"Yiming Jiang,Chun-Yi Chen,Tso-Fu Mark Chang,Xun Luo,Daisuke Yamane,Masanori Mizoguchi,Osamu Kudo,Ryu Maeda,Masato Sone","Electrodeposition of Ni-Co Alloys from Sulfamate Bath and the Micro-Mechanical Property","The 2021 International Chemical Congress of Pacific Basin Societies (Pacifichem 2021)",,,,,,2021,Dec. "Yiming Jiang,Chun-Yi Chen,Xun Luo,Daisuke Yamane,Masanori Mizoguchi,Osamu Kudo,Ryu Maeda,Masato Sone,Tso-Fu Mark Chang","Electrodeposition of Nickel-Cobalt Alloy Films and their Micro-Mechanical Property","TACT2021 International Thin Films Conference","TACT2021 International Thin Films Conference",,,,,2021,Nov. "Yiming Jiang,Chun-Yi Chen,Tso-Fu Mark Chang,Xun Luo,Daisuke Yamane,Masanori Mizoguchi,Osamu Kudo,Ryu Maeda,Masato Sone","Micro-Mechanical Characterization of Electrodeposited Ni-Co Alloys toward Design of MEMS Components","Micro and Nano Engineering Conference 2021 (MNE2021)",,,,,,2021,Sept. "Tokihiro Hotta,Tso-Fu Mark Chang,Chun-Yi Chen,Hidekazu Sawae,Yu Imada,Masanori Mizoguchi,Osamu Kudo,Ryu Maeda,Masato Sone","Micro-Compression Characterization and Thermal Stability of Electrolessly Plated Nickel Phosphorus Alloy",,"ECS Journal of Solid State Science and Technology","The Electrochemical Society","Vol. 10","No. 3","p. 035007",2021,Mar.