"Cristian Lenart,Satoshi Naito,Daisuke Sagaki","A general Chevalley formula for semi-infinite flag manifolds and quantum K-theory",,"Selecta Mathematica (New Sries)","Springer Nature","Vol. 30","no. 3"," Paper No. 39",2024,Mar. "Takafumi Kouno,Cristian Lenart,Satoshi Naito,Daisuke Sagaki","Quantum K-theory Chevalley formulas in the parabolic case",,"Journal of Algebra","Elsevier Inc.","Vol. 645",,"pp. 1--53",2024,Feb. "Takafumi Kouno,Cristian Lenart,Satoshi Naito","New structure on the quantum alcove model with applications to representation theory and Schubert calculus",,"Journal of Combinatorial Algebra","European Mathematical Society Press","Vol. 7","no. 3-4","pp. 347--400",2023,Nov. "Cristian Lenart,Satoshi Naito,Daniel Orr,Daisuke Sagaki","Inverse K-Chevalley formulas for semi-infinite flag manifolds, II: Arbitrary weights in ADE type",,"Advances in Mathematics","Elsevier Inc.","Vol. 423",,,2023,June