"Akisue Kuramoto,Kazuki Hiranai,Akihiko Seo","Strategies of pen tip path estimation and of workload comparison for handwriting tasks",,"IEEE Sensors Journal",,,,,2020,Oct. "倉元 昭季,平内 和樹,瀬尾 明彦","筆圧履歴を用いた書字作業の身体負担評価",,"日本機械学会論文集",,,,,2020,July "Akisue Kuramoto,Kazuki Hiranai,Akihiko Seo","Evaluation of physical workload during work behavior for work environment design from biomechanical perspective: a case study in initial orientation selection of work object for manual handling tasks",,"Theoretical Issues in Ergonomics Science",,,,,2020,May "Kazuki Hiranai,Akisue Kuramoto,Akihiko Seo","A novel method to calculate the anomaly score of movement variability of repetitive tasks",,"Human Factors and Ergonomics in Manufacturing & Service Industries",,"Volume 30","Issue 6","Page 367-376",2020,May "Mohammad Aldibaja,Ryo Yanase,Akisue Kuramoto,Tae Hyon Kim,Keisuke Yoneda,Noaki Suganuma","Improving Lateral Autonomous Driving in Snow-Wet Environments Based on Road-Mark Reconstruction Using Principal Component Analysis",,"IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Magazine",,,,,2020,Jan. "Keisuke Yoneda,Akisue Kuramoto,Noaki Suganuma,Toru Asaka,Mohammad Aldibaja,Ryo Yanase","Robust Traffic Light and Arrow Detection Using Digital Map with Spatial Prior Information for Automated Driving",,"Sensors",,"Vol. 20","No. 4","p. 1181",2020,