"Toshiya Itoh,Shuichi Miyazami,Makoto Satake","Competitive Analysis for Two Variants of Online Metric Matching Problem","International Conference on Combinatorial Optimization and Applications","Lecture Notes in Computer Science",,"Vol. 12577",,"pp. 468-498",2020,Dec. "Suthee Ruangwises,Toshiya Itoh","Securely Computing the n-Variable Equality Function with 2n Cards","Theory and Applications of Models of Computation","Lecture Notes in Computer Science",,"Vol. 12337",,"pp. 25-36",2020,Oct. "Suthee Ruangwises,Toshiya Itoh","Physical Zero-Knowledge Proof for Numberlink","10th International Conference on Fun with Algorithms","LIPIcs",,"Vol. 157",,"pp. 22:1-22:11",2020,Sept.