"Yu Kodama,Tatsuya Katabuchi,Rovira Gerard,Atsushi Kimura,Shoji Nakamura,Shunske Endo,Hideto Nakano,Yaoki Sato,Jun-ichi Hori,Yuji Shibahara,Kazushi Terada","Measurements of the Neutron Capture Cross Section of Am-243 with the ANNRI beamline, MLF/J-PARC","ND 2022: 15th International Conference on Nuclear Data for Science and Technology","EPJ Web of Conferences",,"Vol. 284",,,2023,May "Rovira Gerard,Atsushi Kimura,Shoji Nakamura,Shunske Endo,Osamu Iwamoto,Nobuyuki Iwamoto,Tatsuya Katabuchi,Yu Kodama,Hideto Nakano,Yaoki Sato,Jun-ichi Hori,Yuji Shibahara,Kazushi Terada","Neutron Filtering System for Neutron Capture Cross Section Measurement at the ANNRI beamline of MLF/J-PARC","ND 2022: 15th International Conference on Nuclear Data for Science and Technology","EPJ Web of Conferences",,"Vol. 284",,,2023,May