"西村洋亮,グバレビッチアンナ,吉田克己,高松邦吉,岡本孝司","高出力密度高温ガス炉におけるマルチフィジクス挙動 (1) 燃料母材の事故時ふるまい","日本原子力学会2024年春の年会",,,,,,2024,Mar. "吉田 克己,グバレビッチアンナ,橘 幸男,高松 邦吉,沖田 将一朗,西村 洋亮,岡本 孝司","反応焼結による高温ガス炉用SiCマトリックス燃料コンパクトの作製プロセスの検討","日本セラミックス協会2024年年会",,,,,,2024,Mar. "Katsumi YOSHIDA,Anna GUBAREVICH,Shoichiro Okita,Naoki MIZUTA,Kuniyoshi Takamatsu,Minoru Goto,Yosuke NISHIMURA,Koji Okamoto","Research on improvement of HTGR core power-density:(3) Fabrication process of dense SiC matrix fuel compacts by reaction sintering and their thermal conductivity","International Conference on Nuclear Engineering (ICONE)","The Proceedings of the International Conference on Nuclear Engineering (ICONE) 2023.30",,,,"p. 1328",2023,May "Yosuke Nishimura,Anna Gubarevich,Katsumi Yoshida,Shoichiro Okita,Naoki Mizuta,Kuniyoshi Takamatsu,Minoru Goto,Koji Okamoto","Research on Improvement of HTGR core power-density: (2) Assessment of SiC oxidation behavior under HTGR air ingress accident","30th International Conference on Nuclear Engineering (ICONE30)","The Proceedings of the International Conference on Nuclear Engineering (ICONE) 2023.30",,,," ICONE30-1181",2023,May "Shoichiro Okita,Naoki Mizuta,Kuniyoshi Takamatsu,Minoru Goto,Katsumi Yoshida,Yosuke Nishimura,Koji Okamoto","Research on Improvement of HTGR core power-density: (4) Feasibility Study for a Reactor Core","The 30th International Conference on Nuclear Engineering (ICONE 30)",,,,,,2023,May "Yosuke Nishimura,Anna Gubarevich,Katsumi Yoshida,Shoichiro Okita,Naoki Mizuta,Kuniyoshi Takamatsu,Minoru Goto,Koji Okamoto","Research on Improvement of HTGR core power-density: (2) Assessment of SiC oxidation behavior under HTGR air ingress accident","30th International Conference on Nuclear Engineering (ICONE30)",,,,,,2023,May "Shoichiro Okita,Naoki Mizuta,Kuniyoshi Takamatsu,Minoru Goto,Katsumi Yoshida,Yosuke Nishimura,Koji Okamoto","Research on Improvement of HTGR core power-density: (4) Feasibility Study for a Reactor Core","The 30th International Conference on Nuclear Engineering (ICONE 30)","Proceedings of the 2023 30th International Conference on Nuclear Engineering (ICONE 30)",,,,,2023,May "Katsumi Yoshida,Anna Gubarevich,Shoichiro Okita,Naoki MIzuta,Kuniyoshi Takamatsu,Minoru Goto,Yosuke Nishimura,Koji Okamoto","Research on Improvement of HTGR core power-density: Part 3 ? Fabrication Process of Dense SiC Matrix Fuel Compacts by Reaction Sintering and Their Thermal Conductivity","30th International Conference on Nuclear Engineering (ICONE30)",,,,,,2023,May