"Mustafa AbdulJabbar,Rio Yokota","N-body methods",,"High Performance Parallelism Pearls","Morgan Kaufmann",,,,2014,Nov. "Huda Ibeid,Rio Yokota,Jennifer Pestana,David Keyes","Fast Multipole Preconditioners for Sparse Linear Solvers","11th World Congress on Computational Mechanics",,,,,,2014,July "Rio Yokota,David Keyes","Communication Complexity of the Fast Multipole Method and its Algebraic Variants","CBMS-NSF Conference: Fast Direct Solvers for Elliptic PDEs",,,,,,2014,June "Yousuke Ohno,Rio Yokota,Hiroshi Koyama,Gentaro Morimoto,Aki Hasegawa,Gen Masumoto,Noriaki Okimoto,Yoshinori Hirano,Huda Ibeid,Tetsu Narumi,Makoto Taiji","Petascale molecular dynamics simulation using the fast multipole method on K computer",,"Computer Physics Communications",,"Vol. 185","No. 10","pp. 2575?2585",2014,June "Rio Yokota,George Turkiyyah,David E. Keyes","Communication complexity of the fast multipole method and its algebraic variants",,"Supercomputing Frontiers and Innovations",,"Vol. 1","No. 1","pp. 63?84",2014,June "Rio Yokota","Fast N-body Methods as a Compute-Bound Preconditioner for Sparse Solvers on GPUs","GPU Technology Conference",,,,,,2014,Mar. "Hatem Ltaief,Rio Yokota","High Performance Numerical Algorithms for Seismic and Reservoir Simulations","GPU Technology Conference",,,,,,2014,Mar.