"Takumi Sueshige,Didier Paul Charles Robert Sornette,Misako Takayasu,Hideki Takayasu","Classification of position management strategies at the order-book level and their influences on future market-price formation",,"PLOS ONE",,"Vol. 14","no. 8"," e0220645",2019,Aug. "Eduardo Viegas,Hayato Goto,Misako Takayasu,Hideki Takayasu,Henrik Jeldtoft Jensen","Assembling real networks from synthetic and unstructured subsets: the corporate reporting case",,"Scientific Reports",,"Vol. 9",," 11075",2019,July "Gen Sakoda,Misako Takayasu,Hideki Takayasu","Data science solutions for retail strategy to reduce waste keeping high profit",,"Sustainability",,"Vol. 11","no. 13","pp. 3589",2019,June "Yuh Kobayashi,Hideki Takayasu,Shlomo Havlin,Misako Takayasu","Time evolution of companies towards a stable scaling curve obtained from flow diagrams in three-dimensional phase space",,"New Journal of Physics",,"Vol. 21",," 043038",2019,Apr. "Yukie Sano,Hideki Takayasu,Misako Takayasu,Shlomo Havlin","Identifying long-term periodic cycles and memories of collective emotion in online social media",,"PLoS ONE",,"Vol. 14","no. 3"," e0213843",2019,Mar. "Junichi Ozaki,Hideki Takayasu,Misako Takayasu","Estimation of sales decrease caused by a disaster: Hokkaido blackout after earthquake in 2018",,"Journal of Computational Social Science",,"Vol. 2",,"pp. 47-51",2019,Jan. "Arthur Matsuo Yamashita Rios De Sousa,Hideki Takayasu,Misako Takayasu","Random coefficient autoregressive processes and the PUCK model with fluctuating potential",,"Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment",,,," 013403",2019,Jan.