"Utsumi Nobuyuki,Hyungjun KIM,Shinjiro Kanae,Taikan Oki","Relative contributions of different weather systems to the changes in annual mean and extreme precipitation in CMIP5 models","American Geophysical Union 2016 Fall meeting",,,,,,2016,Dec. "megumi watanabe,Yukiko Hirabayashi,Sayaka Yoshikawa,Shinjiro Kanae","Uncertainty of glacier runoff projection from precipitation data for High Mountain Asia","American Geophysical Union 2016 Fall meeting",,,,,,2016,Dec. "Ryunosuke Tawatari,Yoshihiko Iseri,Masashi Kiguchi,Shinjiro Kanae","Global Coastal Exposure due to Sea-level Rise beyond Tipping Points with Multiple Warming Pathways","American Geophysical Union 2016 Fall meeting",,,,,,2016,Dec. "Lu Gao,Sayaka Yoshikawa,Yoshihiko Iseri,Shinjiro Kanae","The economic feasibility of seawater desalination over the global scale: assessment of the production cost development and national water price until 2050","American Geophysical Union 2016 Fall meeting",,,,,,2016,Dec. "Sayaka Yoshikawa,Yoshihiko Iseri,Shinjiro Kanae","How much will be economic impact of climate change on water resources? A Meta-Analytic Review of previous literature","American Geophysical Union 2016 Fall meeting",,,,,,2016,Dec. "Nozomi Ando,Sayaka Yoshikawa,Shinjiro Kanae","An Assessment of Global Electric-Sector Water Demands to 2100 under the Latest Scenarios","American Geophysical Union 2016 Fall meeting",,,,,,2016,Dec. "Aki Yanagawa,Sayaka Yoshikawa,Yoshihiko Iseri,Jaeil CHO,Hyungjun KIM,Shinjiro Kanae","Effects of land use history, soil type and the number of plant species on EVI after drought event","American Geophysical Union 2016 Fall meeting",,,,,,2016,Dec. "Orie Sasaki,Omi Noguchi,Yong Zhang,Yukiko Hirabayashi,Shinjiro Kanae","Development of global distribution of debris thermal resistance on glaciers at 90m resolution derived from multi-temporal satellite measurements","American Geophysical Union 2016 Fall meeting",,,,,,2016,Dec. "花崎直太,吉川沙耶花,鼎信次郎","全球水資源モデルH08の取水モデルの改良","水文・水資源学会2016年度研究発表会","水文・水資源学会研究発表会要旨集",," 水文・水資源学会2016年度研究発表会",,,2016,Dec. "井芹慶彦,北村颯生,岩?明希人,鼎信次郎","階層ベイズモデルによる熱帯低気圧の全球経済損失","水文・水資源学会 2016 年度総会・研究発表会(福島大会)","水文・水資源学会研究発表会要旨集",," 水文・水資源学会2016年度研究発表会",,,2016,Dec. "Kaoru Kakinuma,Michael Joseph Puma,Shinjiro Kanae","Climate change may affect human migration in Mongolia","American Geophysical Union 2016 Fall meeting",,,,,,2016,Dec. "Seiya Maruyama,Shinjiro Kanae","Assessment of “TIMELINE” for river floods in Japan based on geographical and societal backgrounds: Case studies in Japan and the United States","American Geophysical Union 2016 Fall meeting",,,,,,2016,Dec. "Dai Yamazaki,Daiki Ikeshima,Ryunosuke Tawatari,Shinjiro Kanae","New and better global terrain elevation data for global hydrology modelling","American Geophysical Union 2016 Fall meeting",,,,,,2016,Dec. "Daiki Ikeshima,Dai Yamazaki,Shinjiro Kanae","Global SWOT Data Assimilation of River Hydrodynamic Model; the Twin Simulation Test of CaMa-Flood","American Geophysical Union 2016 Fall meeting",,,,,,2016,Dec. "Haruki Watanabe,Yoshihiko Iseri,Shinya Takegawa,Orie Sasaki,Sayaka Yoshikawa,Shinjiro Kanae","Synthetic generation of spatially high resolution extreme rainfall in Japan using Monte Carlo simulation with AMeDAS analyzed rainfall data sets","American Geophysical Union 2016 Fall meeting",,,,,,2016,Dec. "Menaka Revel,Utsumi Nobuyuki,Sayaka Yoshikawa,Shinjiro Kanae","Predictability of Seasonal Precipitation Intensities Associated with Tropical Cyclones and Disturbances in Indo-China Region","American Geophysical Union 2016 Fall meeting",,,,,,2016,Dec. "Naota Hanasaki,Sayaka Yoshikawa,Kaoru Kakinuma,Shinjiro Kanae","A seawater desalination scheme for global hydrological models",,"Hydrology and Earth System Sciences",," 20"," 10"," 4143-4157",2016,Oct. "Lu Gao,Sayaka YOSHIKAWA,Yoshihiko Iseri,Shinjiro Kanae","Economic Feasibility Evaluation of Water Increasing Adaptations by Using Cost and Benefit Analysis: A Case Study of Seawater Desalination on a Global Scale until 2050","水文・水資源学会 2016 年度総会・研究発表会(福島大会)","水文・水資源学会研究発表会要旨集","Japan Society of Hydrology and Water Resources"," 29巻(2016)"," 4",,2016,Sept. "藤村和正,井芹慶彦,鼎信次郎,岡田将治,村上雅博","貯留関数式のパラメータ特性に関する早明浦 ダム流域における考察","水文・水資源学会 2016 年度総会・研究発表会(福島大会)","水文・水資源学会研究発表会要旨集","水文・水資源学会"," 29巻(2016)"," 4",,2016,Sept. "吉川沙耶花,井芹慶彦,鼎信次郎","将来の水資源量変化による経済影響はいくら になる?:メタアナリシスによる検討","水文・水資源学会 2016 年度総会・研究発表会(福島大会)","水文・水資源学会研究発表会要旨集","水文・水資源学会"," 29巻(2016)"," 4",,2016,Sept. "柳川亜季,吉川沙耶花,CHO Jaeil,金 炯俊,井芹慶彦,鼎信次郎","降水量・土地利用履歴・土壌諸性質・植物種 数が干ばつ時のEVIに与える影響","水文・水資源学会 2016 年度総会・研究発表会(福島大会)","水文・水資源学会研究発表会要旨集","水文・水資源学会"," 29巻(2016)"," 4",,2016,Sept. "渡邉恵,平林由希子,渡部哲史,吉川沙耶花,鼎信次郎","GCMに起因する氷河モデルを用いた氷河面積","水文・水資源学会 2016 年度総会・研究発表会(福島大会)","水文・水資源学会研究発表会要旨集",," 29巻(2016)"," 4",,2016,Sept. "内海 信幸,金 炯俊,鼎信次郎,沖大幹","気象システム別降水割合のグローバルな将来変化","水文・水資源学会 2016 年度総会・研究発表会(福島大会)","水文・水資源学会研究発表会要旨集","水文・水資源学会"," 29巻(2016)"," 4",,2016,Sept. "Menaka Revel,Utsumi Nobuyuki,Sayaka YOSHIKAWA,Shinjiro Kanae","Contribution of Pacific Japan Teleconnection to Different Weather Systems in Thailand Monsoon Domain","Proceedings of 2016 Annual Conference, Japan Society of Hydrology and Water Resources","Proceeding of Annual Conference","Japan Society of Hydrology and Water Resources"," 29巻(2016)"," 4",,2016,Sept. "Utsumi Nobuyuki,Hyungjun KIM,Shinjiro Kanae,Taikan Oki","Which weather systems are projected to cause future changes in mean and extreme precipitation in CMIP5 simulations?",,"Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres",," 121"," 18"," 10,522?10,537",2016,Sept. "Tipaporn Homdee,Pongput Kobkiat,Shinjiro Kanae","A comparative performance analysis of three standardized climatic drought indices in the Chi River basin, Thailand",,"Agriculture and Natural Resources",,"Volume 50"," 3"," 211-219",2016,May "Masashi Kiguchi,Jun Matsumoto,Shinjiro Kanae,Taikan Oki","Pre-Monsoon Rain and Its Relationship with Monsoon Onset over the Indochina Peninsula",,"Frontiers in Earth Science",," 4",," 42",2016,May "Orie Sasaki,Shinjiro Kanae","Development of a high resolution map of debris on glaciers including whole Himalaya Alpine region derived from multi-temporal ASTER images","The International Science Conference on MAHASRI",,,,,,2016,Mar. "Shinya Takegawa,Oliver Saavedra,Shinjiro Kanae,Tomoo Ushio","Temporal Evaluation of GPM-GSMaP at basin scale","The International Science Conference on MAHASRI",,,,,,2016,Mar. "Kei Yoshimura,Shinichiro Nakamura,Hatono Misako,Utsumi Nobuyuki,Masashi Kiguchi,Hyungjun KIM,Shinjiro Kanae,Taikan Oki","Investigation on Kinu-River Flood Disaster around Joso-City Ibaraki Prefecture Occurred by Kanto and Tohoku Heavy Rain in September 2015",,"Journal of Japan Society of Civil Engineers, Ser. B1 (Hydraulic Engineering)","Japan Society of Civil Engineers","Vol. 72","No. 4","p. I1273-I1278",2016,Mar. "Kaoru Kakinuma,Shinjiro Kanae","How do herders respond to drought? : A long-distant movement of people and livestock in Mongolia Effect of drought on herders’ movement in Mongolian rangeland","The International Science Conference on MAHASRI",,,,,,2016,Mar. "Menaka Revel,Shinjiro Kanae","The Impact of PJ Index on the Different Precipitation Providing Weather Systems in Indo China Region","The International Science Conference on MAHASRI",,,,,,2016,Mar. "柳川亜季,吉川沙耶花,井芹慶彦,CHO Jaeil,金 炯俊,鼎信次郎","土地利用履歴・土壌型・生物多様性が干ばつ時のEVIに与える影響","日本生態学会第63回全国大会",,,,,,2016,Mar. "Oliver Saavedra,Chihiro Yoshimura,Shinjiro Kanae,KAZUO NADAOKA,JIRO TAKEMURA,Abdelazim Negm,Nguyen Tan Phong","A research framework of Mega Deltas in Asia and Africa","The International Science Conference on MAHASRI",,,,,,2016,Mar. "柿沼薫,柳川 亜季,佐々木 雄大,鼎信次郎","気候変動がモンゴルの社会ー生態システムへ与える影響の評価","第63回日本生態学会仙台大会",,,,,,2016,Mar. "Shinjiro Kanae","Challenges in global-scale modeling of world freshwater crisis: focusing on floods and water scarcity","Crop Science Society of Japan 241","Abstracts of Meeting of the CSSJ","The Crop Science Society of Japan",,,,2016,Mar. "Hiroaki Ikeuchi,Dai Yamazaki,Yukiko Hirabayashi,Shinjiro Kanae","Representation of the impact of Cyclone Sidr on fluvial flooding in the GangesBrahmaputra-Meghna Delta","The International Science Conference on MAHASRI",,,,,,2016,Mar. "Shinjiro Kanae","Progress and challenges in the impact assessment of climate change on hydrology and water resources","Joint Workshop between Nanyang Technological University (NTU) and Tokyo Institute of Technology (Tokyo Tech)",,,,,,2016,Feb. "Yoshihiko Iseri,Chihiro MIYAZAKI,Lu Gao,Sayaka Yoshikawa,Shinjiro Kanae","Analysis of economic impacts projected by FUND's impact functions for water sectors using multiple climate scenarios and socio-economic scenarios",,,,"Vol. 72","No. 5","p. I213-I221",2016, "Yukiko Hirabayashi,Kazunari Nakano,Yong Zhang,Shinjiro Kanae,Satoshi Watanabe,Masahiro Tanoue","Contributions of natural and anthropogenic radiative forcing to mass loss of Northern Hemisphere mountain glaciers and quantifying their uncertainties",,"Scientific Reports","Nature Publishing Group"," 6",,,2016, "Somchit AMNATSAN,Yoshihiko Iseri,Aki Yanagawa,Sayaka Yoshikawa,Kaoru Kakinuma,Shinjiro Kanae","MONTHLY RESERVOIR INFLOW FORECASTING IN THAILAND: A COMPARISON OF ANN-BASED AND HISTORICAL ANALOUGE-BASED METHODS",,"土木学会論文集B1(水工学)","公益社団法人 土木学会"," 72"," 4"," I7-I12",2016, "Daiki Ikeshima,Dai Yamazaki,Sayaka Yoshikawa,Shinjiro Kanae","The Spatial Resolution Improvement of Global Water Body Map Using Multi-Temporal Landsat Data",,"Journal of Japan Society of Civil Engineers, Ser. B1 (Hydraulic Engineering)",,"Vol. 72","No. 4","p. I421-I426",2016, "木口雅司,井芹慶彦,鼎信次郎,沖大幹","将来の気候変動下におけるティッピングエレメントのティッピングポイントの超過可能性",,"土木学会論文集G(環境)","公益社団法人 土木学会","Vol. 72","No. 5","p. I241-I246",2016,