"Kaiwen Li,Kota Hanzawa,Keisuke Ide,Kosuke Matsuzaki,Takayoshi Katase,Hidenori Hiramatsu,Hideo Hosono,Zhang Qun,Toshio Kamiya","Transport properties of Zn3N2 investigated by ionic liquid gated electric-double-layer transistors","Materials Research Meeting 2021",,,,,,2021,Dec. "Kaiwen Li,Kota Hanzawa,Keisuke Ide,Kosuke Matsuzaki,Takayoshi Katase,Hidenori Hiramatsu,Hideo Hosono,Zhang Qun,Toshio Kamiya","Room-temperature fabrication of ionic liquid gated Zn3N2 electric double layer transistors with non-degenerate channel electron density","2021 International Conference on Solid State Devices and Materials (SSDM 2021)",,,,,,2021,Sept. "Kaiwen Li,Kota Hanzawa,Keisuke Ide,Kosuke Matsuzaki,Takayoshi Katase,Hidenori Hiramatsu,Hideo Hosono,Zhang Qun,Toshio Kamiya","Room-temperature fabrication of ionic liquid gated Zn3N2 electric double layer transistors with non-degenerate channel electron density","2021 International Conference on Solid State Devices and Materials (SSDM 2021)",,,,,,2021,Sept. "Ryusei Higuchi,Takayoshi Katase,Kota Hanzawa,Shintaro Yasui,Keisuke Ide,Hidenori Hiramatsu,Hideo Hosono,Toshio Kamiya","Thermoelectric properties of non-equilibrium SnSe thin films stabilized by epitaxial strain","The Twelfth International Conference on the Science and Technology for Advanced Ceramics (STAC12)",,,,,,2021,July "Kaiwen Li,Kota Hanzawa,Keisuke Ide,Kosuke Matsuzaki,Takayoshi Katase,Hidenori Hiramatsu,Hideo Hosono,Qun Zhang,Toshio Kamiya","Fabrication of Zn3N2 electric double layer transistor by ionic liquid gating","The Twelfth International Conference on the Science and Technology for Advanced Ceramics (STAC12)",,,,,,2021,July "Akira Saitoh,Katsuki Hayashi,Kota Hanzawa,Shigenori Ueda,Shiro Kawachi,Jun-ichi Yamaura,Keisuke Ide,Junghwan Kim,Gregory Tricot,Satoru Matsuishi,Kazuki Mitsui,Tatsuki Shimizu,Masami Mori,Hideo Hosono,Hidenori Hiramatsu","Origins of the coloration from structure and valence state of bismuth oxide glasses",,"J. NON-CRYST. SOLIDS.",," 560",," 120720-1 - 120720-14",2021,Feb.