"ΌžŠ”ό‹I","Šλ‹@ŠΗ—‚ΜƒRƒ~ƒ…ƒjƒP[ƒVƒ‡ƒ“ƒfƒUƒCƒ“",,"’²ΈŒŽ•ρ","“ϊ–{­τ‹ΰ—ZŒφŒΙ",,"no. 157","pp. 36-41",2021,Oct. "Sota Takagi,Honoka Hayashi,Yoji Morishita,Kohei Hamaya,Takumi Ohashi,Miki Saijo","Designing an Abnormal Posture Warning System using a Pose Estimation Model for Meal Assistance for Older Adults","2021 International Conference on Frontiers of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning (FAIML 2021)",,,,,,2021,Aug. "Takumi Ohashi,Yuma Ito,Daisuke Kurabayashi,Miki Saijo","Designing an Abnormal Posture Detection System to Prevent Accidents During Meal Assistance for Older Adults: A User-centered Design Approach","12th International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics (AHFE2021)","Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems","Springer, Cham","Volume 263",,"pp. 345-352",2021,July "T. Washio,T. Ohashi,M. Saijo","What Promotes Intention? Factors Influencing Consumersf Intention to Purchase Animal-Welfare Friendly Beef in Japan","Knowledge Discovery, Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management. IC3K 2019","Communications in Computer and Information Science",,"vol. 1297",,,2021,Jan. "Takumi Ohashi,Makiko Watanabe,Yuma Takenaka,Miki Saijo","Real-Time Assessment of Causal Attribution Shift and Stay Between Two Successive Tests of Movement Aids",,"Integrative Psychological and Behavioral Science","Springer",,,,2021,Jan.