"Yukio Ouchi","Novel Antistatic Reagent of Ionic Liquids : Antistatic and Surface Properties Studied by XPS Spectroscopy","The 6th Asia-Pacific Conference on Ionic Liquids and Green Processes (APCIL-6)",,,,,,2018,Oct. "Yukio Ouchi","Uniquely ordered layering and electric double layer structure at ionic liquid/electrolyte buried interfaces","The 17th International Conference on Organized Molecular Films (ICOMF-17)",,,,,,2018,July "Yuta Ito,Kouki Akaike,Takeshi Fukuda,Daisuke Sato,Takuya Fuse,Takashi Iwahashi,Yukio Ouchi,Kaname Kanai","Impact on electronic structure of donor/acceptor blend in organic photovoltaics by decontamination of molybdenum-oxide surface",,"Journal of Applied Physics",,"Vol. 123","No. 20","pp. 205501",2018,May