"Takehiro Sumita,Yoshinao Kobayashi,Shigeru Ueda,Toshio Nakagiri","Melting behavior of reactor core during severe accident of BWR (1) Fracture behavior of stainless structure materials by molten metallic and oxidic corium","Annual Meeting of Atomic Energy Society Japan (AESJ) Autumn 2018",,,,,,2018,Sept. "Takehiro Sumita,Yoshinao Kobayashi","流れのあるメタル系溶融デブリ中でのステンレス構造物破損速度の検討","IRID シンポジウム2018 燃料デブリ取り出しに挑む-?",,,,,,2018,Aug. "Takehiro Sumita,Yoshinao Kobayashi","Corrosion-erosion of solid stainless steel by molten metallic corium: experimental investigation","2nd TITECH-CRIEPI-JAEA Joint Workshop -R&D Updated on Fuel Debris and FP Behavior During Severe Accidents ?",,,,,,2018,July "Takehiro Sumita,Kayoko Nohara","Analysis of Seminar Formation Factors and their Relevance in Science and Engineering Education based on Skopos Theory",,"Journal of JSEE",,"vol. 66","no. 3","p. 2",2018,May "Chisei Kato,Takehiro Sumita,Kentarou Urata,yoshinao kobayashi","低酸素分圧下でのCaO-SiO2-Cr2O3スラグ中のCrOxの溶解度測定","日本鉄鋼協会第175回春季講演大会",,,,,,2018,Mar. "Takehiro Sumita,Yoshinao Kobayashi","The Fracture Behavior of Solid SS by Molten SS-B4C Eutectic Melt under the Dynamic Condition","日本原子力学会2018年春の年会",,,,,,2018,Mar. "Takehiro Sumita,yoshinao kobayashi","メタル系溶融コリウムによる炉心構造物破損形態の解明","Conference for R&D Initiative on Nuclear Decommissioning Technology by the Next Generation (NDEC-3)",,,,,,2018,Mar.