"真島 祐介,脇村 尋,肖 鋒","BVD原理に基づくTVD勾配リミタに関する 新しい計算手法",,,,,,,2020,Dec. "真島 祐介,脇村 尋,肖 鋒","BVD原理に基づくTVD勾配リミタに関する 新しい計算手法",,,,,,,2020,Dec. "真島 祐介,脇村 尋,肖 鋒","BVD原理に基づくTVD勾配リミタに関する 新しい計算手法",,,,,,,2020,Dec. "脇村 尋,Deng Xi,阿部 圭晃,肖 鋒","BVD原理に基づくβ可変THINC法による衝撃波捕獲スキーム","第34回数値流体力学シンポジウム(オンライン)",,,,,,2020,Dec. "高木真一,脇村尋,Fu Lin,肖鋒","TENO法とTHINC法による新しい高解像度 衝撃波捕獲解法","第34回数値流体力学シンポジウム(オンライン)",,,,,,2020,Dec. "A. Salazar,Y. Che,F. Xiao","Multivariable machine learning model to postprocess surface wind forecasts","3rd International Conference on Computational Engineering and Science for Safety and Environmental Problems (COMPSAFE2020)-Online",,,,,,2020,Dec. "A. Salazar,F. Xiao","Design of Hybrid Reconstruction Scheme for Compressible Flow Using Data-Driven Methods",,"Journal of Mechanics",,"Vol. 36",,"pp. 675-689",2020,Oct. "Y. Che,C.G. Chen,F. Xiao,X.L. Li,S.X. Shen","A two-stage fourth-order multimoment global shallow-water model on the cubed sphere",,"Monthly Weather Review",,"Vol. 148",,"pp. 4267-4279",2020,Oct. "Y. Abe,Z. Sun,F. Xiao","Boundary variation diminishing algorithm for high-order local polynomial-based schemes",,"International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids",,,,,2020,July "S. Tann,X. Deng,R. Loub?re,F. Xiao","Solution property preserving reconstruction BVD+MOOD scheme for compressible euler equations with source terms and detonations",,"Computers & Fluids",,"Vol. 206",,"p. 104594",2020,June "Z.H. Jiang,X. Deng,F. Xiao,C. Yan,J. Yu","A Higher Order Interpolation Scheme of Finite Volume Method for Compressible Flow on Curvilinear Grids",,"Communications in Computational Physics",,"Vol. 28",,"pp. 1609-1638",2020,Apr. "X Deng,Y Shimizu,B Xie,F Xiao","Constructing higher order discontinuity-capturing schemes with upwind-biased interpolations and boundary variation diminishing algorithm",,"Computers & Fluids",,"Vol. 200",,"p. 104433",2020,Mar. "St?phane Zaleski,Feng Xiao","Special issue: Numerical methods and modeling of multiphase flows",,"Journal of Computational Physics",," 402",," 108902",2020,Feb. "Xingliang Li,Xueshun Shen,Chungang Chen,Jie Tang,Feng Xiao","A note on non‐negativity correction for a multimoment finite‐volume transport model with WENO limiter",,"J. R. Meteorol. Soc.",,"Vol. 146",,"pp. 546-556",2020,Jan. "F.Xiao","A new approach to highly accurate spatial reconstructions","Trends of High Order Numerical Methods for Computational Fluid Dynamics and Their Applications (HOM2020)",,,,,,2020,Jan. "B. Xie,P. Jin,H. Nakayama,S. Liao,F. Xiao","A conservative solver for surface-tension-driven multiphase flows on collocated unstructured grids",,"Journal of Computational Physics",,"Vol. 401",,"p. 109025",2020,Jan. "X. Deng,Z.H. Jiang,F. Xiao,C. Yan","Implicit large eddy simulation of compressible turbulence flow with PnTm− BVD scheme",,"Applied Mathematical Modelling",,"Vol. 77",,"pp. 17-31",2020,Jan. "肖鋒,長崎孝夫","数値流体解析の基礎",,,"コロナ社",,,,2020,Jan.