"Ahmad, H.,Inagaki, A.,Kanda, M.,Onodera, N.,Aoki, T.","A Huge and High Resolution Large Eddy Simulation Domain of Tokyo Urban Area by using Lattice Boltzmann Method","Proceedings of the Academy for Co-creative Education of Environment and Energy Science",,,,,,2014,Dec. "ˆξŠ_ŒϊŽŠ,Ahmad Nurul Huda,_“c Šw,¬–μŽ›’ΌK,Β–Ψ‘Έ”V","ŠiŽqƒ{ƒ‹ƒcƒ}ƒ“–@LES‚π—p‚’‚½“sŽs‹C—¬‚Μ‘ε‹K–ΝŒvŽZ","“ϊ–{—¬‘Μ—ΝŠw‰ο”N‰ο",,,,,,2014,Sept. "Ahmad, H.,Inagaki, A.,Kanda, M.,Onodera, N,Aoki, T","Simulation of the Gust Factor in Highly Dense Urban Area in Tokyo","1st International Conference on Computational Engineering and Science for Safety and Environmental Problems (COMSAFE 2014)",,,,,,2014,Apr.