobori,N. Sakurai,H. Nishimura,H. Mochizuki,R. Takeuchi,M. Murata","Containment Behavior of the Fugen NPP","International Topical Meeting on Probabilistic Safety Assessment","Proceeding of PSA '96",,"Vol. III",,,1996,Sept. "Hiroyasu Mochizuki","Density Wave Oscillation Beyond Dryout Under Forced Circulation","The ASME/JSME 4th International Conference on Nuclear Engineering","Proceeding of the ICONE-4",,"Vol. 1-Part A",,"pp. 253-259",1996, "Hiroyasu Mochizuki","Jet Attack of Submerged Calandria and Pressure Tubes","Workshop on Severe Accident Research in Japan (SARJ-96)","Proc. of SARJ-96",,,,,1996, "M. Kobori,H. Nishimura,R. Taguchi,H. Mochizuki","Plant Response Analysis of Core Coolability of the Fugen by Heavy Water Moderator for the EOP","Probabilistic Safety Assessment Methodology and Applications","Proceedings of PSA '95",,"Vol. 1",,"pp. 222-227",1995,Nov. "Hiroyasu Mochizuki,Nobuhiro Kawamata","An Evaluation Method of Thermal Hydraulic Fluctuations for LOCA with the Statistical Method","The 3rd International Conference on Nuclear Engineering (ICONE-3)","Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Nuclear Engineering (ICONE-3)",,"Vol. S103-1",,"pp. 59-64",1995,Apr. "Yoshitsugu Morishita,Hiroyasu Mochizuki,Kenshiu Watanabe,Takahisa Nakamura,Yoshiaki Nakajima,Tatsuya Yamauchi","Development of Leak Detection System using High Temperature-Resistant Microphones",,"Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology",,"Vol. 32","No. 3","pp. 237-244",1995,Mar. "Hiroyasu Mochizuki,Yasuhiko Hirao","Development of Steam Separator Performance Analysis Code and Its Validation, (III) Validation of Code for Carryover",,"Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology",,"Vol. 31","No. 8","pp. 782-795",1994,July "Hiroyasu Mochizuki","Safety Research Relevant to Thermal Hydraulics of the Advanced Thermal Reactor (ATR), Advanced in Heavy Water Reactors",,"IAEA-TECDOC-738","IAEA",,,,1994,Mar. "Hiroyasu Mochizuki,Yukihiro Takabe","Study of Impulsive Pressure Response in a Tank","ASME 1994 Pressure Vessel and Piping Conference","Proceedings of PVP-Vol. 270",,"Vol. PVP-Vol.270",,"pp. 57-63",1994, "Hiroyasu Mochizuki,Mohammed A. Quaiyum","Contact Conductance between Cladding/Pressure Tube and Pressure Tube/ Calandria Tube of Advanced Thermal Reactor (ATR)",,"Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology",,"Vol. 31","No. 7","pp. 726-734",1994, "Hiroyasu Mochizuki","Flow Instabilities in Boiling Channels of Pressure-Tube-Type Reactor",,"Nuclear Engineering and Design",,"Vol. 149",,"pp. 269-277",1994, "Hiroyasu Mochizuki","Pressure Tube Rupture Issues in Advanced Thermal Reactor (ATR)","Topical Meeting on Multiple Pressure Tube Rupture Analysis in Channel Type Reactors",,,,,,1994, "H. Seino,X. Huang,O. Miyake,H. Mochizuki","OECD/CSNI International Standard Problem Number 34 (ISP-34) Calculation by CONTAIN Code at PNC","NEA/CSNI/R(94)","Proceedings of NEA/CSNI/R(94)",,,,"pp. 1-55",1994, "Hiroyasu Mochizuki,Yasuhiko Hirao","Development of ATR Type Steam Separator Performance Analysis Code and Its Validation, (II) Carryover Experiments",,"Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology",,"Vol. 30","No. 10","pp. 1059-1070",1993,Oct. "Hiroyasu Mochizuki","Inherent Safety of the Advanced Thermal Reactor (ATR) during Hypothetical Accidents","Workshop on Severe Accident Research in Japan (SARJ-93)","Proc. of SARJ-93",,,,,1993, "Hiroyasu Mochizuki,Mitsutaka Koike,Takaaki Sakai","Core Coolability of an ATR by Heavy Water Moderator in Situations Beyond Design Basis Accidents",,"Nuclear Engineering and Design",,"Vol. 144",,"pp. 293-303",1993, "Hiroyasu Mochizuki,Mitsutaka Koike,Takaaki Sakai","Core Coolability with Heavy Water Moderator of ATR in Situations beyond the Design Basis Accident","International Conference on Design and Safety of Advanced Nuclear Power Plant (ANP’92)","Proceedings of International Conference on Design and Safety of Advanced Nuclear Power Plant (ANP’92)",,,,"pp. 25.4-1 ? 25.4-7",1992,Oct. "Yoshitaka Hayamizu,Hiroyasu Mochizuki,N. Kawamata,T. Mano,H. Asami","Development of SIRA to Predict Thermal-Hydraulics with Sudden Decrease of Channel Flow Rate","International Conference on Design and Safety of Advanced Nuclear Power Plant (ANP’92)","Proceedings of the International Conference on Design and Safety of Advanced Nuclear Power Plant (ANP’92)",,,,"pp. 25.5-1?25.5-7",1992,Oct. "Hiroyasu Mochizuki,Yuji Ishii","Study of Thermalhydraulics Relevant to Natural Circulation in ATR","The 5th International Topical Meeting on Nuclear Reactor Thermal Hydraulics (NURETH-5)","Proceedings of the 5th International Topical Meeting on Nuclear Reactor Thermal Hydraulics (NURETH-5)",,,,"pp. 127-134",1992,Sept. "Hiroyasu Mochizuki","Experimental and Analytical Studies of Flow Instabilities in Pressure Tube Type Heavy Water Reactors",,"Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology",,"Vol. 29","No. 1","pp. 50-67",1992,Jan. "Hiroyasu Mochizuki,Yasuhiko Hirao","Development of ATR Type Steam Separator Performance Analysis Code and Its Validation, (I) Carryunder Characteristics",,"Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology",,"Vol. 28","No. 12","pp. 1078-1089",1991,Dec. "Y. Morishita,H. Mochizuki,K. Watanabe,T. Nakamura,Y. Nakajima,T. Yamauchi","Development of a Leak Detection System using High Temperature-Resistant Microphone","The 1st JSME/SAME Joint International Conference on Nuclear Engineering (ICONE-1)","Proceedngs of the 1st JSME/SAME Joint International Conference on Nuclear Engineering (ICONE-1)",,,,"pp. 129-134",1991,Nov. "Hiroyasu Mochizuki","Development of a Steam Separator Performance Analysis Code","The International Conference on Multiphase Flows '91 Tsukuba","Proceedings of the International Conference on Multiphase Flows '91 Tsukuba",,,,"pp. 449-452",1991,Sept. "Y. Morishita,I. Matsushita,H. Mochizuki,Y. Hayamizu","Development of an Analytical Method to Evaluate the Integrity of Calandria Tube in the Case of Pressure Tube Rupture","11th Annual Conference of CNS","Proceedings of 11th Annual Conference of CNS",,,,"pp. 4.9 ? 4.14",1990,June "速水義孝,菅原悟,望月弘保","ATR熱流動解析",,"日本原子力学会誌",,"Vol. 31","No. 12","pp. 1343-1354",1989,Dec. "Hiroyasu Mochizuki,Yoshitaka Hayamizu","Development of Transient Analysis Code for Primary Cooling System Coupled with Reactor Auxiliary cooling Systems","3rd International Topical Meeting on Nuclear Power Plant Thermal Hydraulics and Operations","Proceedings of 3rd International Topical Meeting on Nuclear Power Plant Thermal Hydraulics and Operations",,,,"pp. A3-65 ? A3-72",1988,Nov. "Hiroyasu Mochizuki,Yoshitaka Hayamizu","Reflooding Phenomena during ECCS Operation","9th Annual Conference of CNS","Proceedings of 9th Annual Conference of CNS",,,,"pp. 83-88",1988,June "Yoshitaka Hayamizu,Hiroyasu Mochizuki,Hiroshi Midorikawa","Development of the LOCA Analysis Code of the ATR","8th Annual Conference of CNS,","Proceedings of 8th Annual Conference of CNS,",,,,"pp. 111-115",1987, "Michio Ishikawa,Shusaku Shiozawa,Toshio Wakabayashi,Nobuaki Ohnishi,Hiroyasu Mochizuki","An Examination of the Accident Scenario in the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Station",,"Nuclear Safety",,"Vol. 28","No. 4","pp. 448-454",1987, "Toshio Wakabayashi,Hiroyasu Mochizuki,Hiroshi Midorikawa,Yoshitaka Hayamizu,Tanemichi Kitahara","Analysis of the Chernobyl Reactor Accident (I) Nuclear and Thermal Hydraulic Characteristics and Follow-up Calculation of the Accident",,"Nuclear Engineering and Design",,"Vol. 103",,"pp. 151-164",1987, "Hiroyasu Mochizuki,Kiminori Shiba","Characteristics of Natural Circulation in the ATR Plant","2nd International Topical Meeting on Nuclear Power Plant Thermal Hydraulics and Operations","Proceedings of 2nd International Topical Meeting on Nuclear Power Plant Thermal Hydraulics and Operations",,,,"pp. 5-132 ? 5-139",1986,Apr. "Hiroyasu Mochizuki,Tanemichi Kitahara","Development of Liquid Poison Rapid Injection (LPRI) System (Flow Characteristics)","5th Annual Conference of CNS","Proceedings of 5th Annual Conference of CNS",,,,"pp. 54-60",1984,June "青木成文,井上晃,望月弘保","水蒸気-空気混合気体の氷面への凝縮熱伝達",,"日本機械学会論文集(B編)",,"Vol. 45","No. 391","pp. 361-369",1979, "青木成文,井上晃,望月弘保","アイスコンデンサー内の凝縮熱伝達に関する研究",,"冷凍",,"Vol. 53","No. 603","pp. 3-10",1978, "望月弘保","アイスコンデンサー内の凝縮熱伝達に関する研究",,,,,,,,