"永島史悠,吉野雅彦,中川佑貴","強せん断加工による鉄系材料の結晶粒微細化","第71回塑性加工連合講演会","第71回塑性加工連合講演会 講演論文集",,,,"p. 161-162",2020,Nov. "F Nagashima,Y Nakagawa,M Yoshino","Influence of Severe Plastic Deformation on Static Recrystallization Microstructure of Pure Iron",,"Metals",,"Vol. 10","No. 10","pp. 1320",2020,Oct. "吉野雅彦,青柳友之,中川佑貴","微細エンボス加工による微細金属素子の作製法",,"日本機械学会2020年度年次大会 講演論文集",,,,,2020,Sept. "Fumihisa Nagashima,Yuki Nakagawa,Masahiko Yoshino","Study on effects of strong shear strain on recrystallized grain size of pure iron and microstructure control method","18th International Conference on Metal Forming 2020","Procedia Manufacturing",,"Vol. 50",,"pp. 248-252",2020,Sept. "Fumihisa Nagashima,Yuki Nakagawa,Masahiko Yoshino","Study on effects of strong shear strain on recrystallized grain size of pure iron and microstructure control method","18th International Conference on Metal Forming 2020","Procedia Manufacturing",,"Vol. 50",,"pp. 248-252",2020,Sept. "H Shen,Y Nakagawa,M Yoshino","Subtractive transfer printing process for rapid fabrication of Au nano/micro structures on a polymer substrate",,"Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering",,"Vol. 30","No. 11","pp. 115006",2020,July "Potejana Potejanasak,Truong Duc Phuc,Motoki Terano,Takatoki Yamamoto,Masahiko Yoshino","Chemical Lift-Off Process Using Acetone Ink for Easy Fabrication of Metallic Nano/Microstructures",,"International Journal of Automation Technology",,,,,2020,Mar. "Abdallah Abdelkawy,,MASAHIKO YOSHINO,Yuki Nakagawa","EFFECT OF TOOL RAKE ANGLE AND CRYSTAL ORIENTATION ON DUCTILE MODE CUTTING OF HARD/BRITTLE MATERIALS",,"International Journal of Automation Technology, Special Iissue for Novel Fabrication Processes for Tailored Functional Materials and Surface",,"vol. 14","No. 2","pp. 253-259",2020,Mar. "Abdallah Abdelkawy,,MASAHIKO YOSHINO,Yuki Nakagawa","EFFECT OF TOOL RAKE ANGLE AND CRYSTAL ORIENTATION ON DUCTILE MODE CUTTING OF HARD/BRITTLE MATERIALS",,"International Journal of Automation Technology, Special Iissue for Novel Fabrication Processes for Tailored Functional Materials and Surface",,"vol. 14","No. 2","pp. 253-259",2020,Mar. "Potejanasak Potejana,MASAHIKO YOSHINO,Truong Phuc,Motoki Terano","CHEMICAL STAMPING-COATING-PEELING PROCESS FOR EFFICIENT FABRICATION OF METALLIC NANO/MICROSTRUCTURES",,"International Journal of Automation Technology, Special Iissue for Novel Fabrication Processes for Tailored Functional Materials and Surfaces",,"vol. 14","No. 2","pp. 229-237",2020,Mar. "Hao Shen,MASAHIKO YOSHINO","Efficient fabrication process for metallic structures of submicrometer size",,"Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering",,"Vol. 30","No. 3",,2020,Feb. "MASAHIKO YOSHINO,Ryandanu Priwanta Wuryanjono,Yuki Nakagawa,Motoki Terano","Microstructure control of iron sheet surface by combination of burnishing and annealing","8th International Conference on Mechanics and Materials in Design, M2D2019",,,,,,2020,