"Yukari Matsuzuka,Marcel G?rard,Kazuhiro Fukazawa","Stay, Return, or Relocate: Destination of Asian Ph.D. Graduates from the United Kingdom and the United States",,"Working Paper Series Mori Arinori Institute for Higher Education and Global Mobility",,,,,2024,Apr. "Yuriko Sato,Krishna Bista,Yukari Matsuzuka","COVID-19 Pandemicfs Impact on International Students in Japan and the United States: Comparative Study From National and Institutional Context. Journal of Comparative & International Higher Education",,"Journal of Comparative & International Higher Education",,"Vol. 14","No. 3B",,2022,Aug. "Yukari Matsuzuka,Kazuhiro Fukazawa","Changes in the education to career pathway of Asian Ph.D. recipients before and after Covid-19","Comparative and International Education Society (CIES) 65th Annual Conference",,,,,,2021,Apr. "Yukari Matsuzuka,Kazuhiro Fukazawa","Education and Career Pathways of Asians Who Received Doctoral Degrees in U.S. Universities","Comparative and International Education Society",,,,,,2020,Mar.