"Pham Nam Hai,Nguyen Huynh Duy Khang,Tuo Fan,Yugo Ueda,Yasuyoshi Miyamoto","(Invited) Topological Insulator Spintronics","The VANJ Conference 2020 (VANJ20)",,,,,,2020,Nov. "Nguyen Huynh Duy Khang,Yugo Ueda,Kenichiro Yao,Yasuyoshi Miyamoto,Pham Nam Hai","(Invited) Giant spin related phenomena in BiSb topological insulator/ferromagnet heterostructures","The 3rd CSRN-Tokyo Workshop 2019",,,,,,2019,Nov. "Pham Nam Hai,Nguyen Huynh Duy Khang,Takanori Shirokura,Kenichiro Yao,Yugo Ueda","(Invited) Giant spin-orbit torque generated by BiSb topological insulator for high-performance spintronic devices","International Workshop on?New Trends in Topological Insulators 2019 & Variety and Universality of Bulk-edge Correspondence in Topological Phases (NTTI2019 and BEC 2019)",,,,,,2019,July "Pham Nam Hai,Nguyen Huynh Duy Khang,Takanori Shirokura,Kenichiro Yao,Yugo Ueda","(Key Note) SPIN HALL EFFECT IN TOPOLOGICAL INSULATORS: FROM FUNDAMENTAL RESEARCHES TO SPINTRONIC DEVICE APPLICATIONS","Vietnam-Japan Science and Technology Symposium 2019 (VJST2019)",,,,,,2019,May "Nguyen Huynh Duy Khang,Yugo Ueda,Pham Nam Hai","(Invited) Colossal spin Hall effect in a conductive topological insulator Bi0.9Sb0.1 for ultra-low-power spin-orbit-torque switching","The 11th Vietnam-Japan Scientific Exchange Meeting",,,,,,2018,Sept. "Pham Nam Hai,Nguyen Huynh Duy Khang,Kenichiro Yao,Yugo Ueda","(Invited) Conductive BiSb topological insulator with colossal spin Hall effect for ultra-low power spin-orbit-torque switching","SPIE Spintronics XI",,,,,,2018,Aug. "Pham Nam Hai,Nguyen Huynh Duy Khang,Kenichiro Yao,Yugo Ueda","Conductive BiSb topological insulator with colossal spin Hall effect for ultra-low power spin-orbit-torque switching",,"Proc. SPIE",,"Vol. 10732",," 107320U",2018,Aug. "Nguyen Huynh Duy Khang,Yugo Ueda,Pham Nam Hai","A conductive topological insulator with large spin Hall effect for ultralow power spin-orbit torque switching",,"Nature Materials",,"Vol. 17",,"pp. 808?813",2018,July "Khang Nguyen,Yugo Ueda,Nam Hai Pham","Ultra-low-power spin-orbit-torque switching using the colossal spin Hal effect in BiSb topological insulator","Intermag2018",,,,,,2018,Apr. "Nguyen Huynh Duy Khang,Yugo Ueda,Hai Pham Nam","Room-temperature colossal spin Hall effect in topological insulator Bi0.9Sb0.1(012) thin films for ultra-low-power spin-orbit-torque switching","The 65th JSAP Spring meeting",,,,,,2018,Mar. "Nguyen Huynh Duy Khang,Yugo Ueda,Kenichiro Yao,Pham Nam Hai","Growth and characterization of MnGa thin films with perpendicular magnetic anisotropy on BiSb topological insulator",,"Journal of Applied Physics",,"vol. 122",,"pp. 143903",2017,Oct. "N. H. D. Khang,Y. Ueda,P. N. Hai","Magnetic and structural properties of MnGa thin films grown on Bi0.8Sb0.2 topological insulator","Junjirou Kanamori Memorial International Symposium ? New Horizon of Magnetism-",,,,,,2017,Sept. "Nguyen Huynh Duy Khang,Yugo Ueda,Pham Nam Hai","MnGa thin films with perpendicular magnetic anisotropy grown on BiSb topological insulator","9th International School and Conference on Spintronics and Quantum Information Technolog (Spintech IX)",,,,,,2017,June "Nguyen Huynh Duy Khang,Yugo Ueda,Pham Nam Hai","MnGa thin films with perpendicular magnetic anisotropy grown on BiSb topological insulator","東京工業大学2017スピントロニクイノベーショ研究推進体会? ポストピンロニクへの挑戦?",,,,,,2017,June "K. Yao,Y. Ueda,N. H. D. Khang,P. N. Hai","Electrical properties of Bi1-xSbx spin Hall thin films grown on GaAs(111)A substrates”","第64回応用物理学会春季学術講演会",,,,,,2017,Mar. "Yugo Ueda,Nguyen Huynh Duy Khang,Kenichiro Yao,Pham Nam Hai","Epitaxial growth and characterization of Bi1-xSbx spin Hall thin films on GaAs(111)A substrates",,"Appl. Phys. Lett.",,"Vol. 110",,"pp. 062401",2017,Jan. "Yugo Ueda,Pham Nam Hai","Epitaxial Growth and Characterization of Bi1-xSbx Spin Hall Alloy on GaAs(111) Substrates","19th International Conference on Molecular Beam Epitaxy (MBE2016)",,,,,,2016,Sept. "S. Suzuki,T. Nukariya,Y. Ueda,T. Otsuka,M. Asada","High Current Responsivity and Wide Modulation Bandwidth Terahertz Detector Using High-Electron-Mobility Transistor for Wireless Communication",,"J Infrared Millimeter and Terahz Waves",,"vol. 37",,"pp. 658-667",2016,Mar. "Yugo Ueda,Pham Nam Hai","Growth and characterization of Bi1-xSbx thin films on GaAs(111) substrates","9th International Conference on Physics and Applications of Spin-Related Phenomena in Solids (PASPS9)",,,,,,2016, "Yugo Ueda,Pham Nam Hai","Epitaxial growth of Bi1-xSbx spin-Hall alloy on GaAs(111) substrates","The 63th JSAP Spring Meeting",,,,,,2016,