"Ryo Ashida,Sebastian Kuhnert,Osamu Watanabe","A Space-Efficient Separator Algorithm for Planar Graphs",,"IEICE TRANSACTIONS on Fundamentals of Electronics, Communications and Computer Sciences","The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers","Vol. E102-A","No. 9","pp. 1007-1016",2019,Sept. "Ryo Ashida","Space Efficient Algorithms for Planar Separator Theorem and Grid Graph Reachability Problem",,,,,,,2019,Sept. "Ryo Ashida","Space Efficient Algorithms for Planar Separator Theorem and Grid Graph Reachability Problem",,,,,,,2019,Sept. "Ryo Ashida","Space Efficient Algorithms for Planar Separator Theorem and Grid Graph Reachability Problem",,,,,,,2019,Sept.