"XiaoShi Xu","Analysis on the Mechanism of Surface Roughness Development in Melt Spinning of Blend Fibers for Artificial Hair",,,,,,,2013,Sept. "XiaoShi Xu","Analysis on the Mechanism of Surface Roughness Development in Melt Spinning of Blend Fibers for Artificial Hair",,,,,,,2013,Sept. "XiaoShi Xu","Analysis on the Mechanism of Surface Roughness Development in Melt Spinning of Blend Fibers for Artificial Hair",,,,,,,2013,Sept. "Xiaoshi Xu,Yutaka Shirakashi,Junya Ishibashi,Wataru Takarada,Takeshi Kikutani","Evaluation of surface roughness development of polyamide 6/poly(ethylene terephthalate) blend fibers through fiber diameter measurement using three types of optical equipment",,"Textile Research Journal",,"vol. 83","no. 19","pp. 2042-2050",2013,May "X.Xu,Y.Shirakashi,J.Ishibashi,W. Takarada,T. Kikutani","Mechanism of Surface Roughness Development in Melt Spinning of Blend Fibers for Artificial Hair",,"Textile Research Journal",,"Vol. 82","No. 13","pp. 1382-1389",2012,June "X.-S. Xu,Y. Shirakashi,J. Ishibashi,W. Takarada,T. Kikutani","Evaluation of surface roughness development of blend fibers through fiber diameter measurement using various optical equipments","日本繊維機械学会 第65回 年次大会","日本繊維機械学会 第65回年次大会 研究発表論文集","繊維機械学会",,,"pp. 168-169",2012,June "X.-S. Xu,Y. Shirakashi,J. Ishibashi,W. Takarada,T. Kikutani","Mechanism of Surface Roughness Development in Melt Spinning of Blend Fibers for Artificial Hair","International Symposium on New Frontiers in Fiber Materials Science","Proceedings of International Symposium on New Frontiers in Fiber Materials Science","The fiber society"," CD-ROM",,,2011,Oct. "Xiaoshi Xu,Yutaka Shirakashi,Jyunya Ishibashi,Wataru Takarada,Takeshi Kikutani","Mechanism of Surface Roughness Development in Melt Spinning of Blends Fibers for Artificial Hair","Asian Joint Conference on Advanced Polymer Processing","Proceedings of Asian Joint Conference on Advanced Polymer Processing",,,,"pp. 124-125",2011,Sept. "X.-S. Xu,Y. Shirakashi,J. Ishibashi,W. Takarada,T. Kikutani","Mechanism of Surface Roughmess Development in Melt Spinning of Blend Fibers for Artificial Hair","The Japan Society of Polymer Processing 22nd Annual Meeting","Preprints of Seikei-Kakou Annual Meeting 2011","The Japan Society of Polymer Processing",,,"p. 213-214",2011,June "白樫豊,朝倉修,伊藤伸司,石橋準也,徐暁師,宝田亘,鞠谷雄士","ポリアミド6を主成分とする人工毛髪用表面粗面化ブレンド繊維の開発",,"成形加工",,"Vol. 23","No. 6","pp. 358-364",2011,May "X. Xu,Y. Shirakashi,J. Ishibashi,W. Takarada,T. Kikutani","Mechanism of surface roughness development in melt spinning of blend fibers","PPS 2010 Istanbul Regional Meeting","Proceedings of PPS 2010 Istanbul Regional Meeting","Polymer Processing Society"," CD-ROM",,,2010,Oct. "Y. Shirakashi,O. Asakura,S. Ito,J. Ishibashi,X. Xu,W. Takarada,T. Kikutani","Spinning Conditions on Surface Roughness and Reflective Properties of PA/PET Blend Fibers for Artificial Hair","PPS 2010 Istanbul Regional Meeting","Proceedings of PPS 2010 Istanbul Regional Meeting","Polymer Processing Society"," CD-ROM",,,2010,Oct. "X. Xu,Y. Shirakashi,J. Ishibashi,W. Takarada,T. Kikutani","Mechanism of surface roughness development in melt spinning of blend fibers for artificial hair","平成22年度繊維学会秋季大会","Fiber Preprints, Japan","The Society of Fiber Science and Technology, Japan","Vol. 65","No. 3",,2010,Sept. "徐暁師,白樫豊,石橋準也,宝田亘,鞠谷雄士","人工毛髪用繊維の溶融紡糸における紡糸条件の繊維表面粗度への影響","第21回プラスチック成形加工学会年次大会","成形加工'10","プラスチック成型加工学会",,,"p. 145",2010,June "X. S. Xu,Y. Shirakashi,J. Ishibashi,W. Takarada,T. Kikutani","Analysis on the Development of Surface Roughness in Melt Spinning of Fibers for Artificial Hair","Advanced Polymeric Materials and Technology Symposium (APMT2010)","Proceedings of APMT 2010",,,,,2010,Jan. "X. S. Xu,Y. Shirakashi,J. Ishibashi,W. Takarada,T. Kikutani","Analysis on the Development of Surface Roughness in Melt Spinning of Fibers for Artificial Hair","The 10th Asian Textile Conference","Proceedings of the 10th Asian Textile Conference",," CD-ROM",,,2009,Sept. "X. S. Xu,Y. Shirakashi,J. Ishiashi,W. Takarada,T. Kikutani","Analysis on the development of surface roughness in melt sinning of fibers for artificial hair","プラスチック成形加工学会 第20回年次大会","JSPP '09 Technical Papers","プラスチック成形加工学会",,,"p. 221",2009,June