"Hilofumi Yamamoto","Co-occurrence weights and the distribution pattern of classical Japanese vocabulary","2020 Korea-Japan Symposium on Digital Humanities","Zooming-in and zooming-out: Principles and methods in Digital Humanities",,,,,2020,Nov. "Hilofumi Yamamoto,Bor Hodo??ek","A fundamental study of effective visualization and description of longitudinal changes of classical Japanese poetic vocabulary","JADH2020 “A New Decade in Digital Scholarship: Microcosms and Hubs”","The Proceedings of the 10th Conference of the Japanese Association of Digital Humanities, JADH2020 “A New Decade in Digital Scholarship: Microcosms and Hubs”,",,"Vol. 2020",,"pp. 82-86",2020,Nov. "Dol?a Tellols,Takenobu Tokunaga,Hilofumi Yamamoto","Assessing Language Learners’ Free Productive Vocabulary with Hidden-task-oriented Dialogue System","Workshop on User-Aware Conversational Agents (user2agent 2020)","Proceedings of Workshop on User-Aware Conversational Agents (user2agent 2020)",,,,"page 6",2020,Mar. "Hilofumi Yamamoto,Bor Hodoscek","Development of database of dictation practice for Japanese learners",,"Proceedings of the 25th Symposium on Humanities and Database","第25回公開シンポジウム「人文科学とデータベース」実行委員会","Vol. 25",,"pp. 17-24",2020,Feb.