"Youssef Elkhayat,M.G. Ibrahim,K. Tokimatsu,Abdel Monteleb Mohammed Ali","Life cycle cost analysis on three high-performance glazing systems for an office building in New Cairo, Egypt",,"Architectural Engineering and Design Management",,,,,2020,July "Youssef Elkhayat,M.G. Ibrahim,K. Tokimatsu,Abdel Monteleb Mohammed Ali","A comparative life cycle assessment of three high-performance glazing systems for office buildings in a hot desert climate zone",,"Clean Technologies and Environmental Policy",,,,,2020,July "Youssef Elkhayat,M.G. Ibrahim,K. Tokimatsu,Abdel Monteleb Mohammed Ali","Multi-criteria selection of high-performance glazing systems: A case study of an office building in New Cairo, Egypt, Journal of Building Engineering",,"Journal of Building Engineering",,,,,2020,June