"Yukio Tamura,Kazutaka Kobayashi,Kenichiro Aratani,Keiji Matsumoto,Shin Yoshida,Shinji Tanaka,Masao Kikuchi,Masabumi Masuko,Naoto Ohtake","Wear Beahvior of a Manganese Phosphate Coating/Case Carburized Steel Pair","ITC Sendai 2019",,,,,,2019,Sept. "Hiroto Aota,Chul Hwan Kim,Yukio Tamura,Hiroshi Yamamoto,Shinji Tanaka,Masao Kikuchi,Masabumi Masuko","Difference in Tribological Property of Nitrided Steel Lubricated with the ZnDTP-containing Hydraulic Oil Associated with the Degree of Void Generation During Nitriding Process","ITC Sendai 2019",,,,,,2019,Sept. "Chul Hwan Kim,Masabumi Masuko,Shinji Tanaka,Masao Kikuchi,Hiroto Aota,Yukio Tamura,Hiroshi Yamamoto","Changes in the Morphology and Chemistry of Tribofilms Formed on the Nitride Steels Under Condition of Lubricating Oil Containing ZDDP and Metal Detergent","ITC Sendai 2019",,,,,,2019,Sept. "小林 和敬,田村 幸雄,新谷 健一郎,松本 圭司,吉田 慎,田中 真二,益子 正文,菊池 雅男","転がり滑り潤滑条件におけるリン酸マン ガン皮膜が鋼のなじみ性に及ぼす影響","トライボロジー会議2019 春 東京","トライボロジー会議2019 春 東京 予稿集",,,,,2019,May