"Kai Tang,Toshihiro Osaragi","Multi-Objective Evcuation Planning Model Considering Post-Earthquake Fire Spread: A Tokyo Case Study",,"Sustainability 2024","MDPI","Volume 16","Issue 10",,2024,May "Weiying Wang,Toshihiro Osaragi","Lognormal distribution of daily travel time and a utility model for its emergence",,"Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice","Elsevier Ltd.","Volume 183",,,2024,May "Yukou Hayashi,Toshihiro Osaragi","Analysis of the Relationships Between the Physical Characteristics of the Office Layout by Isovist and Seating Environment Perception",,"The Architectural Institute of Japan’s Journal of Architecture and Planning","Architectural Institute of Japan","Vol. 89","No. 818","pp. 638-646",2024,Apr. "Toshihiro Osaragi,Yuta Haneda,Maki Kishimoto,Yoshihiro Fukushima,Jun Iyama","Estimating the Number and Direction of Pedestrians on the Staircase Using Acceleration Sensors and Infrared Human Detections Sensors",,"The Architectural Institute of Japan’s Journal of Architecture and Planning","Architectural Institute of Japan","Vol. 89","No. 818","pp. 647-654",2024,Apr. "Ahmed Derdouri,Narjiss Satour,Yuji Murayama,Takehiro Morimoto,Toshihiro Osaragi,Adil Salhi","Coastal satellite urbanization in the global south: Dynamics, sustainability dilemmas, and pathways for Martil, Morocco",,"Cities","Elsevier Ltd.","Vol. 149",,,2024,Apr. "Toshihiro Osaragi,共著","消防機関が軸(ハブ)となるべき効果的な地震時の自助・共助方策についての研究委託",,,"NTTデータ経営研究所",,,,2024,Mar. "Toshihiro Osaragi","2023年度秋季全国大会(学術講演会)報告",,"日本不動産学会誌",,"Vol. 37","No. 4","p. 137",2024,Mar. "Toshihiro Osaragi,共著","消防水利の設置及び維持管理に関する調査研究",,"消防水利の設置及び維持管理に関する調査研究","浜松市/一般財団法人 地方自治研究機構",,,,2024,Mar. "Toshihiro Osaragi,Noriaki Hirokawa,Maki Kishimoto","Toward Integrated Disaster Prevention and Mitigation System Linking Disaster Information Collection and Property Damage Simulation","17th IADIS International Conference Information Systems 2024",,,,,,2024,Mar. "Toshihiro Osaragi,Maki Kishimoto","Evaluation Index of Traffic Functions of Specific Emergency Transportation Roads and Its Application to Seismic Retrofit Promotion Plan",,"The Architectural Institute of Japan’s Journal of Architecture and Planning","Architectural Institute of Japan","Vol. 89","No. 817","pp. 536-544",2024,Mar. "Maki Kishimoto,Toshihiro Osaragi,YiLi Chan","Simulation Analysis of Disaster Mitigation Effects by Urban Improvement Projects in Densely Built-Up Wooden Residential Area",,"The Architectural Institute of Japan’s Journal of Architecture and Planning","Architectural Institute of Japan","Vol. 89","No. 816","pp. 310-319",2024,Feb. "Weiying Wang,Toshihiro Osaragi","Learning Daily Human Mobility with a Transformer-Based Model",,"ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information","MDPI","Vol. 13","Issue 2",,2024,Jan.