"Deng Z.,Yang Y.,Suzuki K.","Federated Active Learning Framework for Efficient Annotation Strategy in Skin-Lesion Classification",,"Journal of Investigative Dermatology",,"vol. 145","no. 2","pp. 303-311",2025,Feb. "Kodera S.,Mohammad C.S.,Jin Z.,Watadani T.,Abe O.,Suzuki K.","Super-efficient AI for lung nodule classification in CT based on small-data massive-training artificial neural network (MTANN)","Scientific Assembly and Annual Meeting of Radiological Society of North America (RSNA 2024)",,,,,,2024,Dec. "Deng Z.,Jin Z.,Suzuki K.","Dual-domain MTANN for virtual high-dose imaging in digital breast tomosynthesis (DBT)","Scientific Assembly and Annual Meeting of Radiological Society of North America (RSNA 2024)",,,,,,2024,Dec. "Qu T.,Yang Y.,Jin Z.,Suzuki K.","Annotation-free AI learning of lung nodule segmentation in CT using weakly-supervised Massive -training Artificial neural networks","Scientific Assembly and Annual Meeting of Radiological Society of North America (RSNA 2024)",,,,,,2024,Dec. "Yuan T.,Jin Z.,Tokuda Y.,Tomiyama N.,Naoi Y.,Suzuki K.","Forecast of genetic assessments for tumor response to chemotherapy only with pretherapeutic breast MRI by means of radiogenomic imaging biomarker scheme","Scientific Assembly and Annual Meeting of Radiological Society of North America (RSNA 2024)",,,,,,2024,Dec. "Zhang C.,Jin Z.,Hori M.,Sofue K.,Murakami T.,Suzuki K.","AI-aided diagnostic system providing explanations in LI-RADS language in liver cancer diagnosis using MRI","Scientific Assembly and Annual Meeting of Radiological Society of North America (RSNA 2024)",,,,,,2024,Dec. "Dai P.,Ou Y.,Yang Y.,Liu D.,Hashimoto M.,Jinzaki M.,Miyake M.,Suzuki K.","SaSaMIM: Synthetic Anatomical Semantics-Aware Masked Image Modeling for Colon Tumor Segmentation in Non-contrast Abdominal Computed Tomography","The 27th International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention (MICCAI 2024)","Lecture notes in computer science, LNCS",,"Vol. 15011",,"pp. 567?578",2024,Oct. "Rahmaniar W,Deng Z.,Yang Y.,Jin Z.,Suzuki K.","Decentralized Diagnostics: The Role of Federated Learning in Modern Medical Imaging",,"Advances in Intelligent Disease Diagnosis and Treatment","Springer",,,"pp. 223-239",2024,Sept. "Cunyuan Ji,Kengo Oshima,Takumi Urata,Fumikazu Kimura,Keiko Ishii,Takeshi Uehara,Kenji Suzuki,Saori Takeyama,Masahiro Yamaguchi","Predicting the Ki-67 labeling index of endometrioid cancer from the hematoxylin-and-eosin-stained whole slide image","第22回日本デジタルパソロジー・AI研究会 定時総会",,,,," E2",2024,Aug. "Cunyuan Ji,Kengo Oshima,Takumi Urata,Fumikazu Kimura,Keiko Ishii,Takeshi Uehara,Kenji Suzuki,Saori Takeyama,Masahiro Yamaguchi","Transformation from Hematoxylin-and-eosin Staining to Ki-67 Immunohistochemistry Digital Staining Images Using Deep Learning: Experimental Validation on the Labeling Index",,"Journal of Medical Imaging",,"Vol. 11","Issue 4"," 047501",2024,July "Kenji Suzuki","Reduction of Radiation Dose in Full-Field Digital Mammography (FFDM) With Massive-Training Artificial Neural Network","11th Global Insight Conference on Breast Cancer 2024",,,,,,2024,June "Yuqiao Yang,Ze Jin,Fumihiko Nakatani,Mototaka Miyake,Kenji Suzuki","“Small-data” Patch-wise Multi-dimensional Output Deep-learning for Rare Cancer Diagnosis in MRI under Limited Sample-size Situation","21st IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI 2024)",,,,,,2024,May "Samala R. K.,Drukker K.,Shukla-Dave A.,Chan H. P.,Sahiner B.,Petrick N.,Greenspan H.,Mahmood U.,Summers R. M.,Tourassi G.,Deserno T. M.,Regge D.,Nappi J. J.,Yoshida H.,Huo Z.,Chen Q.,Vergara D.,Cha K. H.,Mazurchuk R.,Grizzard K. T.,Huisman H.,Morra L.,Suzuki K.,Armato III S. G.,Hadjiiski L.","AI and machine learning in medical imaging: key points from development to translation",,"BJR Artificial Intelligence",,"Vol. 1","No. 1",,2024,Apr. "井原拓哉,脇智彦,藤田浩二,Li Chenggeer,Ze Jin,押部弘子,鈴木賢治","スモールデータ深層学習を用いた単純X 線画像での舟状骨骨折検知AI システムの開発","2023年度生体医歯工学共同研究拠点成果報告会",,,,,,2024,Mar. "Mahmood U.,Shukla-Dave A.,Chan H. P.,Drukker K.,Samala R. K.,Chen Q.,Vergara D.,Greenspan H.,Petrick N.,Sahiner B.,Huo Z.,Summers R. M.,Cha K. H.,Tourassi G.,Deserno T. M.,Grizzard K. T.,Nappi J. J.,Yoshida H.,Regge D.,Mazurchuk R.,Suzuki K.,Morra L.,Huisman H.,Armato,III S. G.,Hadjiiski L.","Artificial intelligence in medicine: mitigating risks and maximizing benefits via quality assurance, quality control, and acceptance testing",,"BJR Artificial Intelligence",,"Vol. 1","No. 1",,2024,Mar. "染谷健太郎,小寺昇冴,押部弘子,??,鈴木賢治","CTにおける複数のMTANNを組み合わせた肺結節のセグメンテーション","メディカルイメージング連合フォーラム2024",,,,,,2024,Mar. "Kodera S.,Rahmaniar W.,Oshibe H.,Jin Z.,Watadani T.,Abe O.,Suzuki K.","Super-Efficient Lung Nodule Classification Using Massive-Training Artificial Neural Network (MTANN) Compact Model on LIDC-IDRI Database","2024 6th International Conference on Image, Video and Signal Processing (IVSP 2024)",,,,,,2024,Mar. "Pavarut S.,Preedanan W.,Kumazawa I.,Suzuki K.,Kobayashi M.,Tanaka H.,Ishioka J.,Matsuoka Y.,Fujii Y.","Improving Kidney Tumor Classification With Multi-Modal Medical Images Recovered Partially by Conditional CycleGAN",,"IEEE Access",,"Vol. 11",,"pp. 146250-146261",2023,Dec. "Jin Z.,Pang M.,Qu T.,Oshibe H.,Sasage R.,Suzuki K.","Feature Map Visualization for Explaining Black-Box Deep Learning Model in Liver Tumor Segmentation","Scientific Assembly and Annual Meeting of Radiological Society of North America (RSNA)",,,,,,2023,Nov. "Yang S.,Xiang M.,Qu T.,Jin Z.,Suzuki K.","Reconstruction of Fast Acquisition MRI with Under-sampled K-space Data by Using Massive-Training Artificial Neural Networks (MTANNs)","Scientific Assembly and Annual Meeting of Radiological Society of North America (RSNA)",,,,,,2023,Nov. "Yang Y.,Jin Z.,Nakatani F.,Miyake M.,Suzuki K.","Development of a small-data deep-learning model based on an MTANN for soft tissue sarcoma diagnosis in MRI","Scientific Assembly and Annual Meeting of Radiological Society of North America (RSNA)",,,,,,2023,Nov. "Yang Y.,Jin Z.,Suzuki K.","Federated learning - Game changing AI concept to train AI without sending patient data out from hospitals","Scientific Assembly and Annual Meeting of Radiological Society of North America (RSNA)",,,,,,2023,Nov. "Sirisanwannakul K.,Siripool N.,Suzuki K.,Kongprawechnon W.,Karnjana J.","Detection and Correction of Defective Relative Humidity Data Collected from the Greenhouse Environment Using Nested Kalman Filters with Standard Deviation Analysis","2023 Asia Pacific Signal and Information Processing Association Annual Summit and Conference (APSIPA ASC 2023)",,,,,,2023,Oct. "Ze Jin,Maolin Pang,Yuqiao Yang,Fahad Parvez Mahdi,Tianyi Qu,Ren Sasage,Kenji Suzuki","Explaining Massive-Training Artificial Neural Networks in Medical Image Analysis Task Through Visualizing Functions Within the Models","The 26th International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention (MICCAI 2023)","Lecture notes in computer science, LNCS",,,,,2023,Oct. "Kenji Suzuki","ROC-Score-Based Ensemble Training for Multiple Deep Learning Modules in Classification between Polyps and Non-Polyps in CT Colonography","2023 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (IEEE SMC)",,,,,,2023,Oct. "Kenji Suzuki","Small-data AI and Its Applications to Diagnostic Aid and Virtual AI Imaging","the 4th International Conference on Medical Imaging and Computer-Aided Diagnosis (MICAD 2023)",,,,,,2023,Sept. "Wahyu Rahmaniar,Kenji Suzuki,Ting-Lan Lin","Auto-CA: Automated Cobb Angle Measurement Based on Vertebrae Detection for Assessment of Spinal Curvature Deformity",,"IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering",,"Vol. 71","no. 2","pp. 640-649",2023,Sept. "Kenji Suzuki","Small-Data Deep Learning for Computer-Aided Diagnosis for Rare Diseases","55th Advanced Materials Congress",,,,,,2023,Aug. "Yang Y.,Jin Z.,Nakatani F.,Miyake M.,Suzuki K.","AI-aided Diagnosis of Rare Soft-Tissue Sarcoma by Means of Massive-Training Artificial Neural Network (MTANN)","45th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC 2023)",,,,,,2023,July "Yang S.,Xiang M.,Qu T.,Jin Z.,Suzuki K.","Under-sampled Image Reconstruction in Fast Acquisition MRI with Massive-Training Artificial Neural Networks (MTANNs) Deep Learning Approach","45th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC 2023)",,,,,,2023,July "Pang M.,Jin Z.,Qu T.,Mahdi F. P.,Sasage R.,Suzuki K.","Functional Model Visualization for Explaining Massive-Training Artificial Neural Network for Liver Tumor Segmentation","45th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (IEEE EMBC 2023)",,,,,,2023,July "Tomoyuki Shishido,Yasuhiro Ono,Itsuo Kumazawa,Ichiro Iwai,kenji suzuki","Artificial intelligence model substantially improves stratum corneum moisture content prediction from visible-light skin images and skin feature factors",,"Skin Research and Technology",,"Vol. 29","Issue 8",,2023,July "Deng Z.,Jin Z.,Suzuki K.","Radiation Dose Reduction in Digital Breast Tomosynthesis by MTANN with Multi-scale Kernels","45th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC 2023)",,,,,,2023,July "Kenji Suzuki","AI-aided Diagnosis and Virtual AI Imaging with Small-Data Deep Learning","The Fifteenth International Conference on eHealth, Telemedicine, and Social Medicine (eTELEMED 2023)",,,,,,2023,Apr. "Xu L.,Mahdi F. P.,Jin Z.,Noguchi Y.,Murata M.,Suzuki K.","Generating simulated fluorescence images for enhancing proteins from optical microscopy images of cells using massive-training artificial neural networks","SPIE Medical Imaging (SPIE MI)","Proceedings of SPIE",,,,,2023,Apr. "Wongsakorn Preedanan,Kenji Suzuki,Toshiaki Kondo,Masaki Kobayashi,Hajime Tanaka,Junichiro Ishioka,Yoh Matsuoka,Yasuhisa Fujii,Itsuo Kumazawa","Urinary Stones Segmentation in Abdominal X-Ray Images Using Cascaded U-Net Pipeline with Stone-Embedding Augmentation and Lesion-Size Reweighting Approach",,"IEEE Access",,"vol. 11",,"pp. 25702-25712",2023,Mar. "Kenji Suzuki","Deep Residual Massive-Training Artificial Neural Network for Image Denoising","2023 5th International Conference on Image, Video and Signal Processing (IVSP 2023)",,,,,,2023,Mar. "Wan Azani Mustafa,Kenji Suzuki","Special Issue: Editorial Board Members’ Collection Series in “Computer-Aided Diagnosis and Prognosis of Diseases"",,"Diagnostics","MDPI",,,,2023,Mar. "Zhipeng Deng,Ze Jin,Kenji Suzuki","Radiation Dose Reduction in Digital Breast Tomosynthesis (DBT) by Means of Multi-scale-Kernel Massive-Training Artificial Neural Network (MTANN) for Generating Virtual High-Dose Images","European Congress of Radiology (ECR 2023)",,,,,,2023,Mar. "Giacinto Barresi,Sabrina Cipolletta,Andreas Triantafyllidis,Kenji Suzuki","Special issue: Intelligent Systems for One Digital Health",,"International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health","MDPI",,,,2023,Feb. "Kenji Suzuki,Jos? Machado","Special Issue: Feature Papers for AI",,"AI","MDPI",,,,2023, "鈴木賢治","国プロによる医療AIの先端開発の現況と展望","第63回日本肺癌学会学術集会",,,,,,2022,Dec. "Kenji Suzuki","AI Doctor for Diagnostic Aid and Medical AI Imaging with Deep Learning","2022 5th Artificial Intelligence and Cloud Computing Conference (AICCC 2022)",,,,,,2022,Dec. "Lubomir Hadjiiski,Kenny Cha,Heang-Ping Chan,Karen Drukker,Lia Morra,Janne J. N?ppi,Berkman Sahiner,Hiroyuki Yoshida,Quan Chen,Thomas M. Deserno,Hayit Greenspan,Henkjan Huisman,Zhimin Huo,Richard Mazurchuk,Nicholas Petrick,Daniele Regge,Ravi Samala,Ronald M. Summers,Kenji Suzuki,Georgia Tourassi,Daniel Vergara,Samuel G. Armato III","AAPM task group report 273: Recommendations on best practices for AI and machine learning for computer-aided diagnosis in medical imaging",,"Medical Physics",,"Vol. 50","Issue 2"," e1-e24",2022,Dec. "Kenji Suzuki","Small Data Deep Learning in AI-aided Medical Image Diagnosis","The Twelfth International Conference on Ambient Computing, Applications, Services and Technologies (AMBIENT 2022)",,,,,,2022,Nov. "Kenji Suzuki","AI Doctor and Medical AI Imaging with Deep Learning","The 6th International Conference on Computing and Applied Informatics 2022 (ICCAI 2022)",,,,,,2022,Nov. "Jingyi You,Dongyuan Li,Manabu Okumura,Kenji Suzuki","JPG - Jointly Learn to Align: Automated Disease Prediction and Radiology Report Generation,","The 29th International Conference on Computational Linguistics(COLING 2022)",,,,,,2022,Oct. "Kenji Suzuki","AI-aided Diagnosis and Virtual AI Imaging in Medicine","2022 3rd International Symposium on Artificial Intelligence for Medicine Sciences(ISAIMS 2022)",,,,,,2022,Oct. "Zhipeng Deng,Yuqiao Yang,Ze Jin,Kenji Suzuki","FedAL: An Federated Active Learning Framework for Ef?cient Labeling in Skin Lesion Analysis","International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (IEEE SMC 2022)",,,,,,2022,Oct. "Wongsakorn Preedanan,Kenji Suzuki,Kondo T.,Kobayashi M.,Tanaka H.,Ishioka J.,Matsuoka Y.,Fujii Y.,Itsuo Kumazawa","Improvement of Urinary Stone Segmentation Using GAN-Based Urinary Stones Inpainting Augmentation",,"IEEE Access",,"vol. 10",,"pp. 115131-115142",2022,Oct. "Kenji Suzuki","AI Doctor and Smart Medical Imaging with Deep Learning","2022 International Conference on Cloud Computing, Big Data Application and Software Engineering (CBASE 2022)",,,,,,2022,Sept. "Ze Jin,Taiguang Yuan,Yukiko Tokuda,Yasuto Naoi,Noriyuki Tomiyama,Kenji Suzuki","Radiomics: Approach to Precision Medicine",,"Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning for Healthcare","Springer",,,"pp. 17-29",2022,Sept. "Kenji Suzuki","AI-aided Diagnostic Systems and Virtual AI Imaging in Medicine","the 26th International Conference on Knowledge Based and Intelligent information and Engineering Systems (KES2022)",,,,,,2022,Sept. "小林正貴,松岡陽,上原翔,田中一,吉田宗一郎,横山みなと,河野友亮,川野圭三,酒井康之,藤原基裕,川村尚子,奥野哲男,鈴木賢治,熊澤逸夫,藤井靖久","ディープラーニングを用いたKUBにおける上部尿路結石自動診断技術の開発",,"日本泌尿器科学会東部総会プログラム・抄録集",,"Vol. 86",,"pp. 176",2022,Sept. "Yuqiao Yang,Ze Jin,Kenji Suzuki","Federated Tumor Segmentation with Patch-wise Deep Learning Model","25th International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted InterventionInternational (MICCAI) Workshop on machine learning in medical imaging (MLMI)",,,,,,2022,Sept. "Jon Krohn,鈴木賢治,清水美樹","Python, TensorFlowで実践する深層学習入門 しくみの理解と応用",,"Python, TensorFlowで実践する深層学習入門 しくみの理解と応用","東京化学同人",,,"pp. 304",2022,Sept. "Kenji Suzuki","Small data deep learning for lung cancer detection and diagnosis in CT","IEEE International Conference on Big Data Computing Service and Machine Learning Applications (IEEE BigDataService 2022),","Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Big Data Computing Service and Machine Learning Applications (IEEE BigDataService 2022)",,,,,2022,Aug. "Yuqiao Yang,Ze Jin,Kenji Suzuki","Federated Learning Coupled with Massive-Training Artificial Neural Networks in Tumor Segmentation in CT Images.","The 44th International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC 2022)",,,,,,2022,July "Wang L.,Qi J.,Cheng J.,Kenji Suzuki","Action unit detection by exploiting spatial-temporal and label-wise attention with transformer","The IEEE / CVF Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Conference (CVPR), 3rd Workshop and Competition on Affective Behavior Analysis in-the-wild (ABAW 2022)","Proceedings of 3rd Workshop and Competition on Affective Behavior Analysis in-the-wild (ABAW 2022)",,,,,2022,June "Kenji Suzuki","Generating simulated higher-dose CT images from ultra-low-dose CT images by means of massive-training artificial neural networks","IUPESM World Congress on Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering (IUPESM WC2022)",,,,,,2022,June "鈴木賢治","米国におけるAI画像診断","第81回日本医学放射線学会総会",,,,,,2022,Apr. "鈴木賢治","医用画像処理における深層学習",,"先進医療NAVIGATOR 医療とAI最前線","日本医学出版",,,"pp. 8-10",2022,Feb. "Kenji Suzuki","Computerized Detection of Lesions in Diagnostic Images with Early Deep Learning Models",,"Machine and Deep Learning in Oncology, Medical Physics and Radiology","Springer, Cham",,,"pp. 175-204",2022,Feb. "鈴木賢治","スモールデータ深層学習による医用画像診断支援",,"Precision Medicine","北隆館","vol. 5","No. 1","pp. 90-92",2022,Jan. "Kenji Suzuki","Artificial Intelligence for Medical Image Processing and Diagnosis","4th Artificial Intelligence and Cloud Computing Conference (AICCC 2021)",,,,,,2021,Dec. "Xiang M.,Jin Z.,Suzuki K.","Massive-Training Artificial Neural Network (MTANN) for Image Quality Improving in Fast-Acquisition MRI of the Knee","The 6th International Symposium on Biomedical Engineering (ISBE2021)",,,,,,2021,Dec. "Onai Y.,Mahdi F. P.,Jin Z.,Suzuki K.","Virtual High-Radiation-Dose Image Generation from Low-Radiation-Dose Image in Digital Breast Tomosynthesis (DBT) Using Massive-Training Artificial Neural Network (MTANN)","The 6th International Symposium on Biomedical Engineering (ISBE2021)",,,,,,2021,Dec. "Sato M.,Yang Y.,Jin Z.,Suzuki K.","Segmentation of Liver Tumor in Hepatic CT by Using MTANN Deep Learning with Small Training Dataset Size","The 6th International Symposium on Biomedical Engineering (ISBE2021)",,,,,,2021,Dec. "Kenji Suzuki","AI Doctor and Smart Medical Imaging with Deep Learning","6th International Conference on Computational Intelligence in Data Mining (ICCIDM 2021)",,,,,,2021,Dec. "Kenji Suzuki","Intelligent Medical Image Processing and Analysis with Deep Learning","The 6th International Conference on Communication, Image and Signal Processing (CCISP 2021)",,,,,,2021,Nov. "Kenji Suzuki","Deep Learning in Medical Image Processing and Computer-Aided Diagnosis",,"Biomedical Engineering","Jenny Stanford Publishing",,,"pp. 297-318",2021,Nov. "Wang L.,Wang S.,Qi J.,Suzuki K.","A Multi-task Mean Teacher for Semi-supervised Facial Affective Behavior Analysis","2021 IEEE/CVF International Conference on Computer Vision Workshops (ICCVW)",,,,,,2021,Oct. "Kobayashi M.,Ishioka J.,Matsuoka Y.,Fukuda Y.,Kohno Y.,Kawano K.,Morimoto S.,Muta R.,Fujiwara M.,Kawamura N.,Okuno T.,Yoshida S.,Yokoyama M.,Suda R.,Saiki R.,Suzuki K.,Kumazawa I.,Fujii Y.","Computer-aided diagnosis with a convolutional neural network algorithm for automated detection of urinary tract stones on plain X-ray",,"BMC Urology",,"Vol. 21",,,2021,Aug. "鈴木賢治","深層学習による医用画像診断支援",,"BIO Clinica","北隆館","Vol. 36","No. 7","pp. 92-94",2021,July "Kenji Suzuki","Artificial intelligence for medical image diagnosis","KES International Conference on Innovation in Medicine and Healthcare (KES-InMed-21)",,,,,,2021,June "Kenji Suzuki","Artificial Intelligence for Virtual Medical Imaging for Accurate Diagnosis","Advanced Materials Congress",,,,,,2021,May "Kenji Suzuki","Artificial Intelligence in Computer-aided Diagnosis and Medical Image Processing","The 2021 Artificial Intelligence, Big Data and Algorithms (CAIBDA 2021)",,,,,,2021,May "Kenji Suzuki","Artificial Intelligence for Virtual Medical Imaging for Accurate Diagnosis","Video Proceedings of Advanced Materials",,,"Vol. 2",,,2021,May "Xiang M.,Jin Z.,Suzuki K.","Massive-Training Artificial Neural Network (MTANN) with Special Kernel for Artifact Reduction In Fast-Acquisition MRI of the Knee","2021 IEEE 18th International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI)",,,,,"pp. 1210-1213",2021,May "Sato M.,Jin Z.,Suzuki K.","Semantic Segmentation of Liver Tumor in Contrast-enhanced Hepatic CT by Using Deep Learning with Hessian-based Enhancer with Small Training Dataset Size","2021 IEEE 18th International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI)",,,,,"pp. 34-37",2021,May "Onai Y.,Jin Z.,Suzuki K.","Generation of Virtual High-Radiation-Dose Images from Low-Dose Images in Digital Breast Tomosynthesis (DBT) with Massive-Training Artificial Neural Network (MTANN)","European Congress of Radiology 2021",,,,,,2021,Mar. "Xiang M.,Jin Z.,Suzuki K.","Fast Acquisition MRI of the Knee by Means of Massive-Training Artificial Neural Network (MTANN) with Special Kernel","European Congress of Radiology 2021",,,,,,2021,Mar. "Sato M.,Jin Z.,Suzuki K.","Small-Training-Set Deep Learning for Semantic Segmentation of Liver Tumors in Contrast-enhanced Hepatic CT","European Congress of Radiology 2021",,,,,,2021,Mar. "鈴木賢治","ディープラーニングによる検診のためのAI支援画像診断と医用画像処理","第28回日本CT検診学会学術集会",,,,,,2021,Feb. "Kenji Suzuki","Special Issue: Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence",,"AI","MDPI",,,,2020,Dec. "Taiguang Yuan,Ze Jin,Yukiko Tokuda,Yasuto Naoi,Noriyuki Tomiyama,Takashi Obi,Kenji Suzuki","Prediction of Genetically-Evaluated Tumour Responses to Chemotherapy from Breast MRI using Machine Learning with Model Selection",,"Journal of Physics: Conference Series",,"vol. 1780",,,2020,Oct. "鈴木賢治","スモールデータ深層学習とその医用画像処理・診断支援への応用",,"医学のあゆみ",,"Vol. 274","No. 9","pp. 737-742",2020,Aug. "鈴木賢治","深層学習による医用画像処理と診断支援",,"Precision Medicine","北隆館","vol. 3","No. 5","pp. 87-91",2020,May "Kenji Suzuki","AI: A New Open Access Journal for Artificial Intelligence",,"AI",,,,,2020,Mar. "鈴木賢治","大規模学習ニューラルネット(MTANN)",,"医療AIとディープラーニングシリーズ 2020-2021年版 はじめての医用画像ディープラーニング ?基礎・応用・事例?","オーム社",,,"pp. 67-69",2020,Mar. "Onai Y.,Jin Z.,Obi T.,Suzuki K.","Neural Network Convolution (NNC) Deep Learning for Radiation Dose Reduction in Digital Breast Tomosynthesis (DBT)",,"Proceedings of Annual Meeting of Research Center for Biomedical Engineering 2019",,,,,2020,Feb. "Taiguang Yuan,Ze Jin,Tokuda Y.,Naoi Y.,Tomiyama N.,Kenji Suzuki","MR Imaging biomarkers for Prediction of Genetic Assessment for Breast Cancer Recurrence: A Radiogenomics Study","IEICE Technical Committee on Medical Imaging (MI)","IEICE Technical Report",,,,"pp. 227-230",2020,Jan. "鈴木賢治","医用画像システム",,"JMAI Letter",,"Vol. 2",,"pp. 53-54",2020, "Mart?nez-Garc?a M.,Zhang Y.,Kenji Suzuki,Zhang Y.","Deep Recurrent Entropy Adaptive Model for System Reliability Monitoring",,"IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics",,"Vol. 17","No. 2","pp. 839-848",2020, "Zarshenas A.,Suzuki K.","Deep Learning for Medical Image Processing: Bones and Soft Tissue Separation in Chest Radiographs",,"Lung Cancer and Imaging","IOP Publishing",,,,2019,Dec. "Zhao Y.,Zarshenas A.,Higaki T.,Awai K.,Suzuki K.","Radiation dose reduction in chest CT at a micro-dose (mD) level by noise simulation and noise-specific anatomic neural network convolution (NNC) deep-learning (DL) with K-means clustering","Scientific Assembly and Annual Meeting of Radiological Society of North America (RSNA)",,,,,,2019,Nov. "Taiguang Yuan,Ze Jin,Tokuda Y.,Naoi Y.,Tomiyama N.,Kenji Suzuki","Discovery of MR Imaging Biomarkers for Prediction of Pathological Complete Responses to Chemotherapy for Breast Cancer","The 4th International Symposium on Biomedical Engineering (ISBE2019)","Proceeding of 4th International Symposium on Biomedical Engineering (ISBE2019)",,,,,2019,Nov. "Yuchen Wang,Ze Jin,Tokuda Y.,Naoi Y.,Tomiyama N.,Kenji Suzuki","Neural Network Convolution Deep Learning for Semantic Segmentation of Breast Tumor in MRI","The 4th International Symposium on Biomedical Engineering (ISBE2019)","Proceeding of 4th International Symposium on Biomedical Engineering (ISBE2019)",,,,"pp. 286-287",2019,Nov. "Greenspan H.,Tanno R.,Erdt M.,Arbel T.,Baumgartner C.,Dalca A.,Sudre C.H.,Wells III W.M.,Drechsler K.,Linguraru M.G.,Oyarzun Laura C.,Shekhar R.,Wesarg S.,Gonz?lez Ballester M.?.,Suzuki K.,Liao H.,Wang Q.,van Ginneken B.,Zhou L.","Uncertainty for Safe Utilization of Machine Learning in Medical Imaging and Clinical Image-Based Procedures",,"Lecture Notes in Computer Science","Springer","Vol. 11840",,,2019,Oct. "Zarshenas, A.,Kenji Suzuki","Deep Neural Network Convolution for Natural Image Denoising",,"Proceedings - 2018 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, SMC 2018",,,,"pp. 2534-2539",2019,Oct. "Taiguang Yuan,Ze Jin,Tokuda, Y.,Naoi, Y.,Tomiyama, N.,Kenji Suzuki","Development of deep-learning segmentation for breast cancer in mr images based on neural network convolution","2019 8th International Conference on Computing and Pattern Recognition","Proceedings of the 2019 8th International Conference on Computing and Pattern Recognition",,,,"pp. 187-191",2019,Oct. "Zarshenas, A.,Liu, J.,Forti, P.,Kenji Suzuki","Mixture of Deep-Learning Experts for Separation of Bones from Soft Tissue in Chest Radiographs",,"Proceedings - 2018 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, SMC 2018",,,,"pp. 1321-1326",2019,Oct. "Liao H.,Balocco S.,Wang G.,Zhang F.,Liu Y.,Ding Z.,Duong L.,Phellan R.,Zahnd G.,Breininger K.,Albarqouni S.,Moriconi S.,Lee S.-L.,Demirci S.,Suzuki K.,Greenspan H.,Wang Q.,van Ginneken B.,Zhou L.","Machine Learning and Medical Engineering for Cardiovascular Health and Intravascular Imaging and Computer Assisted Stenting",,"Lecture Notes in Computer Science","Springer","Vol. 11794",,,2019,Oct. "Suzuki K.,Reyes M.,Syeda-Mahmood T.,Konukoglu E.,Glocker B.,Wiest R.,Gur Y.,Greenspan H.,Madabhushi A.","Interpretability of Machine Intelligence in Medical Image Computing and Multimodal Learning for Clinical Decision Support",,"Lecture Notes in Computer Science","Springer","Vol. 11797",,,2019,Oct. "今井大樹,中村友哉,鈴木賢治,山口雅浩,阿部時也,橋口明典,坂元亨宇","H&E染色組織標本に対するブロックベース深層学習による肝細胞癌識別手法の検討","第18回デジタルパソロジー研究会","第18回デジタルパソロジー研究会総会 抄録集",,,,"p. 37",2019,Aug. "Martinez-Garcia, M.,Zhang, Y.,Kenji Suzuki,Zhang, Y.","Measuring system entropy with a deep recurrent neural network model",,"IEEE International Conference on Industrial Informatics (INDIN)",,,,"pp. 1253-1256",2019,July "Zarshenas A.,Liu J.,Forti P.,Kenji Suzuki","Separation of bones from soft tissue in chest radiographs: Anatomy-specific orientation-frequency-specific deep neural network convolution",,"Medical Physics",,"Vol. 46","No. 5","pp. 2232-2242",2019,May "鈴木賢治","人工知能(AI)最新動向 ? 画像処理",,"月刊インナービジョン2019年2月号",,"Vol. 34","No. 2","pp. 35-37",2019,Feb. "Shi, Z.,Hao, H.,Zhao, M.,Feng, Y.,He, L.,Wang, Y.,Kenji Suzuki","A deep CNN based transfer learning method for false positive reduction",,"Multimedia Tools and Applications",,"Vol. 78","No. 1","pp. 1017-1033",2019,Jan. "鈴木賢治","大腸CTにおけるAI支援画像診断",,"月刊インナービジョン2019年1月号",,"Vol. 34","No. 1","pp. 47-50",2019,Jan. "Liu J.,Zarshenas A.,Qadir S.,Yang L.,Fajardo L. L.,Suzuki K.","“Virtual” Full-Dose (VFD) Technology: Radiation Dose Reduction in Digital Breast Tomosynthesis (DBT) by Means of Neural Network Convolution (NNC) Deep Learning","Scientific Assembly and Annual Meeting of Radiological Society of North America (RSNA)",,,,,,2018,Nov. "Liu J.,Zarshenas A.,Qadir S.,Yang L.,Fajardo L. L.,Suzuki K.","A Two-Stage Deep-Learning Scheme for Reducing Radiation Dose in Digital Breast Tomosynthesis (DBT)","Scientific Assembly and Annual Meeting of Radiological Society of North America (RSNA)",,,,,,2018,Nov. "Suzuki K.,Zarshenas A.,Liu J.,Zhao Y.,Luo Y.","Historical Overview of Machine Learning (ML) and Deep Learning in Medical Image Analysis - What are the Sources of the Power of Deep Learning?","Scientific Assembly and Annual Meeting of Radiological Society of North America (RSNA)",,,,,,2018,Nov. "Zhao Y.,Zarshenas A.,Higaki T.,Awai K.,Suzuki K.","Effect of Simulated Micro-Dose (mD) CT on the Performance of Neural Network Convolution (NNC) Deep-Learning (DL) In Radiation Dose Reduction in Chest CT","Scientific Assembly and Annual Meeting of Radiological Society of North America (RSNA)",,,,,,2018,Nov. "Zarshenas A.,Wang, Y.,Liu J.,Dai Z.,Suzuki K.","Virtual Dual-Energy (VDE) Imaging: Separation of Bones from Soft Tissue in Chest Radiographs (CXRs) by Means of Deep Residual Learning (DRL)","Scientific Assembly and Annual Meeting of Radiological Society of North America (RSNA)",,,,,,2018,Nov. "Liu J.,Zarshenas A.,Qadir S.,Yang L.,Fajardo L. L.,Suzuki K.","Radiation Dose Reduction in Digital Breast Tomosynthesis (DBT) by Means of Neural Network Convolution (NNC) Deep Learning","Scientific Assembly and Annual Meeting of Radiological Society of North America (RSNA)",,,,,,2018,Nov. "Kido S.,Murakami K.,Hashimoto N.,Hirano Y.,Mabu S.,Suzuki K.","Deep Learning Techniques for Automated Segmentation of Diffuse Lung Disease Opacities on CT Images","Scientific Assembly and Annual Meeting of Radiological Society of North America (RSNA)",,,,,,2018,Nov. "Liu. J,Qadir S.,Zarshenas A.,Yang L.,Fajardo L. L.,Suzuki K.","Blinded Observer Study: “Virtual” Full-Dose (VFD) Digital Breast Tomosynthesis (DBT) Images Derived from Reduced-Dose Acquisitions versus Clinical Full-Dose DBT Images","Scientific Assembly and Annual Meeting of Radiological Society of North America (RSNA)",,,,,,2018,Nov. "Zarshenas A.,Zhao Y.,Liu J.,Higaki T.,Awai K.,Suzuki K.","“Virtual” High-Dose Technology: Radiation Dose Reduction in Thin-Slice Chest CT at a Micro-Dose (mD) Level by Means of 3D Deep Neural Network Convolution (NNC)","Scientific Assembly and Annual Meeting of Radiological Society of North America (RSNA)",,,,,,2018,Nov. "Luc Bidaut,Kenji Suzuki","Special Issue: Computer-Aided Diagnosis and Characterization of Diseases",,"Diagnostics","MDPI",,,,2018,Sept. "鈴木賢治","画像診断領域における深層学習の最先端技術とAI支援画像診断",,"Multislice CT 2018 Book(映像情報メディカル増刊号)",,"vol. 50","no. 8","pp. 40-50",2018,July "Zarshenas A.,Zhao Y.,Liu J.,Higaki T.,Fukumoto W.,Awai K.,Suzuki K","Deep 3D Anatomy-Specific Neural Network Convolution for Radiation Dose Reduction in Chest CT at a Micro-Dose Level","40th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (IEEE EMBC)","Proc. International Conference on IEEE Engineering in Medicine & Biology Society (IEEE EMBC)",,,,,2018,July "鈴木賢治","ディープラーニングによる画像処理・認識技術の最前線",,"月刊インナービジョン2018年7月号",,"Vol. 33","No. 7","pp. 30-35",2018,July "Liu J.,Zarshenas A.,Qadir S,Yang L.,Fajardo L.,Suzuki K.","Radiation dose reduction in digital breast tomosynthesis (DBT) by means of neural network convolution (NNC) deep learning","The Fourteenth International Workshop on Breast Imaging","Proc.SPIE",,"Vol. 10718",,,2018,July "Liu J.,Zarshenas A.,Wei Z.,Yang L.,Fajardo L.,Suzuki K.","Sequential Neural Network Convolution (NNC) Deep Learning in Radiation Dose Reduction in Digital Breast Tomosynthesis (DBT): Preliminary Results","40th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (IEEE EMBC)","Proc. International Conference on IEEE Engineering in Medicine & Biology Society (IEEE EMBC)",,,,,2018,July "Liu J.,Zarshenas A.,Qadir A.,Wei Z.,Yang L.,Fajardo L.,Kenji Suzuki","Radiation dose reduction in digital breast tomosynthesis (DBT) by means of deep-learning-based supervised image processing","SPIE Medical Imaging","Progress in Biomedical Optics and Imaging - Proceedings of SPIE",,"Vol. 10574",,,2018,Feb. "Makkinejad N.,Tajbakhsh N.,Zarshenas A.,Khokhar A.,Kenji Suzuki","Reduction in training time of a deep learning model in detection of lesions in CT","SPIE Medical Imaging","Progress in Biomedical Optics and Imaging - Proceedings of SPIE",,"Vol. 10574",,,2018,Feb. "Hashimoto N.,Kenji Suzuki,Liu J.,Hirano Y.,MacMahon H.,Kido S.","Deep neural network convolution (NNC) for three-class classification of diffuse lung disease opacities in high-resolution CT (HRCT): Consolidation, ground-glass opacity (GGO), and normal opacity","SPIE Medical Imaging","Progress in Biomedical Optics and Imaging - Proceedings of SPIE",,"Vol. 10575",,,2018,Feb. "Tajbakhsh, N.,Kenji Suzuki","A comparative study of modern machine learning approaches for focal lesion detection and classification in medical images: BoVW, CNN and MTANN",,"Artificial Intelligence in Decision Support Systems for Diagnosis in Medical Imaging","Springer","Vol. 140",,"pp. 31-58",2018,Jan. "Kenji Suzuki,Chen Yisong","Artificial Intelligence in Decision Support Systems for Diagnosis in Medical Imaging",,"Artificial Intelligence in Decision Support Systems for Diagnosis in Medical Imaging","Springer Cham",,,,2018,Jan. "Zarshenas, A.,Kenji Suzuki","Introduction to binary coordinate ascent: New insights into efficient feature subset selection for machine learning",,"Artificial Intelligence in Decision Support Systems for Diagnosis in Medical Imaging","Springer",,,"pp. 59-83",2018,Jan. "Jianwu Xu,Amin Zarshenas,Yisong Chen,Kenji Suzuki","Massive-Training Support Vector Regression With Feature Selection in Application of Computer-Aided Detection of Polyps in CT Colonography",,"Emerging Developments and Practices in Oncology","IGI Global",,,,2018, "Liu J.,Zarshenas A.,Wei Z.,Yang L.,Fajardo L. L.,Suzuki K.","Virtual High-Dose (VHD) Technology: Radiation Dose Reduction in Digital Breast Tomosynthesis (DBT) by Means of Supervised Deep-Learning Image Processing (DLIP)","Scientific Assembly and Annual Meeting of Radiological Society of North America (RSNA)",,,,,,2017,Nov. "Tajbakhsh N.,Zarshenas A.,Liu J.,Suzuki K.","How Deep Should We Go with Deep Learning in Medical Image Analysis?","Scientific Assembly and Annual Meeting of Radiological Society of North America (RSNA)",,,,,,2017,Nov. "Zarshenas A.,Patel J. V.,Liu J.,Forti P.,Suzuki K.","Virtual Dual-Energy (VDE) Imaging: Separation of Bones from Soft Tissue in Chest Radiographs (CXRs) by Means of Anatomy-Specific (AS) Orientation-Frequency-Specific (OFS) Deep Neural Network Convolution (NNC)","Scientific Assembly and Annual Meeting of Radiological Society of North America (RSNA)",,,,,,2017,Nov. "Fukumoto W.,Suzuki K.,Higaki T.,Zhao Y.,Zarshenas A.,Awai K.","Detection of Solid Pulmonary Nodules in Micro-Dose CT (mDCT) with “Virtual” Higher-Dose (vHD) CT Technology: An Observer Performance Study","Scientific Assembly and Annual Meeting of Radiological Society of North America (RSNA)",,,,,,2017,Nov. "Ito T.,Hirano Y.,Suzuki K.,Kido S.","First-Reader Computerized System for Distinction between Malignant and Benign Nodules on Thoracic CT Images By Means of End-To-End Deep Learning: Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) and Neural Network Convolution (NNC) Approaches","Scientific Assembly and Annual Meeting of Radiological Society of North America (RSNA)",,,,,,2017,Nov. "Zarshenas A.,Zhao Y.,Liu J.,Higaki T.,Awai K.,Suzuki K.","Radiation Dose Reduction in Thin-Slice Chest CT at a Micro-Dose (mD) Level by Means of 3D Deep Neural Network Convolution (NNC)","Scientific Assembly and Annual Meeting of Radiological Society of North America (RSNA)",,,,,,2017,Nov. "Tajbakhsh N.,Zarshenas A.,Liu J.,Suzuki K.","Two Deep-Learning Models for Lung Nodule Detection and Classification in CT: Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) vs Neural Network Convolution (NNC)","Scientific Assembly and Annual Meeting of Radiological Society of North America (RSNA)",,,,,,2017,Nov. "Tajbakhsh N.,Zarshenas A.,Liu J.,Suzuki K.","Investigating the Depth of Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) in Computer-aided Detection and Classification of Focal Lesions: Lung Nodules in Thoracic CT and Colorectal Polyps in CT Colonography","Scientific Assembly and Annual Meeting of Radiological Society of North America (RSNA)",,,,,,2017,Nov. "Zarshenas A.,Liu J.,Suzuki K.","Highly Efficient Biomarker Selection (BS) Based on Novel Binary Coordinate Accent (BCA) for Machine Learning with a Large Dataset in Radiomics","Scientific Assembly and Annual Meeting of Radiological Society of North America (RSNA)",,,,,,2017,Nov. "Liu J.,Zarshenas A.,Wei Z.,Yang L.,Fajardo L. L.,Suzuki K.","Computer-Based Interactive Demonstration and Comparative Study: Virtual Full-Dose (VFD) Digital Breast Tomosynthesis (DBT) Images Derived From Reduced-Dose Acquisitions versus Clinical Full-Dose DBT Images","Scientific Assembly and Annual Meeting of Radiological Society of North America (RSNA)",,,,,,2017,Nov. "Suzuki K.,Zarshenas A.,Liu J.,Zhao Y.,Luo Y.","What Was Changed in Machine Learning (ML) in Medical Image Analysis After the Introduction of Deep Learning?","Scientific Assembly and Annual Meeting of Radiological Society of North America (RSNA)",,,,,,2017,Nov. "平野靖,伊藤貴佳,橋本典明,木戸尚治,鈴木賢治","胸腹部コンピューター支援診断におけるMTANN深層学習",,"Medical Imaging Technology",,"vol. 35","no. 4","pp. 194-199",2017,Sept. "Kenji Suzuki,Liu J.,Zarshenas A.,Higaki T.,Fukumoto W.,Awai, K.","Neural network convolution (NNC) for converting ultra-low-dose to “virtual” high-dose CT images","International Workshop on Machine Learning in Medical Imaging","Lecture Notes in Computer Science (Lecture Notes in Computer Science)",,"Vol. 10541",,"pp. 334-343",2017,Sept. "Kenji Suzuki","Overview of deep learning in medical imaging",,"Radiological Physics and Technology",,"Vol. 10","No. 3","pp. 257-273",2017,Sept. "Kenji Suzuki","Survey of Deep Learning Applications to Medical Image Analysis",,"Medical Imaging Technology",,"Vol. 35","No. 4","pp. 212-226",2017,Sept. "鈴木賢治","特集/医用画像工学分野におけるディープラーニング応用と研究開発 ?序文?",,,,"Vol. 35","No. 4","pp. 177-179",2017,Sept. "Kenji SUZUKI","Machine Learning in Medical Imaging Before and After Introduction of Deep Learning",,"Medical Imaging and Information Sciences",,"Vol. 34","No. 2","pp. 14-24",2017,June "Ayman El-Baz,Georgy Gimel’farb,Kenji Suzuki","Special issue: Machine Learning Applications in Medical Image Analysis",,"Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine","Hindawi","Vol. 2017",,,2017,Apr. "El-Baz A.,Gimel'farb G.,Kenji Suzuki","Machine Learning Applications in Medical Image Analysis",,"Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine",,"Vol. 2017",,,2017,Apr. "Chen, Y.,Chan, A.B.,Lin, Z.,Wang, G.,Kenji Suzuki","Efficient tree-structured SfM by RANSAC generalized Procrustes analysis",,"Computer Vision and Image Understanding",,"Vol. 157",,"pp. 179-189",2017,Apr. "Kenji Suzuki,Zhou L.,Wang Q.","Machine learning in medical imaging",,"Pattern Recognition",,"Vol. 63","Issue C","pp. 465?467",2017,Mar. "Kenji Suzuki,Luping Zhou,Qian Wang","Special issue: Machine Learning in Medical Imaging",,"Pattern Recognition","Elsevier","Vol. 63",,"pp. 740",2017,Mar. "Huynh, H.T.,Le-Trong, N.,Bao, P.T.,Oto, A.,Kenji Suzuki","Fully automated MR liver volumetry using watershed segmentation coupled with active contouring",,"International Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery",,"Vol. 12","No. 2","pp. 235-243",2017,Feb. "Kenji Suzuki","Computer-aided detection of lung cancer",,"Image-Based Computer-Assisted Radiation Therapy","Springer",,,"pp. 9-40",2017,Jan. "Wang Qian,Shi Yinghuan,Suk Heung-Il,Kenji Suzuki","Machine Learning in Medical Imaging (Lecture Notes in Computer Science 10541)",,"Lecture Notes in Computer Science","Springer Cham","vol. 10541",,"pp. 391",2017, "He, L.,Zhao, X.,Yao, B.,Yang, Y.,Chao, Y.,Shi, Z.,Kenji Suzuki","A combinational algorithm for connected-component labeling and Euler number computing",,"Journal of Real-Time Image Processing",,"Vol. 13","No. 4","pp. 703-712",2017, "Tajbakhsh, N.,Kenji Suzuki","Comparing two classes of end-to-end machine-learning models in lung nodule detection and classification: MTANNs vs. CNNs",,"Pattern Recognition",,"Vol. 63",,"pp. 476-486",2017, "Tajbakhsh N.,Liu J.,Fukumoto W.,Higaki T.,Awai K.,Suzuki K.","Conversion of ultra-low-dose (ULD) to “virtual” high-dose (VHD) thin-slice chest CT by means of 3D supervised volume-based artificial neural network (ANN)","Scientific Assembly and Annual Meeting of Radiological Society of North America (RSNA)",,,,,,2016,Nov. "Liu J.,Zarshenas A.,Fajardo L.,Suzuki K.","Radiation dose reduction in digital breast tomosynthesis (DBT) by means of patch-based trainable nonlinear regression (PTNR)","Scientific Assembly and Annual Meeting of Radiological Society of North America (RSNA)",,,,,,2016,Nov. "Zarshenas, A.,Kenji Suzuki","Binary coordinate ascent: An efficient optimization technique for feature subset selection for machine learning",,"Knowledge-Based Systems",,"Vol. 110",,"pp. 191-201",2016,Oct. "Gonzalo Pajares Martinsanz,Philip Morrow,Kenji Suzuki","Special issue: Image and Video Processing in Medicine",,"Journal of Imaging","MDPI",,,,2016,Oct. "Yi-Xiang Wang,Yong E. Chung,Weibo Cai,Kenji Suzuki","Special issue: Advances in Translational Cancer Imaging: Opportunities and Challenges",,"BioMed Research International","Hindawi","Vol. 2016",,,2016,Aug. "Chen, S.,Zhong, S.,Yao, L.,Shang, Y.,Kenji Suzuki","Enhancement of chest radiographs obtained in the intensive care unit through bone suppression and consistent processing",,"Physics in Medicine and Biology",,"Vol. 61","No. 6","pp. 2283-2301",2016,Mar. "Sihai, Y.,Xu, J.,Kenji Suzuki","Density Index: Extension of Shape Index in Describing Local Intensity Variations in a 3D Image",,"Journal of Computer-Aided Design & Computer Graphics",,"Vol. 28","no. 7","pp. 1152-1159",2016, "Shi, Z.,Ma, J.,Zhao, M.,Liu, Y.,Feng, Y.,Zhang, M.,He, L.,Kenji Suzuki","Many Is Better Than One: An Integration of Multiple Simple Strategies for Accurate Lung Segmentation in CT Images",,"BioMed Research International",,"Vol. 2016",,"pp. 13 pages",2016, "Shi Z.,Ma J.,Feng L.,He L.,Kenji Suzuki","Evaluation of MTANNs for eliminating false-positive with different computer aided pulmonary nodules detection software",,"Pakistan Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences",,"Vol. 28","No. 6","pp. 2311-2316",2015,Nov. "Suzuki Kenji,Zarshenas M.,Liu J.,Fan Y.,Makkinejad N.,Forti P.,Dachman A.","Development of Computer-Aided Diagnostic (CADx) System for Distinguishing Neoplastic from Nonneoplastic Lesions in CT Colonography (CTC): Toward CTC beyond Detection","IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (IEEE SMC 2015)","Proc. IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (IEEE SMC 2015)",,,,"pp. 2262-2266",2015,Oct. "Epstein M. L.,Obara P. R.,Chen Y.,Liu J.,Zarshenas A.,Makkinejad N.,Dachman A. H.,Kenji Suzuki","Quantitative radiology: automated measurement of polyp volume in computed tomography colonography using Hessian matrix-based shape extraction and volume growing",,"Quantitative imaging in medicine and surgery",,"Vol. 5","No. 5","pp. 673-684",2015,Sept. "Shi, Z.,Xu, B.,Zhao, M.,Zhao, J.,Wang, Y.,Liu, Y.,Zhang, M.,He, L.,Kenji Suzuki","A joint ROI extraction filter for computer aided lung nodule detection",,"Bio-Medical Materials and Engineering",,"Vol. 26","No. s1","pp. S1491-S1499",2015,Aug. "Kenji Suzuki","Computerized Detection of Lesions in Diagnostic Images",,"Machine Learning in Radiation Oncology: Theory and Applications","Springer International Publishing",,,"pp. 101-131",2015,June "Dai, P.,Luo, H.,Sheng, H.,Zhao, Y.,Li, L.,Wu, J.,Zhao, Y.,Kenji Suzuki","A new approach to segment both main and peripheral retinal vessels based on gray-voting and Gaussian mixture model",,"PLoS ONE",,"Vol. 10","No. 6"," e0127748",2015,June "Kenji Suzuki","Patch-based Machine Learning and Deep Learning in Medical Image Processing and Diagnosis","4th International Conference on Informatics, Electronics & Vision (ICIEV 2015)","Proc. 4th International Conference on Informatics, Electronics & Vision (ICIEV 2015)",,,,"pp. 42-43",2015,June "Shi, Z.,Si, C.,Zhao, M.,He, L.,Zhang, M.,Kenji Suzuki","An automatic method for lung segmentation in thin slice computed tomography based on random walks",,"Journal of Medical Imaging and Health Informatics",,"Vol. 5","No. 2","pp. 303-308",2015,Apr. "Shen D.,Wu G.,Zhang D.,Kenji Suzuki,Wang F.,Yan P.","Machine learning in medical imaging",,"Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics",,"Vol. 41",,"pp. 1-2",2015,Apr. "Kenji Suzuki","Special issue: Machine Learning in Medical Imaging",,"Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics","Elsevier","Vol. 41",,"pp. 125",2015,Apr. "Wang Y. X.,Loffroy R.,Arora R.,Kenji Suzuki,Lee C. H.,Chung H. W.,Oei E. H.,Winston G. P.,Ng C. K.","Relative income of clinical faculty members vs. science faculty members in university settings-a short survey of France, Hong Kong, India, Japan, South Korea, The Netherlands, Taiwan, UK, and USA",,"Quantitative Imaging in Medicine and Surgery",,"Vol. 4","No. 6","pp. 500-501",2014,Dec. "Kenji Suzuki","Mining of Training Samples for Multiple Learning Machines in Computer-Aided Detection of Lesions in CT Images","IEEE ICDM Workshop on Data Mining in Medical Imaging (DMMI)","2014 IEEE International Conference on Data Mining Workshop",,,,"pp. 982-989",2014,Dec. "Fei Zuo,Jungong Han,Pingkun Yan,Hans van Assen,Kenji Suzuki","Special issue: Advanced Computing for Image-Guided Intervention",,,"Elsevier","Vol. 144",,"pp. 596",2014,Nov. "Cao, G.,Liu, Y.,Kenji Suzuki","A new method for false-positive reduction in detection of lung nodules in CT images","2014 19th International Conference on Digital Signal Processing","International Conference on Digital Signal Processing, DSP",,"Vol. 2014",,"pp. 474-479",2014,Aug. "Yi-Xiang J Wang,Jing-Shan Gong,Kenji Suzuki,Sameh K Morcos","Evidence based imaging strategies for solitary pulmonary nodule",,"Journal of Thoracic Disease",,"Vol. 6","No. 7","pp. 872-887",2014,July "Chen, S.,Kenji Suzuki","Bone suppression in chest radiographs by means of anatomically specific multiple massive-training ANNs combined with total variation minimization smoothing and consistency processing",,"Computational Intelligence in Biomedical Imaging","Springer",,,"pp. 211-235",2014,July "He, L.,Zhao, X.,Chao, Y.,Kenji Suzuki","Configuration-transition-based connected-component labeling",,"IEEE Transactions on Image Processing",,"Vol. 23","No. 2","pp. 943-951",2014,Feb. "Tanaka R.,Sanada S.,Oda M.,Mitsutaka, M.,Kenji Suzuki,Sakuta K.,Kawashima H.","Quantitative analysis of rib movement based on dynamic chest bone images: Preliminary results","PIE Medical Imaging","Progress in Biomedical Optics and Imaging - Proceedings of SPIE",,"Vol. 9034",,,2014,Feb. "Huynh, H.T.,Karademir, I.,Oto, A.,Kenji Suzuki","Computerized liver volumetry on MRI by using 3D geodesic active contour segmentation",,"American Journal of Roentgenology",,"Vol. 202","No. 1","pp. 152-159",2014,Jan. "Zhenghao Shi,Chunjiao Si,Yaning Feng,Lifeng He,Kenji Suzuki","A new method based on MTANNs for cutting down false-positives:An evaluation on different versions of commercial pulmonary nodule detection CAD software",,"Bio-Medical Materials and Engineering,",,"vol. 24","no. 6","pp. 2839-2846",2014, "Kenji Suzuki","Computational intelligence in biomedical imaging",,"Computational Intelligence in Biomedical Imaging",,,,"pp. 1-406",2014, "Kenji Suzuki","Pixel-based machine learning in computer-aided diagnosis of lung and colon Cancer",,"Machine Learning in Healthcare Informatics","Springer",,,"pp. 81-112",2013,Dec. "Chen S.,Kenji Suzuki","Separation of bones from chest radiographs by means of anatomically specific multiple massive-training ANNs combined with total variation minimization smoothing",,"IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging",,"Vol. 33","No. 2","pp. 246-257",2013,Oct. "Huynh, H.T.,Karademir, I.,Oto, A.,Kenji Suzuki","Liver volumetry in MRI by using fast marching algorithm coupled with 3d geodesic active contour segmentation",,"Computational Intelligence in Biomedical Imaging","Springer",,,"pp. 141-157",2013,Oct. "Pingkun Yan,Kenji Suzuki,Fei Wang,Dinggang Shen","Special issue: Machine Learning in Medical Imaging",,"Machine Vision and Applications","Springer","Vol. 24","Issue 7",,2013,Oct. "Jian-Wu Xu,Kenji Suzuki","Max-AUC feature selection in computer-aided detection of polyps in CT colonography",,"IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics",,"Vol. 18","No. 2","pp. 585-593",2013,Aug. "Kenji Suzuki,Huynh, H.T.,Liu, Y.,Calabrese, D.,Zhou, K.,Oto, A.,Hori, M.","Computerized segmentation of liver in hepatic CT and MRI by means of level-set geodesic active contouring","IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Conference (IEEE EMBC)","Proceedings of the Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, EMBS",,,,"pp. 2984-2987",2013,July "Li-Feng He,Yu-Yan Chao,Kenji Suzuki","An algorithm for connected-component labeling, hole labeling and euler number computing",,"Journal of Computer Science and Technology",,"Vol. 28","No. 3","pp. 468-478",2013,May "Shi, Z.,Zhao, M.,He, L.,Wang, Y.,Zhang, M.,Kenji Suzuki","A Computer Aided Pulmonary Nodule Detection System Using Multiple Massive Training SVMs",,"Applied Mathematics & Information Sciences",,"Vol. 7",,"pp. 1165-1172",2013,May "Kenji Suzuki","Machine learning in computer-aided diagnosis of the thorax and colon in CT: A survey",,"IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems",,"Vol. E96-D","No. 4","pp. 772-783",2013,Apr. "Kenji Suzuki,Hori, M.,Iinuma, G.,Dachman, A.H.","Effect of CADe on radiologists' performance in detection of "difficult" polyps in CT colonography","SPIE Medical Imaging (SPIE MI)","Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering",,"Vol. 8670",,,2013,Feb. "Chen, S.,Kenji Suzuki","Computerized detection of lung nodules by means of 'virtual dual-energy' radiography",,"IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering",,"Vol. 60","No. 2","pp. 369-378",2013,Feb. "He L.,Chao Y.,Yang Y.,Li S.,Kenji Suzuki","A Novel Two-Scan Connected-Component Labeling Algorithm","Special Volume of the World Congress on Engineering 2012","IAENG Transactions on Engineering Technologies: Special Volume of the World Congress on Engineering 2012",,,,"pp. 445-459",2013,Jan. "Kenji Suzuki","Artificial Neural Networks - Architectures and Applications",,"Artificial Neural Networks - Architectures and Applications","Intech",,,,2013,Jan. "El-Baz A.,Beache G. M.,Gimel'farb G.,Kenji Suzuki,Okada K.,Elnakib A.,Soliman A.,Abdollahi B.","Computer-Aided Diagnosis Systems for Lung Cancer: Challenges and Methodologies",,"International Journal of Biomedical Imaging",,"Vol. 2013",,"pp. 46 pages",2013,Jan. "Guorong Wu,Daoqiang Zhang,Dinggang Shen,Pingkun Yan,Kenji Suzuki,Fei Wang","Machine Learning in Medical Imaging (Lecture Notes in Computer Science 8184)",,"Lecture Notes in Computer Science","Springer Cham","Vol. 8184",,"pp. 262",2013, "Ayman El-Baz,Garth M. Beache,Georgy Gimel'farb,Kenji Suzuki,Kazunori Okada","Special issue: Lung Imaging Data Analysis",,,"Hindawi",,,,2012,Nov. "Yu, Q.,He, L.,Nakamura, T.,Chao, Y.,Kenji Suzuki","A mutual-information-based global matching method for chest-radiography temporal subtraction",,"Journal of Advanced Computational Intelligence and Intelligent Informatics",,"Vol. 16","No. 7","pp. 841-850",2012,Nov. "Chen, S.,Kenji Suzuki","Bone suppression in chest radiographs by means of anatomically specific multiple massive-training ANNs","International Conference on Pattern Recognition","Proceedings - International Conference on Pattern Recognition",,,,"pp. 17-20",2012,Nov. "He, L.,Chao, Y.,Kenji Suzuki","A new algorithm for labeling connected-components and calculating the Euler number, connected-component number, and hole number","International Conference on Pattern Recognition","Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR2012)",,,,"pp. 3099-3102",2012,Nov. "鈴木賢治","ニューラルネットワーク",,"実践医用画像解析ハンドブック","オーム社",,,"pp. 253-259",2012,Nov. "鈴木賢治","MTANNs を応用した病巣陰影の識別",,"実践医用画像解析ハンドブック","オーム社",,,"pp. 563-567",2012,Nov. "Kenji Suzuki","A review of computer-aided diagnosis in thoracic and colonic imaging",,"Quantitative Imaging in Medicine and Surgery",,"Vol. 2",,"pp. 163-176",2012,Sept. "Kenji Suzuki","Special Issue: Machine Learning for Medical Imaging 2012",,"Algorithms","MDPI",,,,2012,Sept. "Shi Z.,Li L.,Zhao M.,He L.,Wang Y.,Zhang M.,Kenji Suzuki","Sparse field snake model: A novel active contour model used for lung segmentation on chest radiographs",,"ICIC Express Letters, Part B: Applications",,"Vol. 3","No. 4","pp. 777-783",2012,Aug. "Shi, Z.,Zhao, M.,Wang, Y.,He, L.,Kenji Suzuki,Jin, C.,Zhang, M.","Hessian-log: A novel dot enhancement filter",,"ICIC Express Letters, Part B: Applications",,"Vol. 6","No. 8","pp. 1987-1992",2012,Aug. "Yu, Q.,He, L.,Nakamura, T.,Kenji Suzuki,Chao, Y.","A multilayered partitioning image registration method for chest-radiograph temporal subtraction","2012 International Conference on Computer Science and Information Processing (CSIP 2012)","Proceedings - 2012 International Conference on Computer Science and Information Processing, CSIP 2012",,,,"pp. 181-184",2012,Aug. "He, L.,Chao, Y.,Kenji Suzuki","A new two-scan algorithm for labeling connected components in binary images","World Congress on Engineering","Lecture Notes in Engineering and Computer Science",,"Vol. 2198",,"pp. 1141-1146",2012,July "Yu, Q.,He, L.,Chao, Y.,Kenji Suzuki,Nakamura, T.","A mutual-information-based image registration method for chest-radiograph temporal subtraction","2012 International Conference on Computer Science and Information Processing (CSIP 2012)","Proceedings - 2012 International Conference on Computer Science and Information Processing, CSIP 2012",,,,"pp. 1098-1101",2012,July "Shi, Z.,Li, L.,Kenji Suzuki,Wang, Y.,He, L.,Jin, C.,Zhang, M.","A new computer aided detection system for pulmonary nodule detection in chest radiography",,"Advanced Science Letters",,"Vol. 11","No. 1","pp. 536-541",2012,May "Kenji Suzuki,Yan P.,Wang F.,Shen D.","Machine Learning in Medical Imaging",,"International Journal of Biomedical Imaging",,"Vol. 2012",,,2012,Mar. "Jian-Wu Xu,Kenji Suzuki","Computer-aided detection of polyps in CT colonography by means of AdaBoost","SPIE Medical Imaging (SPIE MI)","Progress in Biomedical Optics and Imaging - Proceedings of SPIE",,"Vol. 8315",,,2012,Feb. "Kenji Suzuki","Pixel-based machine learning in medical imaging",,"International Journal of Biomedical Imaging",,"Vol. 2012",,,2012,Feb. "Jian-Wu Xu,Kenji Suzuki","Maximal partial AUC feature selection in computer-aided detection of hepatocellular carcinoma in contrast-enhanced hepatic CT","SPIE Medical Imaging (SPIE MI)","Progress in Biomedical Optics and Imaging - Proceedings of SPIE",,"Vol. 8315",,,2012,Feb. "Liao S.,Penney B.C.,Zhang H.,Kenji Suzuki,Pu Y.","Prognostic Value of the Quantitative Metabolic Volumetric Measurement on 18F-FDG PET/CT in Stage IV Nonsurgical Small-cell Lung Cancer",,"Academic Radiology",,"Vol. 19","No. 1","pp. 69-77",2012,Jan. "Sheng Chen,Kenji Suzuki","Computerized Detection of Lung Nodules on Chest Radiographs: Application of Bone Suppression Imaging by Means of Multiple Massive-Training ANNs",,"Machine Learning in Computer-Aided Diagnosis: Medical Imaging Intelligence and Analysis","IGI Global",,,"pp. 122-144",2012, "Fei Wang,Dinggang Shen,Pingkun Yan,Kenji Suzuki","Machine Learning in Medical Imaging (Lecture Notes in Computer Science 7588)",,"Lecture Notes in Computer Science","Springer Berlin, Heidelberg","Vol. 7588",,"pp. 276",2012, "Jian-Wu Xu,Kenji Suzuki","Computer-Aided Detection of Polyps in CT Colonography by Means of Feature Selection and Massive-Training Support Vector Regression",,"Machine Learning in Computer-Aided Diagnosis: Medical Imaging Intelligence and Analysis","IGI Global",,,,2012, "Kenji Suzuki","Machine Learning in Computer-Aided Diagnosis: Medical Imaging Intelligence and Analysis",,"Machine Learning in Computer-Aided Diagnosis: Medical Imaging Intelligence and Analysis","IGI Global",,,,2012, "He, L.,Chao, Y.,Kenji Suzuki","A new first-scan method for two-scan labeling algorithms",,"IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems",,"Vol. E95-D","No. 8","pp. 2142-2145",2012, "Hori, M.,Kenji Suzuki,Epstein, M.L.,Baron, R.L.","Computed tomography liver volumetry using 3-dimensional image data in living donor liver transplantation: Effects of the slice thickness on the volume calculation",,"Liver Transplantation",,"Vol. 17","No. 12","pp. 1427-1436",2011,Dec. "He L.,Chao Y.,Kenji Suzuki","A Labeling Algorithm for Connected Components and Holes","2011 International Conference on Opto-Electronics Engineering and Information Science (ICOEIS2011)","Proceeding of 2011 International Conference on Opto-Electronics Engineering and Information Science (ICOEIS2011)",,,,,2011,Dec. "Chao Y.,He L.,Kenji Suzuki","A new connected-component labeling algorithm","2011 International Conference on Opto-Electronics Engineering and Information Science (ICOEIS2011)","proceeding of 2011 International Conference on Opto-Electronics Engineering and Information Science (ICOEIS2011)",,,,,2011,Dec. "Chao, Y.,He, L.,Kenji Suzuki","A new connected-component labeling algorithm",,"American Journal of Engineering and Technology Research",,"Vol. 11",,"pp. 1099-1104",2011,Dec. "Kenji Suzuki,Epstein M.L.,Kohlbrenner R.,Garg S.,Hori M.,Oto A.,Baron R.L.","Quantitative radiology: Automated CT liver volumetry compared with interactive volumetry and manual volumetry",,"American Journal of Roentgenology",,"Vol. 197","No. 4","pp. W706-W712",2011,Oct. "Kenji Suzuki,Pingkun Yan,Fei Wang,Dinggang Shen","Special issue: Machine Learning in Medical Imaging",,"International Journal of Biomedical Imaging","Hindawi",,,,2011,Sept. "Xu J.,Kenji Suzuki","False-Positive Reduction in Computer-Aided Detection of Polyps in CT Colonography: A Massive-Training Support Vector Regression Approach",,"Virtual Colonoscopy and Abdominal Imaging. Computational Challenges and Clinical Opportunities",,,,"pp. 47-52",2011,Sept. "Jian-Wu Xu,Kenji Suzuki","Computer-Aided Detection of Polyps in CT Colonography with Pixel-Based Machine Learning Techniques",,"Machine Learning in Medical Imaging",,,,"pp. 360-367",2011,Sept. "Liao S.,Penney B.C.,Wroblewski K.,Zhang H.,Simon C.A.,Kampalath R.,Shih M.-C.,Shimada N.,Chen S.,Salgia R.,Appelbaum D.E.,Kenji Suzuki,Chen C.-T.,Pu Y.","Prognostic value of metabolic tumor burden on 18F-FDG PET in nonsurgical patients with non-small cell lung cancer",,"European Journal of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging",,"Vol. 39",,"pp. 27-38",2011,Sept. "Kenji Suzuki","Computer-aided detection of lung nodules in chest radiographs and thoracic CT",,"Lung Imaging and Computer Aided Diagnosis","CRC press",,,"pp. 297-318",2011,Aug. "Kenji Suzuki","Computer-aided diagnosis - research, development, commercialization and clinical implementation",,"Proceedings of Workshop on Fusion of Information Technology and Medicine",,,,,2011,Aug. "Kenji Suzuki","Artificial Neural Networks - Methodological Advances and Biomedical Applications",,"Artificial Neural Networks - Methodological Advances and Biomedical Applications","Intech",,,,2011,Apr. "Kenji Suzuki","Pixel-Based Artificial Neural Networks in Computer-Aided Diagnosis",,"Artificial Neural Networks - Methodological Advances and Biomedical Applications","Intech",,,"pp. 71-92",2011,Apr. "He, L.,Chao, Y.,Kenji Suzuki,Nakamura, T.","A new first-scan strategy for raster-scan-based labeling algorithms",,"Journal of Information Processing Society of Japan",,"Vol. 52",,"pp. 1813-1819",2011,Apr. "Kenji Suzuki","Artificial Neural Networks - Industrial and Control Engineering Applications",,"Artificial Neural Networks - Industrial and Control Engineering Applications","Intech",,,,2011,Apr. "Chen, S.,Kenji Suzuki,MacMahon, H.","Development and evaluation of a computer-aided diagnostic scheme for lung nodule detection in chest radiographs by means of two-stage nodule enhancement with support vector classification",,"Medical Physics",,"Vol. 38","No. 4","pp. 1844-1858",2011,Mar. "Jian-Wu Xu,Kenji Suzuki","Massive-training support vector regression and Gaussian process for false-positive reduction in computer-aided detection of polyps in CT colonography",,"Medical Physics",,"Vol. 38","No. 4","pp. 1888-1902",2011,Mar. "Jian-Wu Xu,Kenji Suzuki","Computer-aided detection of hepatocellular carcinoma in hepatic CT: False positive reduction with feature selection",,"Proceedings - 2011 IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging: From Nano to Macro",,,,"pp. 1097-1100",2011,Mar. "Ferraro, F.O.,Kawaler, E.,Kenji Suzuki","A spinning tangent based CAD system for detection of flat lesions in CT colonography","International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging","Proceedings - International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging",,,,"pp. 156-159",2011,Mar. "Xu, J.-W.,Kenji Suzuki,Hori, M.,Oto, A.,Baron, R.","Computer-aided detection of hepatocellular carcinoma in multiphase contrast-enhanced hepatic CT: A preliminary study","SPIE Medical Imaging (SPIE MI)","Progress in Biomedical Optics and Imaging - Proceedings of SPIE",,"Vol. 7963",,,2011,Feb. "Kenji Suzuki","Computerized Segmentation of Organs by Means of Geodesic Active-Contour Level-Set Algorithm",,"Multi Modality State-of-the-Art Medical Image Segmentation and Registration Methodologies","Springer",,,"pp. 103-128",2011,Feb. "Kenji Suzuki,Armato III S.G.,Engelmann R.,Caligiuri P.,MacMahon H.","Temporal subtraction of "virtual dual-energy" chest radiographs for improved conspicuity of growing cancers and other pathologic changes","SPIE Medical Imaging (SPIE MI)","Progress in Biomedical Optics and Imaging - Proceedings of SPIE",,"Vol. 7963",,,2011,Feb. "He L.,Chao Y.,Kenji Suzuki","Two efficient label-equivalence-based connected-component labeling algorithms for 3-D binary images",,"IEEE Transactions on Image Processing",,"Vol. 20","No. 8","pp. 2122-2134",2011,Feb.