"Shunsuke Ichiki","Non-density of stable mappings on non-compact manifolds",,"Pure and Applied Mathematics Quarterly",," 16"," 23"," 515?527",2023,Apr. "梅原 雅顕,一木 俊助","これからの集合と位相",,,"裳華房",,,,2022,Nov. "Shunsuke Ichiki","A Refined Version of Parametric Transversality Theorems",,"The Journal of Geometric Analysis",," 32","No. 234",,2022,July "Naoki Hamada,Shunsuke Ichiki","Free disposal hull condition to verify when efficiency coincides with weak efficiency",,"Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications",,"Volume 192","no. 1"," 248--270",2022,Jan. "Naoki Hamada,Shunsuke Ichiki","Simpliciality of strongly convex problems",,"Journal of the Mathematical Society of Japan",,"Vol. 73","No. 3","pp. 965--982",2021,July "Shunsuke Ichiki","Generic distance-squared mappings on plane curves",,"Hiroshima Mathematical Journal (HMJ)",,"Vol. 51","no. 1","pp. 65--76",2021,Mar. "Naoki Hamada,Kenta Hayano,Shunsuke Ichiki,Yutaro Kabata,Hiroshi Teramoto","Topology of Pareto sets of strongly convex problems",,"SIAM Journal on Optimization",," 30"," 3"," 2659--2686",2020,Sept. "Shunsuke Ichiki","Transversality theorems on generic linearly perturbed mappings",,"Methods and Applications of Analysis",,"Volume 25","Number 4"," 323-336",2019,Nov. "Shunsuke Ichiki","Characterization of generic transversality",,"Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society",," 51"," 6"," 978--988",2019,Oct. "Shunsuke Ichiki","Generic linear perturbations",,"Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society",," 146",," 4981--4991",2018,Aug. "Shunsuke Ichiki","Composing generic linearly perturbed mappings and immersions/injections",,"Journal of the Mathematical Society of Japan",,"Volume 70","Number 3"," 1165-1184",2018,July "Shunsuke Ichiki,Takashi Nishimura","Preservation of immersed or injective properties by composing generic generalized distance-squared mappings",,"Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics",," 222",," 537--547",2018,Mar. "S. Ichiki,T. Nishimura,R. Oset Sinha,M. A. S. Ruas","Generalized distance-squared mappings of the plane into the plane",,"Advances in Geometry",," 16",," 189--198",2016,Apr. "Shunsuke Ichiki,Takashi Nishimura","Generalized distance-squared mappings of R{n+1} into R{2n+1}",,"Contemporary Mathematics - American Mathematical Society, Providence, RI",," 675",," 121--132",2016, "Shunsuke Ichiki,Takashi Nishimura","Recognizable classification of Lorentzian distance-squared mappings",,"Journal of Geometry and Physics",," 81",," 62--71",2014,July "Shunsuke Ichiki,Takashi Nishimura","Distance-squared mappings",,"Topology and its applications",," 160",," 1005--1016",2013,May