"田川帆師,花岡伸也,川崎智也","複雑ネットワークによるコンテナ輸送ネットワークの評価",,"土木計画学研究・講演集",,"Vol. 62",,,2020,Nov. "Tomoya Kawasaki,Shinya HANAOKA,Yuri Saito,Hoshi Tagawa","Multiple ports choice problem in linear city: Case study in Manila and Batangas port, Philippines","8th International Conference on Transportation and Logistics (T-LOG 2020)",,,,,,2020,Sept. "Hoshi Tagawa,Tomoya Kawasaki,Shinya HANAOKA","Bi-level optimization model for designing point to point or hub and spoke maritime network: Case study on East Asian ports","8th International Conference on Transportation and Logistics (T-LOG 2020)",,,,,,2020,Sept. "Hirohito Ito,Shinya HANAOKA,Tomoya Kawasaki","Port selection behavior of cruise lines under THAAD event in Northeast Asia","International Association of Maritime Economists (IAME) 2020 Conference",,,,,,2020,June "Takashi Hiraide,Shinya HANAOKA,Tomoya Kawasaki","Clarifying the relationship between the seaborne trade flows of landlocked developing countries and the attributes of their cross-border corridors",,"土木計画学研究・講演集",,"Vol. 61",,,2020,June "Hoshi Tagawa,Tomoya Kawasaki,Shinya HANAOKA","Exploring the established conditions of de-hubbing maritime network","International Association of Maritime Economists (IAME) 2020 Conference",,,,,,2020,June "Hirohito Ito,Shinya HANAOKA,Tomoya Kawasaki","The cruise industry and the COVID-19 outbreak",,"Transportation Research Interdisciplinary Perspectives",,"Vol. 5",," 100136",2020,May "Kavirathna Chathumi,Tomoya Kawasaki,Shinya HANAOKA,Bandara Yapa Mahinda","Cooperation with a vessel transfer policy for coopetition among container terminals in a single port",,"Transport Policy",,"Vol. 89",,"pp. 1-12",2020,Apr. "Tomoya Kawasaki,Toshihiro Watanabe,Hoshi Tagawa,Shinya HANAOKA","The effects of consolidation and privatization of ports in proximity: A case study of the Kobe and Osaka ports",,"The Asian Journal of Shipping and Logistics",,"Vol. 36","No. 1","pp. 1-12",2020,Mar. "Takuma Matsuda,Shinya HANAOKA,Tomoya Kawasaki","Cost analysis of bulk cargo containerization",,"Maritime Policy and Management",,"Vol. 47","No. 6","pp. 736-755",2020,Feb.