"Yoshihiro Gohda,Z. Torbatian,T. Ozaki,S. Tsuneyuki","Magnetic anisotropy induced by itinerant electrons in Y2Fe14B","International Symposium on Computics: Quantum Simulation and Design (ISC-QSD)",,,,,,2014,Dec. "T. Nakamura,Yoshihiro Gohda,et al.","Direct observation of ferromagnetism in grain boundary phase of Nd-Fe-B sintered magnet using soft x-ray magnetic circular dichroism",,"Appl. Phys. Lett.",," 105",," 202404",2014,Nov. "Yoshihiro Gohda,Z. Torbatian,T. Ozaki,S. Tsuneyuki","First-principles calculations of magnetic anisotropy due to itinerant electrons","59th Annual Magnetism and Magnetic Materials Conference (MMM2014)",,,,,,2014,Nov. "Yoshihiro Gohda,Z. Torbatian,T. Ozaki,S. Tsuneyuki","Strain effects on the magnetic anisotropy of Y2Fe14B","E-MRS 2014 Fall Meeting",,,,,,2014,Sept. "合田 義弘","磁石材料微細構造最適化に向けて − SPring-8との連携","第1回「京」と大型実験施設との連携利用シンポジウム",,,,,,2014,Sept. "合田 義弘","磁性材料と OpenMX","第 3 回 CMSI「京」・HPCI スパコン利用情報交換会",,,,,,2014,July "Z. Torbatian,T. Ozaki,S. Tsuneyuki,Yoshihiro Gohda","Strain effects on the magnetic anisotropy of Y2Fe14B examined by first-principles calculations",,"Appl. Phys. Lett.",," 104",," 242403",2014,June "T. Tadano,Yoshihiro Gohda,S. Tsuneyuki","Anharmonic force constants extracted from first-principles molecular dynamics: applications to heat transfer simulations",,"J. Phys. Condens. Matter",," 26",," 225402",2014,May "合田 義弘","第一原理計算による表面・界面磁性","2014 年度第 1 回界面ナノ科学研究会",,,,,,2014,Apr. "M. Kawamura,Yoshihiro Gohda,S. Tsuneyuki","Improved tetrahedron method for the Brillouin-zone integration applicable to response functions",,"Phys. Rev. B",," 89",," 094515",2014,Mar. "Y. Iwazaki,Yoshihiro Gohda,S. Tsuneyuki","Diversity of hydrogen configuration and its roles in SrTiO3-δ",,"APL Mater.",," 2",," 012103",2014,Jan. "Yoshihiro Gohda","First-principles theory on magnetism at interfaces","Collaborative Conference on Materials Research 2014 (CCMR2014),",,,,,,2014,Jan.