"Alin Yoshida,Anna Gubarevich,Katsumi Yoshida","Effect of boron and carbon additives on SiC ceramics sintered by highfrequency induction heating","International Symposium on Green Transformation Initiative and Innovative Zero-Carbon Energy Systems, GXI-ZES, 14 - 16 January 2025",,,,,,2025,Jan. "Alin Yoshida,Anna Gubarevich,Katsumi Yoshida","Effect of Boron and Carbon Additives on Fast Sintering Behavior of SiC Ceramics Assisted by Induction Heating","MRM2023/IUMRS-ICA2023",,,,,,2023,Dec. "グバレビッチアンナ,本間元,HANCHAROENAlin,吉田克己","高周波電磁誘導効果を利用した非酸化物セラミックスの常圧高速焼結","日本セラミックス協会 第36回秋季シンポジウム",,,,,,2023,Sept. "Alin Hancharoen,Anna Gubarevich,Katsumi Yoshida","Rapid Sintering of SiC Ceramics Assisted by High-Frequency Induction Heating","International Symposium on Zero-Carbon Energy Systems (IZES)",,,,,,2023,Jan.