"Takehiro Sumita,Yoshinao Kobayashi","Dissolution behavior of solid stainless steel by its molten eutectic mixture with B4C under dynamic condition",,"Progress in Nuclear Energy",,"Volume 117",,,2019,Nov. "Takehiro Sumita","Collapse Behavior of Stainless Steel by Molten Metallic Corium in BWR during Severe Accident",,,,,,,2019,Mar. "Takehiro Sumita","Collapse Behavior of Stainless Steel by Molten Metallic Corium in BWR during Severe Accident",,,,,,,2019,Mar. "Ryohei Hattori,Isamu Sato,Takehiro Sumita,Yoshinao Kobayashi","Study on O / M ratio change behavior of a simulated fuel, CeO2-x, under air atmosphere","Atomic Energy Society of Japan 2019 Annual Meeting",,,,,,2019,Mar. "Takehiro Sumita","Collapse Behavior of Stainless Steel by Molten Metallic Corium in BWR during Severe Accident",,,,,,,2019,Mar. "Takehiro Sumita,Yoshinao Kobayashi","Investigation of corrosion-erosion behavior of stainless steel considering SS-B4C melt",,"Journal of Nuclear Materials",,"Vol. 515",,"pp. 71-79",2019,Mar. "Ayumi Itoh,Takehiro Sumita,Masanori Kajihara,yoshinao kobayashi","The release behavior of boron and silicon from degraded absorber rods on core degradation during BWR severe accident",,"Journal of nuclear materials",,"Vol. 514",," 101-108",2019,Feb. "Takehiro Sumita,Yoshinao Kobayashi","Quantitative Analysis Method for Determination of Boron Concentration in Stainless Steel-B4C Alloy by ICP-OES",,"Journal of the Japanese Society for Experimental Mechanics",,"Vol. 18","No. 4","pp. 247-249",2019,Jan.