"Leo Ota,Hirotaka Uchitomi,Kazuki Suzuki,Michael J. Hove,Satoshi Orimo,Yoshihiro Miyake","Evaluation of severity of Parkinsonfs disease using stride interval variability","2012 ICME International Conference on Complex Medical Engineering","Proceedings of the 2012 ICME International Conference on Complex Medical Engineering",,,,"pp. 521-526",2012,July "Michael J Hove,Kazuki Suzuki,Hirotaka Uchitomi,Satoshi Orimo,Yoshihiro Miyake","Interactive rhythmic auditory stimulation reinstates natural 1/f timing in gait of Parkinsonfs patients",,"PLoS ONE",,"Vol. 7","No. 3"," e32600",2012,Mar. "Hirotaka Uchitomi,Suzuki, K.,Hove, M.J.,Orimo, S.,Wada, Y.,Miyake, Y.","Gait Rhythm of ParkinsonfsDisease Patients and an Interpersonal Synchrony Emulation System Based on Cooperative Gait",,"J L Wu, K Ito, S Tobimatsu, T Nishida, H Fukuyama (Eds.), Biomedical Engineering and Cognitive Neuroscience for Healthcare: Interdisciplinary Applications, Chapter 5","Springer-Verlag, Tokyo",,,"pp. 38?53",2012, "Leo Ota,Hirotaka Uchitomi,Kazuki Suzuki,Michael J. Hove,Satoshi Orimo,Yoshihiro Miyake","Relationship between Fractal Property of Gait Cycle and Severity of Parkinsonfs Disease","2011 IEEE/SICE International Symposium on System Integration","Proceedings of 2011 IEEE/SICE International Symposium on System Integration",,,,"pp. 236-239",2011,Dec.