"Elisa M. Mendoza Zamarripa","Mechanism underlying anti-biofouling properties of protein- and cell-resistant nonionic and zwitterionic self-assembled monolayers",,,,,,,2022,Sept. "Elisa M. Mendoza Zamarripa","Mechanism underlying anti-biofouling properties of protein- and cell-resistant nonionic and zwitterionic self-assembled monolayers",,,,,,,2022,Sept. "Elisa M. Mendoza Zamarripa","Mechanism underlying anti-biofouling properties of protein- and cell-resistant nonionic and zwitterionic self-assembled monolayers",,,,,,,2022,Sept. "Elisa M. Mendoza Zamarripa","Mechanism underlying anti-biofouling properties of protein- and cell-resistant nonionic and zwitterionic self-assembled monolayers",,,,,,,2022,Sept. "Mondarte Evan Angelo Quimada,MENDOZA ZAMARRIPA Elisa Margarita,Ryongsok Chang,Wang Fan,Subin Song,Hiroyuki Tahara,Tomohiro Hayashi","Interphase protein layer formed on self-assembled monolayers in crowded biological environments: analysis by surface force and quartz crystal microbalance measurements",,"LANGMUIR",," 38"," 4"," 1324-1333",2022,Jan. "P. Dimitriou,I. Dillmann,B. Singh,V. Piksaikin,K.P. Rykaczewski,J.L. Tain,A. Algora,K. Banerjee,I.N. Borzov,D. Cano-Ott,S. Chiba,M. Fallot,D. Foligno,R. Grzywacz,X. Huang,T. Marketin,F. Minato,G. Mukherjee,B.C. Rasco,A. Sonzogni,M. Verpelli,A. Egorov,M. Estienne,L. Giot,D. Gremyachkin,M. Madurga,E.A. McCutchan,E. Mendoza,K.V. Mitrofanov,M. Narbonne,P. Romojaro,A. Sanchez-Caballero,N.D. Scielzo","Development of a Reference Database for Beta-Delayed Neutron Emission",,"Nuclear Data Sheets","Elsevier","Vol. 173",,"pp. 144-238",2021,May "E. A. Q. Mondarte,E. M. M. Zamarripa,R. Chang,T. Hayashi","Probing the macromolecular crowding condition at the interfacial level using colloidal probe atomic force microscopy","30th Annual Meeting of MRS-J",,,,,,2020,Dec. "張嶺碩,Mondarte Evan Angelo Q,MENDOZA ZAMARRIPA Elisa,田原寛之,林智広","生体分子で作る抗付着性表面",,"表面と真空",," 63"," 6"," 289-293",2020,June