"T. Ishikawa,A. Sakurai,H. Hirano,A. Lezhava,M. Sakurai","Emerging new technologies in pharamcogenomics: Rapid SNP detection, molecular dynamic simulation, and QSAR analysis methods to validate clinically importantgenetic variants of human ABC transporter ABCB1 (P-gp/MDR1)",,"Pharmacology & Therapeutics",,"vol. 126",,"pp. 69-81",2010, "Toshihisa Ishikawa","Ubiquitin-mediated proteasomal degradation of non-synonymous SNP variants of human ABC transporter ABCG2",,"Biochemical J.",,,"No. 411","pp. 623-631",2008,Dec. "石川智久","Intramolecular disulfide bond is a critical checkpoint determining degradative fates of ABC transporter ABCG2 protein.",,"J. Biol. Chem.",,"Vol. 282","No. 38","pp. 27841-27846",2007,Dec. "Hiroshi Nakagawa,Hasumi, K.,Takami, M.,Aida-Hyugaji, S.,Woo, J. T.,Kazuo Nagai,Toshihisa Ishikawa,Masaaki Wachi","Identification of two biologically crucial hydroxyl groups of (-)-epigallocatechin gallate in osteoclast culture",,"Biochem. Pharmacol.",,"Vol. 73","No. 1","pp. 34-43",2007,Jan. "S. Aida-Hyugaji,H. Nakagawa,J. Nomura,M. Sakurai,U. Nagashima,T. Ishikawa","Theoretical Studies for Molecular Modeling of New Camptothecin Analogues",,"Croatia Chemica Acta CCACAA",,"Vol. 80",,"pp. 277-281",2007, "A. Sakurai,Y. Onishi,H. Hirano,M. Seigneuret,K. Obanayama,G. Kim,E. L. Liew,T. Sakaeda,K. Yoshiura,N. Niikawa,M. Sakurai,T. Ishikawa","Quantitative Structure-Activity Relationship Analysis and Molecular Dynamics Simulation To Functionally Validate Nonsynonymous Polymorphisms of Human ABC Transporter ABCB",,"Biochemistry",,"Vol. 46",,"pp. 7678-7693",2007, "石川智久","CMCテクニカルライブラリー DNAチップの開発II・第4章 薬物トランスポーターに基づく創薬分子デザイン ?21世紀ゲノム創薬にむけた産学連携の提案?",,,"シーエムシー出版",,,"pp. 148-157",2006,Dec. "Susan P.C. Cole,Ian F. Tannock 【訳=石川智久】","がんのベーシックサイエンス・第18章 薬剤耐性",,,"メディカル・サイエンス・インターナショナル",,,"pp. 419-444",2006,Nov. "石川智久,櫻井亜季,田村藍,大西裕子,宝田裕,橋本幸蔵,川瀬三雄","『バイオ解析・診断技術のテーラーメイド医療への応用』・第2章 薬物トランスポーターの遺伝子多型:機能バリデーション法の国際標準化とSNP診断システムの開発",,,"シーエムシー出版",,,"pp. 219-231",2006,Oct. "蔵田敦夫,櫻井亜季,大西裕子,平野弘之,石川智久","毒性質問箱<医薬品副作用予測の最前線> 安全性評価研究会編集企画委員会編・ 薬物性胆汁鬱滞の予測:胆汁酸トランスポーター(ABCB11/BSEP/sPGP)の高速スクリーニングと定量的幸蔵活性相関(QSAR)解析",,,"サイエンティスト社",,,"pp. 15-24",2006,June "石川智久","OPINION 国立大学の常識は、社会の非常識!?",,"国立大学マネジメント",,"Vol. 2","No. 2","pp. 33-36",2006,May "Nakata K,Tanaka Y,Nakano T,Adachi T,Tanaka H,Kaminuma T,Ishikawa T","Nuclear receptor-mediated xenobiotic procession loops in phase I, II, and III drug metabolizing systems.",,"Drug Metab. Pharmacokinet.",,"Vol. 21",,"pp. 437-457",2006, "Ishikawa T,Ikegami Y,Sano K,Nakagawa H,Sawada S","Transport mechanism-based drug molecular design: novel camptothecin analogues to circumvent ABCG2-associated drug resistance of human tumor cells.",,"Curr. Pharm. Des.",,"Vol. 12","No. 3","pp. 313-325",2006, "Hirano H,Kurata A,Onishi Y,Sakurai A,Saito H,Nakagawa H,Nagakura M,Tarui S,Kanamori Y,Kitajima M,Ishikawa T","High-Speed Screening and QSAR Analysis of Human ATP-Binding Cassette Transporter ABCB11 (Bile Salt Export Pump) To Predict Drug-Induced Intrahepatic Cholestasis.",,"Mol. Pharm.",,"Vol. 3","No. 3","pp. 252-265",2006, "Yoshiura K,Kinoshita A,Ishida T,Ninokata A,Ishikawa T,Kaname T,Bannai M,Tokunaga K,Sonoda S,Komaki R,Ihara M,Saenko VA,Alipov GK,Sekine I,Komatsu K,Takahashi H,Nakashima M,Sosonkina N,Mapendano CK,Ghadami M,Nomura M,Liang DS,Miwa N","A SNP in the ABCC11 gene is the determinant of human earwax type.",,"Nat. Genet.",,"Vol. 38","No. 3","pp. 324-330",2006, "Wakabayashi K,Tamura A,Saito H,Onishi Y,Ishikawa T","Human ABC transporter ABCG2 in xenobiotic protection and redox biology.",,"Drug Metab. Rev.",,"Vol. 38","No. 3","pp. 371-391",2006, "Wakabayashi K,Nakagawa H,Adachi T,Kii I,Kobatake E,Kudo A,Ishikawa T","Identification of cysteine residues critically involved in homodimer formation and protein expression of human ATP-binding cassette transporter ABCG2: a new approach using the flp recombinase system.",,"J. Exp. Ther. Oncol.",,"Vol. 5","No. 3","pp. 205-222",2006, "Tamura A,Watanabe M,Saito H,Nakagawa H,Kamachi T,Okura I,Ishikawa T","Functional validation of the genetic polymorphisms of human ATP-binding cassette (ABC) transporter ABCG2: identification of alleles that are defective in porphyrin transport.",,"Mol. Pharmacol.",,"Vol. 70","No. 1","pp. 287-296",2006, "Tamura A,Wakabayashi K,Onishi Y,Nakagawa H,Tsuji M,Matsuda Y,Ishikawa T","Genetic polymorphisms of human ABC transporter ABCG2: Development of the standard method for functional validation of SNPs by using the Flp recombinase system.",,"J. Exp. Ther. Oncol.",,"Vol. 6","No. 1","pp. 1-11",2006, "Shirasaka Y,Onishi Y,Sakurai A,Nakagawa H,Ishikawa T,Yamashita S","Evaluation of Human P-Glycoprotein (MDR1/ABCB1) ATPase Activity Assay Method by Comparing with in Vitro Transport Measurements: Michaelis-Menten Kinetic Analysis to Estimate the Affinity of P-Glycoprotein to Drugs.",,"Biol. Pharm. Bull.",,"Vol. 29","No. 12","pp. 2465-2471",2006, "Saito H,Hirano H,Nakagawa H,Fukami T,Oosumi K,Murakami K,Kimura H,Kouchi T,Konomi M,Tao E,Tsujikawa N,Tarui S,Nagakura M,Osumi M,Ishikawa T","A new strategy of high-speed screening and quantitative structure-activity relationship analysis to evaluate human ATP-binding cassette transporter ABCG2-drug interactions.",,"J. Pharmacol. Exp. Ther.",,"Vol. 317","No. 3","pp. 1114-1124",2006, "Nakagawa H,Saito H,Ikegami Y,Aida-Hyugaji S,Sawada S,Ishikawa T","Molecular modeling of new camptothecin analogues to circumvent ABCG2-mediated drug resistance in cancer.",,"Cancer Lett.",,"Vol. 234","No. 1","pp. 81-89",2006, "石川智久,櫻井亜季,大西裕子,中川大","癌の薬剤耐性機構解明から薬物トランスポーター遺伝子多型の臨床診断へ",,"BIO INDUSTRY",,"Vol. 22","No. 3","pp. 11-16",2005, "Ishikawa, T.,Sakurai, A.,Kanamori, Y.,Nagakura, M.,Hirano, H.,Takarada, Y.,Yamada, K.,Fukushima, K.,Kitajima, M.","High-speed screening of human ABC transporter function and genetic polymorphisms: New strategies in pharmacogenomics.",,"Methods in Enzymol.",,"Vol. 400",,"pp. 485-510",2005, "Takahashi, T.,Nakai, K.,Doi, T.,Yasunaga, M.,Nakagawa, H.,Ishikawa, T.","Synthesis and Evaluation of 3D Templates Based on a Taxane Skeleton to Circumvent P-glycoprotein-associated Multidrug Resistance of Cancer.",,"Bioorg. Med. Chem. Lett.",,"Vol. 15",,"pp. 2601-2605",2005, "石川智久","遺伝子診療学-遺伝子診断の進歩と遺伝子治療の展望-ファーマコゲノミクス:現状と将来展望",,"日本臨牀",,"Vol. 63","No. 12","pp. 50-56",2005, "Sakurai, A.,Tamura, A.,Onishi Y.,Ishikawa, T.","Genetic polymorphisms of ATP-binding cassette transporters ABCB1 and ABCG2:therapeutic implications",,"Expert Opin Pharmacother",,"Vol. 6","No. 14","pp. 2455-2473",2005, "Ishikawa, T.,Tamura, A.,Saito, S.,Wakabayashi, K.,Nakagawa, H.","Pharmacogenomics of the human ABC transporter ABCG2: from functional evaluation to drug molecular design.",,"Naturwissenschaften",,"Vol. 92",,"pp. 451-463",2005, "T.Ishikawa","YOKOHAMA The Life Science and Biotechnology City for the Future",,,"PORTSIDE",,,,2005, "石川智久","ゲノム創薬:予防医学事典",,,"朝日書店",,,"pp. 218-220",2005, "石川智久","展望 日本薬物動態学会賞を受賞して 薬物トランスポーター研究の23年間-波乱万丈の人生遍歴と孤独な挑戦-",,"Drug. Metabol. Pharmacokin.",,"Vol. 20","No. 5","pp. 4-7",2005, "石川智久","ヒトABCトランスポーターの遺伝子多型と薬物相互作用の解析:メンブレンを用いた高速スクリーニングシステムの開発",,"バイオテクノロジージャーナル",,"Vol. 5","No. 3","pp. 354-356",2005, "石川智久","薬物トランスポーターのファーマコゲノミクスと薬物相互作用",,"医学のあゆみ",,"Vol. 213","No. 3","pp. 223-229",2005, "石川智久","ヒトABCトランスポーターの遺伝子多型解析からバイオテクノロジークラスター形成へ",,"日本農芸化学会誌",,"Vol. 78","No. 5","pp. 15-18",2004, "Ishikawa, T.","The 24th International Symposium of Sapporo Cancer Seminar Pharmacogenomics in Cancer Chemotherapy: Recent Advancesin ABC Transporters and Genome Analyses",,"Journal of Experimental Therapeutics and Oncology",,"Vol. 4",,"pp. 253-257",2004, "石川智久","ファーマコゲノミクス:薬物トランスポーターの遺伝子多型と薬剤応答性",,"ゲノムと疾患 村松正実編(南山堂)","ゲノムと疾患 村松正実編(南山堂)",,,"pp. 177-186",2004, "石川智久","ゲノム創薬",,"図解バイオ活用技術のすべて 東京工業大学大学院生命理工学研究科編(工業調査会)","図解バイオ活用技術のすべて 東京工業大学大学院生命理工学研究科編(工業調査会)",,,"pp. 92-95",2004, "石川智久","ファーマコゲノミクスの新しい挑戦:SNPの機能的実体に迫る!",,"ファルマシア",,"Vol. 40","No. 8","pp. 724-728",2004, "石川智久","がん治療におけるPharmacogenomics ?ABCトランスポーターの遺伝子多型と薬剤応答性",,"がん分子標的治療",,"Vol. 2","No. 3","pp. 29-36",2004, "石川智久","特集呼吸器のPharmacogenomics ?ファーマコゲノミクス; overview",,"THE LUNG perspectives",,"Vol. 12","No. 3","pp. 15-19",2004, "石川智久","ABCトランスポーター遺伝子多型の機能解析から創薬への応用",,"Pharma VISION NEWS Coll.",,"Vol. 1","No. 1","pp. 35-36",2004, "石川智久","ヒトABCトランスポーターのファーマコゲノミクス:新規遺伝子の発見と遺伝子多型の機能解析",,"血液・免疫・腫瘍",,"Vol. 9","No. 2","pp. 39-48",2004, "石川智久","ABCB1(P-gp/MDR1)の遺伝子多型と機能解析高速スクリーニング",,"ゲノム医学",,"Vol. 4","No. 5","pp. 49-56",2004, "石川智久","ヒト薬物トランスポーター遺伝子多型の機能解析からゲノム創薬と臨床診断への応用",,"臨床検査",,"Vol. 48","No. 2","pp. 217-222",2004, "中田國夫,大西裕子,櫻井亜季,平野弘之,樽井茂樹,石川智久","薬物トランスポーター機能に迫る ?新しい創薬分子デザイン戦略",,"化学",,"Vol. 59","No. 4","pp. 44-47",2004, "Ishikawa, T.","Pharmacogenomics in Drug Transporters: Functional Analysis of Genetic Polymorphisms",,"Global Outsourcing Review",,"Vol. 6","No. 1","pp. 28-33",2004, "石川智久","個の医療をめざして 薬物トランスポーターの遺伝子多型機能解析",,"実験医学",,"Vol. 22","No. 4","pp. 534-539",2004, "吉川恵美,伊藤明子,石川智久,池上洋二","ABCトランスポーターと薬剤応答性",,"癌と化学療法",,"Vol. 31","No. 1","pp. 1-6",2004, "Yoshikawa, M.,Ikegami, Y.,Sano, K.,Yoshida, H.,Mitomo, H.,Sawada, S.,Ishikawa, T.","Transport of SN-38 by the Wild Type of Human ABC Transporter ABCG2 and Its Inhibition by Quercetin, a Natural Flavonoid",,"Journal of Experimental Therapeutics and Oncology",,"Vol. 4",,"pp. 25-35",2004, "Ishikawa, T.,Hirano, H.,Onishi, Y.,Sakurai, A.,Tarui, S.","Functional Evaluation of ABCB1 (P-Glycoprotein) Polymorphisms: High-Speed Screening and Structure-Activity Relationship Analyses.",,"Drug Metabol. Pharmacokin.",,"Vol. 19","No. 1","pp. 1-14",2004, "Ishikawa, T.,Onishi, Y.,Hirano, H.,Oosumi, K.,Nagakura, M.,Tarui, S.","Pharmacogenomics of Drug Transporters: A New Approach to Functional Analysis of the Genetic Polymorphisms of ABCB1 (P-Glycoprotein/MDR1)",,"Biol. Pharm. Bull.",,"Vol. 27","No. 7","pp. 939-948",2004, "Takayanagi, S.,Kataoka, T.,Ohara, O.,Oishi, M.,Kuo, M.T.,Ishikawa, T.","Human ATP-binding cassette transporter ABCC10: expression profile and p53-dependent upregulation",,"Journal of Experimantal Therapeutics and Oncology",,"Vol. 4",,"pp. 239-246",2004, "石川智久","ゲノム創薬の新展開:薬物トランスポーターのファーマコゲノミクス 特集にあたって",,"ゲノム医学",,"Vol. 4","No. 5","pp. 4-5",2004, "石川智久","The 24th International Symposium of the Sapporo Cancer Seminar Foundation",,"がん分子標的治療",,"Vol. 2","No. 4","pp. 78-81",2004, "石川智久,遠藤仁,乾賢一,辻彰,和田守正,隅野靖弘","薬物トランスポーターのファーマコゲノミクス:SNPの機能的実体に迫る!",,"蛋白質 核酸 酵素",,"Vol. 49","No. 12","pp. 2024-2034",2004, "Yoshikawa, M.,Ikegami, Y.,Hayasaka, S.,Ishii, K.,Ito, A.,Sano, K.,Suzuki, T.,Togawa, T.,Yoshida, H.,Soda, H.,Oka, M.,Kohno, S.,Sawada,S. Ishikawa","Novel camptothecin analogues that circumvent ABCG2-associated drug resistance in human tumor cells",,"Int. J. Cancer",,"Vol. 110",,"pp. 921-927",2004, "Ishikawa T.,Tsuji A.,Inui K.,Sai Y.,Anzai N.,Wada M.,Endou H.and Sumino Y.","The genetic polymorphism of drug transporters: functional analysis approaches",,"Pharmacogenomics",,"Vol. 5","No. 1","pp. 67-99",2004, "Toshihisa Ishikawa","Multidrug Resistance: Genetics of ABC Transporters",,"In: Nature Encyclopedia of the Human Genome Cooper, D.N. (ed.) Nature Publishing Group, London, UK","In: Nature Encyclopedia of the Human Genome Cooper, D.N. (ed.) Nature Publishing Group, London, UK","Vol. 4",,"pp. 154-160",2003, "石川智久","ファーマコゲノミクスの概念と方法論は猛烈なスピードで進化している",,"HAB Newsletter","HAB Newsletter","Vol. 10","No. 1","pp. 4-5",2003, "Sano, K.,Yoshikawa, M.,Hayakawa, S.,Ikegami, Y.,Yoshida, H.,Ishikawa, T.,Sawada, S.,Tanabe, S.","Simple non-ion-paired high performance liquid chromatograhic method for simultaneouse quantification of carboxylate and lactone forms of 14 new camptothecin derivatives",,"J.Chromatogr.",,"Vol. 795","No. B","pp. 25-34",2003, "Mitomo, H.,Kato, R.,Ito, A.,Kasamatsu, S.,Ikegami, Y.,Kii, I.,Kudo, A.,Kobatake, E.,Sumino, Y.,Ishikawa, T.","A functional study on the polymorphism of ATP-binding cassette transporter ABCG2: critical role of arginine-482 in methotrexate transport.",,"Biochem J.",,"Vol. 373",,"pp. 767-774",2003, "石川智久","ゲノム創薬と未来産業:バイオテクノロジー・ビジネスクラスターの形成へ(石川智久 著)",,"エルゼビア・ジャパン","エルゼビア・ジャパン",,,,2003, "石川智久","トキシコゲノミクスと遺伝子多型-ゲノム創薬から個の医療に向けて",,"次世代ゲノム創薬(日本薬学会編)中山書店","次世代ゲノム創薬(日本薬学会編)中山書店",,,"pp. 157-171",2003, "石川智久,清水秀忠,高柳晋一郎,北島正人","ヒトABCトランスポーター:新規遺伝子の探索とSNP機能解析",,"Bioベンチャー ",,"Vol. 3",,"pp. 96-99",2003, "Takayanagi, S.,Ishikawa, T.","Molecular identification and characterzation of rat Abcc1 cDNA: existence of two splicing variants and species difference in drug-resistance profile",,"Journal of Experimental Therapeutics and Oncology",,"Vol. 3",,"pp. 136-146",2003, "Ishikawa, T.,Kasamatsu, S.,Hagiwara, Y.,Mitomo, H.,Kato, R.,Sumino, Y.","Expression and Functional Characterization of Human ABC Transporter ABCG2 Variants in Insect Cells.",,"Drug Metabol. Pharmacokin. ",,"Vol. 18",,"pp. 194-202",2003, "Onishi, Y.,Hirano, H.,Nakata, K.,Oosumi, K.,Nagakura, M.,Tarui, S.,Ishikawa, T.","High-Speed Screening and Structure-Activity Relationship Analysis for the Substarte Specificity of P-Glycoprotein (ABCB1)",,"Chem-Bio Informatics J.",,"Vol. 3","No. 4","pp. 175-193",2003, "Shimizu, H.,Taniguchi, H.,Hippo, Y.,Hayashizaki, Y.,Aburatani, H.,Ishikawa, T.","Characterization of mouse Abcc12 gene and its transcript encoding an ATP-binding cassette transporter, an orthologue to human ABCC12.",,"Gene",,"Vol. 310",,"pp. 17-28",2003, "Satoh, T.,Baba, M.,Nakatsuka, D.,Ishikawa, Y.,Aburatani, H.,Furuta, K.,Ishikawa, T.,Hatanaka, H.,Suzuki, M.,Watanabe, Y.","Role of heme oxygenase-1 protein in the neuroprotective effects of cyclopentenone prostaglandin derivatives under oxidative stress.",,"Eur. J. Nerosci.",,"Vol. 17",,"pp. 2249-2255",2003, "石川智久(監訳)","ファーマコゲノミクス:21世紀のゲノム創薬と個の医療(監訳 石川智久)",,"テクノミック","テクノミック",,,,2002, "Yabuuchi, H.,Takayanagi, S.,Yoshinaga, K.,Taniguchi, N.,Aburatani, H.,Ishikawa, T.","ABCC13, an unusual truncated ABC transporter, is highly expressed in fetal human liver",,"Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun.",,"Vol. 299",,"pp. 410-417",2002, "Yoshikawa, M.,Yabuuchi, H.,Kuroiwa, A.,Ikegami, Y.,Sai, Y.,Tamai, I.,Tsuji, A.,Matsuda, Y.,Yoshida, H.,Ishikawa, T.","Molecular and cytogenetic characterization of the mouse ATP-binding cassette transporter abcg4.",,"Gene",,"Vol. 293",,"pp. 67-75",2002, "Ishikawa, T.,Yoshikawa, M.","ABC transporters: a new approach to toxicogenomics.",,"In Toxicogenomics T.Inoue and W.D.Pennie (eds), Springer,","In Toxicogenomics T.Inoue and W.D.Pennie (eds), Springer,",,,"pp. 109-114",2002, "石川智久","わかりやすいゲノム創薬 第5回 骨形成・骨代謝に核内受容体群の果たす役割の重要さ",,"ミクス","ミクス","Vol. 393",,"pp. 54-57",2002, "石川智久","わかりやすいゲノム創薬 第4回 免疫抑制剤は転写因子を標的とした薬剤開発の始まり",,"ミクス","ミクス","Vol. 392",,"pp. 62-65",2002, "石川智久","わかりやすいゲノム創薬 第3回 ターゲット分子「G?蛋白共役型受容体」をめぐる創薬戦争",,"ミクス","ミクス","Vol. 391",,"pp. 86-89",2002, "石川智久,堀江透(編集)","創薬サイエンスのすすめ:ポストゲノム時代へのパラダイムシフト(石川智久、堀江透 編集)",,"共立出版","共立出版",,,,2002, "石川智久","わかりやすいゲノム創薬 第1回 新薬探索・毒性予測・遺伝子情報管理などを基本から",,"ミクス",,"Vol. 388",,"pp. 58-61",2002, "藪内光,石川智久","ヒトゲノム機能解析から創薬へ―ABCトランスポーターに基づく創薬分子デザイン―",,"医学の歩み","医学の歩み","Vol. 201",,"pp. 868-873",2002, "吉川恵美,池上洋二,藪内光,石川智久","ポストゲノム時代の挑戦;ABCトランスポーターに基づく創薬分子デザイン",,"化学工業",,"Vol. 53","No. 5","pp. 325-331",2002, "石川智久","グルタチオン[輸送]GS-XポンプからABCトランスポーターへの新展開",,"ビタミン","ビタミン","Vol. 76","No. 11","pp. 525-533",2002, "石川智久","ファーマコゲノミクス:癌の薬剤応答性とABCトランスポーター",,"けんさ","けんさ","Vol. 32","No. 2","pp. 3-13",2002, "石川智久","わかりやすいゲノム創薬 第12回トキシコゲノミクス、毒性評価のパラダイムシフト",,"ミクス","ミクス","Vol. 401",,"pp. 56-60",2002, "石川智久","わかりやすいゲノム創薬 第11回薬の体内動態に関係する各種薬物トランスポーター",,"ミクス","ミクス","Vol. 400",,"pp. 52-56",2002, "石川智久","わかりやすいゲノム創薬 第2回 最大限の薬理効果・副作用は最小限の分子ターゲットの選択",,"ミクス","ミクス","Vol. 389",,"pp. 44-47",2002, "Yoshikawa, M.,Kasamatsu, S.,Yasunaga, M.,Wang, G.,Ikegami, Y.,Yoshida, H.,Tarui, S.,Yabuuchi, H.,Ishikawa, T. ","Dose ABCG2 need a heterodimer partner? Expression and functional evaluation of ABCG2 (Arg 482). ",,"Drug Metabolism and Pharmakokinetics",,"Vol. 17",,"pp. 130-135",2002, "石川智久","わかりやすいゲノム創薬 第10回 制癌剤を細胞外に排出するABCトランスポーターの発見",,"ミクス","ミクス","Vol. 399",,"pp. 2-5",2002, "石川智久","わかりやすいゲノム創薬 第9回薬剤応答性の遺伝的差異を診断する分子技術の開発",,"ミクス","ミクス","Vol. 397",,"pp. 50-53",2002, "石川智久","わかりやすいゲノム創薬 第8回遺伝子タイピングで薬理効果がより高く安全な薬剤医療へ",,"ミクス","ミクス","Vol. 396",,"pp. 46-49",2002, "石川智久","わかりやすいゲノム創薬 第7回ファーマコゲノミクス研究、遺伝子多型を医療に役立てる",,"ミクス","ミクス","Vol. 395",,"pp. 48-51",2002, "石川智久","わかりやすいゲノム創薬 第6回新規鎮痛剤開発のターゲットは多様である",,"ミクス","ミクス","Vol. 394",,"pp. 60-64",2002, "石川智久","ハイテクうらばなし 分子を見分ける生体の“眼”29 「薬剤輸送機構に基づく創薬分子デザイン戦略」",,"日刊工業新聞","日刊工業新聞",,"No. 3月13日",,2001, "Lin-Lee, Y.C.,Tatebe, S.,Savaraj, N.,Ishikawa, T,Kuo, M.T."," Differential sensitivities of the MRP gene family and γ-glutamylcysteine synthetase to prooxidants in human colorectal carcinoma cell lines with different p53 status.",,"Biochem. Pharmacol.",,"Vol. 61",,"pp. 555-563",2001, "Stock, J.L.,Shinjo, K.,Burkhardt, J.,Roach, M.,Taniguchi, K.,Ishikawa, T.,Kim, H.S.,Flannery, P.J.,Coffman, T.M.,McNeish, J.D.,Audoly, L.P.","The prostaglandin E2 EP1 receptor mediates pain perception and regulates blood pressure",,"J. Clin. Invest.",,"Vol. 107",,"pp. 325-31",2001, "石川智久","Techno Online 大学の社会貢献「産業界からの人材登用を」",,"日経産業新聞","日経産業新聞",,"No. 8月21日",,2001, "石川智久,藪内光","創薬分子デザインの新戦略?ABCトランスポーターの遺伝子多型と薬剤応答性 特集SNPが変える疾患研究と新薬開発",,"Bioベンチャー","Bioベンチャー","Vol. 1","No. 1","pp. 53-61",2001, "石川智久,藪内光,池上洋二,Kuo, M. T.","第?相解毒系ABC トランスポーターファミリーと抗癌剤応答性",,"Cancer Frontier",,"Vol. 3",,"pp. 26-33",2001, "石川智久","薬物輸送機構に基づく創薬 21世紀の創薬手法",,"化学と教育","化学と教育","Vol. 49","No. 9","pp. 548-551",2001, "石川智久,藪内光,笠松志保,吉川恵美,池上洋二","医薬品開発研究におけるファーマコゲノミクスの利用",,"薬物動態 Xenobio. Metabol. and Dispos.","薬物動態 Xenobio. Metabol. and Dispos.","Vol. 16","No. 4","pp. 353-363",2001, "石川智久","医薬品開発におけるヒト組織の利用:薬物代謝・トランスポート/ 個人差・相互作用(誘導・阻害)の評価",,"Human & Animal Bridge NEWSLETTER",,"Vol. 8","No. 1","pp. 11-13",2001, "Yabuuchi, H.,Shimizu, H.,Takayanagi, S.,Ishikawa, T.","Multiple splicing variants of two new human ATP-binding cassette transporters, ABCC11 and ABCC12",,"Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun.",,"Vol. 288",,"pp. 933-939",2001, "Nakatomi, K.,Yoshikawa, M.,Oka, M.,Ikegami, Y.,Hayasaka, S.,Sano, K.,Shiozawa, K.,Kawabata, S.,Soda, H.,Ishikawa, T.,Tanabe, S.,Kohno, S.","Transport of 7-ethyl-10-hydroxycamptothecin (SN-38) by breast cancer resistance protein (BCRP), ABCG2, in human lung cancer cells",,"Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun.",,"Vol. 288",,"pp. 827-832",2001, "石川智久","ゲノム創薬になにが必要か",,"現代化学","現代化学",,"No. 11月","pp. 56-60",2001, "石川智久","ハイテクうらばなし ヒトゲノム解読 創薬研究の大転回7 「Genomics と Proteomics」",,"日刊工業新聞","日刊工業新聞",,"No. 10月23日",,2001, "石川智久","ヒトゲノムからSNP解析へ?薬剤応答性の差違を解明",,"OHM BULLETIN","OHM BULLETIN","Vol. 37",,"pp. 6-7",2001, "Ishikawa, T.,Kuo, M.T.,Furuta, K.,Suzuki, M","The human multidrug resistance-associated protein (MRP) gene family: from biological function to drug molecular design",,"Clin Chem Lab Med",,"Vol. 38",,"pp. 893-897",2000, "Ishikawa, T.,Priebe, W.","A New Challenge in the Post-Genome Era: Transport Mechanism-Based Drug Design Strategy.",,"Global Outsourcing Review",,"Vol. 2",,"pp. 52-58",2000, "石川智久","薬物トランスポーターに基づく創薬分子デザイン:21世紀ゲノム創薬に向けた産学連携の提案",,"バイオインダストリー",,"Vol. 17",,"pp. 27-34",2000, "石川智久,Allikmets, R.,Dean, M.,Higgins, C.,Ling,V. Wain, M.H.","ヒトABCトランスポーター遺伝子の新命名法",,"薬物動態","薬物動態","Vol. 15",,"pp. 8-19",2000, "Ikegami, Y.,Tatebe, S.,Lin-Lee,Y.-C.,Xie,Q.-W.,Ishikawa, T.,Kuo, M.T.","Induction of MRP1 and γ-Glutamylcystein Synthetase Gene Expression by Interleukin 1βis Mediated by Nitric Oxide-Related Signaling in Human Colorectal Cancer Cells.",,"J. Cell. Physiol.",,"Vol. 185",,"pp. 293-301",2000, "Ogawa, K.,Suzuki, H.,Hirohashi, T.,Ishikawa, T.,Meier, P.J.,Hirose, K.,Akizawa, T.,Yoshioka, M.,Sugiyama, Y.","Characterization of inducible nature of MRP3 in rat liver.",,"Am. J. Physiol. Gastrointest. Liver Physiol.",,"Vol. 278",," G438-G446",2000, "Ishikawa, T.,Furuta, K.,Suzuki, M.","Is Transport Mechanism-based Drug Molecular Design Possible? Molecular Design of Biochemical Probes Targeting MRP1/GS-X Pump.",,"Control and Diseases of Sodium Dependent Transport Proteins and Ion Channels. Carafoli, E., Ladzunski, M., Mikoshiba, K., Okada, Y., Suketa, Y. and Wright, E.M. (eds.) 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Chem.",,"Vol. 273",,"pp. 31075-31085",1998, "Ishikawa, T.,Akimaru, K.,Nakanishi, M.,Suzuki, M.,Furuta, K.,Noyori, R.","Anticancer Prostaglandin-induced Cell Cycle Arrest and Its Modulation by a GS-X pump Inhibitor.",,"Biochem. J.",,"Vol. 336",,"pp. 569-576",1998, "Priebe, W.,Krawczyk, M.,Kuo, M.T.,Yamane, Y.,Savaraj, N.,Ishikawa, T.","Doxorubicin- and Daunorubicin-Glutathione Conjugates, But Not Unconjugated Drugs, Competitively Inhibit Leukotriene C4 Transport Mediated by MRP/GS-X pump.",,"Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commn.",,"Vol. 247",,"pp. 859-863",1998, "Kuo, M.T.,Bao,J.-J.,Yamane, Y.,Gomi, A.,Savaraj, N.,Masuzawa, T.,Ishikawa, T.","Coordinated Regulation of MRP/GS-X Pump and γ-Glutamylcysteine Synthetase Genes in Drug-Resistant Cells and in Tumor Cells.",,"Biochem. Pharmacol.",,"Vol. 55",,"pp. 605-615",1998, "Ishikawa, T,Kuo, M.T.,Furuta, K.,Suzuki, M.","Glutathione-associated Biological Function of MRP/GS-X Pump and Its Gene Expression.",,"Cytotechnology",,"Vol. 27",,"pp. 81-93",1998, "Ishikawa, T,Kuo, M.T.,Furuta, K.,Suzuki, M.","A Novel Aspect on Glutathione-associated Biological Function of MRP/GS-X Pump and Its Gene Expression.",,"Multiple Drug Resistance in Cancer, Clynes, M. (ed.), Kluwer Academic Publishers, Drodrecht","Multiple Drug Resistance in Cancer, Clynes, M. (ed.), Kluwer Academic Publishers, Drodrecht",,,"pp. 81-95",1998, "Schicho, R.,Kanai, Y.,Ishikawa, T.,Skofitsch, G.,Donnerer, J.","Involvement of NGF in the induction of increased noradrenergic innervation of the uretaer in neonatally capsaicin-treated rats.",,"J. Autonomic Nerv. 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Pharmacol.",,"Vol. 122",,"pp. 809-812",1997, "Ishikawa, T.,Li,Z.-S.,Lu,Y.-P.,Rea, P.A.","The GS-X Pump in Plant, Yeast and Animal Cells: Structure, Function and Gene Expression.",,"Bioscience Reports",,"Vol. 17",,"pp. 189-207",1997, "石川智久","GS-X ポンプファミリー: ATP依存型有機アニオントランスポーター",,"蛋白質 核酸 酵素",,"Vol. 42",,"pp. 1285-1294",1997, "Gomi, A.,Shinoda, S.,Masuzawa, T.,Ishikawa, T.,Kuo, M.T.","Transient Co-induction of MRP/GS-X Pump and γ-Glutamylcysteine Synthetas by 1-(4-Amino-2-methyl-5-pyrimidinyl)methyl-3-(2-chloroethyl)-3-nitrosourea in Human Glioma Cells.",,"Cancer Res.",,"Vol. 57",,"pp. 5292-5299",1997, "Gomi, A.,Masuzawa, T.,Ishikawa, T.,Kuo, M.T.","Posttranscriptional Regulation of MRP/GS-X Pump and γ-Glutamylcysteine Synthetase Expression by 1-(4-Aminp-2-methyl-5-pyridinyl)methyl-3-(2-chloroethyl)-3- nitrosourea and by Cycloheximide in Human Glioma Cells.",,"Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commn.",,"Vol. 239",,"pp. 51-56",1997, "Akimaru, K.,Nakanishi, M.,Furuta, M.,Suzuki, R.,Noyori, R.,Ishikawa, T.","Cell Growth Inhibition by Antitumor Prostaglandins and Its Modulation by MRP/GS-X Pump.",,"Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology Eicosanoids and Other Bioactive Lipids in Cancer, Inflammation and Radiation Injury, Honn, K.V., Marnett, L.J., and Wong, P.Y. (eds.) Plenum Press, New York","Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology Eicosanoids and Other Bioactive Lipids in Cancer, Inflammation and Radiation Injury, Honn, K.V., Marnett, L.J., and Wong, P.Y. (eds.) Plenum Press, New York",,,"pp. 387-391",1997, "Ishikawa,T. Bao,J.-J.,Yamane, Y.,Akimaru, K.,Frindrich, K.,Wright, C.D.,Kuo, M.T.","Concerted Induction of MRP/GS-X pump and γ-Glutamylcysteine Synthetase by Heavy Metals in Human Leukemia Cells.",,"J. Biol. Chem.",,"Vol. 271",,"pp. 14981-14988",1996, "Ishikawa, T.,Esterbauer, H.,Sies, H. 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Taylor and Francis, London",,,"pp. 199-211",1996, "Kuo, M.T.,Bao,J.-J.,Curley, S.A.,Ikeguchi, M.,Johnston, D.A.,Ishikawa, T.","Frequent Coordinated Overexpression of the MRP/GS-X pump and g-Glutamylcysteine Synthetase Genes in Human Colorectal Cancers.",,"Cancer Res.",,"Vol. 56",,"pp. 3642-3644",1996, "Akimaru, K.,Kuo, M.T.,Suzuki, M.,Noyori,Ishikawa, T.","Induction of MRP/GS-X pump and Cellular Resiatance to Anticancer Prostaglandins.",,"Cytotechnology",,"Vol. 19",,"pp. 221-227",1996, "Ishikawa, T.,Akimaru, K.,Kuo, M.T.,Priebe, W.,Suzuki, M.","How does the MRP/GS-X Pump Export Doxorubicin?",,"J. Natl. Cancer Inst.",,"Vol. 87",,"pp. 1639-1640",1995, "石川智久,Frindrich, K.,秋丸国広","GS-X ポンプ:その生理機能と分子構造",,"最新医学",,"Vol. 50",,"pp. 597-607",1995, "Ishikawa, T.,Wright, C.D.,Ishizuka, H.","Cisplatin-Resistant Human Leukemia HL-60 Cells and Downregulated by Cell Differentiation.",,"J. Biol. 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Coenzyme and Cofactors, John Wiley Publication, New York.",,"Vol. 3",,"pp. 85-109",1989, "Ishikawa, T.","ATP/Mg2+-dependent Cardiac Transport System for Glutathione S-Conjugates: A Study using Rat Heart Sarcolemma Vesicles.",,"J. Biol. Chem.",,"Vol. 264",,"pp. 17343-17348",1989, "Kinoshita, N.,Tada, Y.,Arai, K.,Matsuda, Y.,Ishikawa, T.,Taniguchi, N. ","Glycated Cu,Zn-Superoxide Dismutase in Streptozotocin-induced Diabetic Rats.",,"Hayaishi, O., Niki, E., Kondo, M. and Yoshikawa, T. (eds.) Medical, Biochemical and Chemical Aspects of Free Radicals, Elsevier, Amsterdam.",,,,"pp. 713-718",1989, "Sies, H.,Akerboom, T.P.M.,Ishikawa, T.","Glutathione Conjugates: Transport from the Cell and Intracellular Effects.",,"Sakamoto, Y., Higashi, T., Taniguchi, N. and Meister, A. (eds.) Glutathione Centennial: Molecular and Clinical Perspectives, Academic Press, New York","Sakamoto, Y., Higashi, T., Taniguchi, N. and Meister, A. (eds.) 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The Role of Oxygen Radicals in Cardiovascular Diseases, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht.",,,,"pp. 253-270",1988, "Ishikawa, T. ","Cardiac Defense Mechanisms Against Oxidative Damage: The Role of Superoxide Dismutase and Glutathione-related Enzymes. ",,"Singal, P.K. (ed.) Free Radicals in the Pathophysiology and Heart Disease, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Boston. ",,,,"pp. 91-109",1988, "Ishikawa, T.,Hunaiti, A.R.,Piechot, G.,Wolf, B.","Isolation and Characterization of Basic Superoxide Dismutase Consisting of Mr 25,000 Subunits in Rat Liver.",,"Eur. J. Biochem.",,"Vol. 170",,"pp. 317-323",1987, "Ishikawa, T. ","The Role of Cardiac Glutathione S-Transferases and Energy-linked Transport System for Glutathione S-Conjugates. ",,"Mantle, T.J., Pickett, C.B. and Hayes, J.D. (eds.) Glutathione S-transferases and Carcinogenesis, Taylor & Francis, London.",,,,"pp. 51-52",1987, "Sies, H.,Akerboom, T.P.M.,Ishikawa, T.,Cadenas, E.,Graf, P.,Gabriel, H.,Muller, A. ","Hepatic and Cardiac Hydroperoxide Metabolism: Role of Selenium. ",,"Comb, Jr., G.F., Spallholz, J.E., Levander, O.A., Oldfried, J.E. (eds.) Selenium in Biology and Medicine, Van Nostrand Reinhold Company Inc., New York.",,,,"pp. 104-114",1987, "Ishikawa, T.,Hunaiti, A.R.,Piechot, G.,Wolf, B. ","Isolation and Characterization of Basic Superoxide Dismutase Consisting of Mr 25,000 Subunits in Rat Liver. ",,"Eur. J. Biochem.",,"Vol. 170",,"pp. 317-323",1987, "Taniguchi, N.,Kondo, T.,Ishikawa, T.","Transport and Metabolism of Glutathione.",,"Membrane",,"Vol. 12",,"pp. 180-190",1987, "Ishikawa, T.","Die Freisetzung von Glutathiondisulfid im Herzen: Ein hoch-Spezifischer Indikator fur die Beurteilung einer H2O2-Bildung in Herzzellen und der zugrundliegende Mechanismus.",,"Elstner,E.F., Bors, W. und Wilmann, W. (eds.) Reactive Sauerstoffspezies in der Medizin, Springer-Verlag, Berlin.",,,,"pp. 108-111",1986, "Ishikawa, T.,Akerboom, T.P.M.,Sies, H. ","Role of Key Defense Systems in Target Organ Toxicity.",," Cohen, G.M. (ed.) Target Organ Toxicity, CRC Press, London. ",,,,"pp. 129-144",1986, "Ishikawa, T.,Milbert, U.,Oesch, F.,Sies, H.","The Major Isozyme of Rat Cardiac Glutathione Transferases: Its Correspondence to Hepatic Transferase X.",,"Eur. J. Biochem.",,"Vol. 154",,"pp. 299-305",1986, "Ishikawa, T.,Zimmer, M.,Sies, H. ","Energy-linked Cardiac Transport System for Glutathione Disulfide. ",,"FEBS Lett.",,"Vol. 200",,"pp. 128-132",1986, "Leibfritz, D.,Offermann, W.,Kuhn, W.,Ishikawa,T. Wolf, K.U.,Becker, J. ","P-31-NMR Studies on Perfused Rat Organs (Heart, Diaphram, Gaster) and on Human Erythrocytes. ",,"Govil, Khetrapal and Saran (eds.) Magnetic Resonance in Biology and Medicine, Tata McGraw-Hill, New Delhi.",,,,"pp. 417-427",1985, "Ishikawa, T.,Tamura, M.,Nakamura, S.,Ikeda, M.,Nagai, K. ","Topographic Analysis of the Redox State of Rat Brain by NADH Fluorescence Photography of Cross Section. ",,"J. 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