"Yusuke Izawa,Hidehiko Masuhara,Tomoyuki Aotani,Youyou Cong","A Stack Hybridization for Meta-hybrid Just-in-time Compilation","日本ソフトウェア科学会第36回大会",,,,,,2019,Aug. "Youyou Cong","Demo: Counterpoint by Construction","The 7th ACM SIGPLAN International Workshop on Functional Art, Music, Modeling, and Design","Proceedings of the 7th ACM SIGPLAN International Workshop on Functional Art, Music, Modeling, and Design","ACM",,,,2019,Aug. "Youyou Cong,Leo Osvald,Gregory Essertel,Tiark Rompf","Compiling with Continuations, or without? Whatever.","The 24th International Conference on Functional Programming","Proceedings of the ACM on Programming Languages","ACM"," 3"," ICFP",,2019,Aug. "Tsukino Furukawa,Youyou Cong,Kenichi Asai","Stepping OCaml",,"Post-proceedings of the 7th Workshop on Trends in Functional Programming in Education (TFPIE 2018)",,,,,2019,June "叢悠悠,浅井健一","限定継続命令をもつ依存型付き言語の設計",,"コンピュータ ソフトウェア",,"Vol. 36","No. 2","pp. 47-60",2019,Apr.