"Nagao K.,Esaki H.,Jasinda C.,Yeow T.,Kono S.,Mukai D.","Numerical Analysis of Flexural Performance of Hollow Precast CFST Piles under Varied High Axial Loads","14th International Symposium on Architectural Interchanges in Asia (14 ISAIA)","Proceedings of the 14th International Symposium on Architectural Interchanges in Asia (14 ISAIA)","Architectural Institute of Japan",,,,2024,Sept. "長尾圭人,江崎宏哉,Jasinda C.,河野進,山路 麻未","高軸力下におけるSC 杭の曲げ性能特性に関する研究 (その1?2)","日本建築学会年次大会","Summaries of technical papers of annual meeting, AIJ","日本建築学会"," IV",,"pp. 349-352",2024,Aug. "江崎宏哉,河野進,Jasinda Clarissa,長尾圭人","高圧縮軸力下におけるSC杭の曲げ変形性能に関する研究",,"コンクリート工学年次論文報告集",,"Vol. 46","No. 2","pp. 409-414",2024,July "Nagao K.,Esaki H.,Jasinda C.,Kono S.","Flexural performance of hollow precast cfst piles under varied high axial loads","The 8th Tongji-TIT Joint Workshop on Building and Civil Engineering between Tongji and Tokyo Tech","Proceedings of the 8th Tongji-TIT Joint Workshop on Building and Civil Engineering between Tongji and Tokyo Tech",,,,,2024,June "Hiroya Esaki,Clarissa Jasinda,Taku Obara,Susumu Kono,David Jiro Mukai","Numerical Analysis of Circular Hollow Precast CFST Piles with Concrete Infill focusing on Axial Deformation","The 16th Japan Earthquake Engineering Symposium JEES","Proceedings of The 16th Japan Earthquake Engineering Symposium",,,,,2023,Nov. "江崎宏哉,小原拓,河野進,Mukai David","曲げ解析による中空部に中詰めしたSC 杭の終局状態の解明(その1?2)","日本建築学会年次大会","Summaries of technical papers of annual meeting, AIJ","日本建築学会"," IV",,"pp. 509-512",2023,Sept. "江崎宏哉,小原拓,河野進,Jasinda Clarissa","中空部に中詰めしたSC杭の終局時の変形性能に関する解析的研究",,"コンクリート工学年次論文報告集",,"Vol. 45","No. 2","pp. 529-534",2023,July "江崎宏哉,小原 拓,河野 進","上部構造と杭基礎の一体解析モデルによるSC 杭の耐震性能評価に関する解析的研究","日本建築学会年次大会","日本建築学会大会学術講演梗概集構造系","日本建築学会"," 構造?",,"pp. 483-484",2022,Sept.