"Kensuke Hara","Application of DAE solvers to nonlinear sloshing problems based on the ALE finite element method","Dynamics and Design Conference 2019","Dynamics and Design Conference 2019 講演論文集",,,"No. 19-13",,2019,Aug. "Kazuaki Shimojima,Kensuke Hara,Hiroshi Yamaura","Dynamic analysis and experimental verification for multibody system by using incremental rotation in time-discrete model",,"日本機械学会論文集","日本機械学会","Vol. 85","No. 875","p. 18-00462",2019,July "Kensuke Hara,Takashi Kawaida","Formulation of the ANCF shear deformable beam element based on the elastic line approach (An efficient calculation strategy with the global and element coordinate systems)",,"日本機械学会論文集","日本機械学会","Vol. 85","No. 873","p. 18-00463",2019,May