"Mitsuhiko Miyazaki,* Yuri Sakata,Megumi Ono,Remina Otsuka,Ryuhei Ohara,Otto Dopfer,*Masaaki Fujii","Isomer-Selective Spectroscopy and Dynamics of Phenol|Arn (n ? 5) Clusters",,"J. Phys. Chem. A",," 125"," 46","pp. 9969-9981",2021,Nov. "Mitsuhiko Miyazaki*,Tairiku Kamiya,Matthias Wohlgemuth,Kuntal Chatterjee,Roland Mitri?*,Otto Dopfer*,Masaaki Fujii","Real-time observation of photoionization-induced water migration dynamics in 4-methylformanilide?water by picosecond time-resolved infrared spectroscopy and ab initio molecular dynamics simulations",,"Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys.",," 24"," 1",,2021,Oct. "Christophe Jouvet,Mitsuhiko Miyazaki,Masaaki Fujii","Revealing the role of excited state proton transfer (ESPT) in excited state hydrogen transfer (ESHT): systematic study in phenol-(NH3)n clusters",,"Chem. Sci.",,"Vol. 12","No. 11","pp. 3836-3856",2021,Mar.