"Y. Sakamoto,S. Izawa,H. Ohkita,M. Hiramoto,Y. Tamai","Triplet sensitization via charge recombination at organic heterojunction for efficient near-infrared to visible solid-state photon upconversion",,"Communications Materials",," 3",," 76",2022,Oct. "H. Ueno,D. Kitabatake,H. Lin,S. Izawa,M. Hiramoto,F. Misaizu,S. Maruyama,Y. Matsuo","Synthesis of neutral Li-endohedral PCBM: an n-dopant for fullerene derivatives",,"Chemical Communications",," 58",," 10190-10193",2022,Aug. "S. Izawa,M. Morimoto,S. Naka,M. Hiramoto","Spatial distribution of triplet excitons formed from charge transfer states at the donor/acceptor interface",,"Journal of Materials Chemistry A",,,,,2022,May "S. Izawa,M. Morimoto,S. Naka,M. Hiramoto","Efficient Interfacial Upconversion Enabling Bright Emission at an Extremely Low Driving Voltage in Organic Light]Emitting Diodes",,"Advanced Optical Materials",,,,"pp. 2101710",2022,Jan. "J. Lee,M. Hiramoto,S. Izawa","Simultaneous measurement of photocurrent and recombination emission in organic solar cell",,"Japanese Journal of Applied Physics",,"Vol. 61","No. 1","pp. 011001",2022,Jan. "Seiichiro Izawa,Masahiro Hiramoto","Efficient solid-state photon upconversion enabled by triplet formation at an organic semiconductor interface",,"Nature Photonics",,"Vol. 15","No. 12","pp. 895-900",2021,Dec. "K. Takahashi,S. Izawa,M. Hiramoto,Y. Nakayama","Quasi-Homoepitaxial Junction of Organic Semiconductors: A Structurally Seamless but Electronically Abrupt Interface between Rubrene and Bis(trifluoromethyl)dimethylrubrene",,"The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters",,"Vol. 12","No. 46","pp. 11430-11437",2021,Nov. "J. P. Ithikkal,Y. Yabara,S. Izawa,S. Uto,M. Hiramoto","Lateral-tandem organic photovoltaic cells with carrier transport and generation layers",,"Applied Physics Express",,"Vol. 14","No. 10","pp. 101003",2021,Oct. "Seiichiro Izawa,K. Uchida,M. Nakamura,K. Fujimoto,J. Roudin,J. Lee,T. Inuzuka,T. Nakamura,M. Sakamoto,Y. Nakayama,M. Hiramoto","Influence of N ]Substituents on Photovoltaic Properties of Singly Bay]Linked Dimeric Perylene Diimides",,"Chemistry ? A European Journal",,,,,2021,Sept. "Keisuke Fujimoto,Masaki Takahashi,Seiichiro Izawa,Masahiro Hiramoto","Development of Perylene-Based Non-Fullerene Acceptors through Bay-Functionalization Strategy",,"Materials",,,,,2020,May