"Noriko Saitoh,Haruka Matsumori,Kenji Watanabe,Hiroaki Tachiwana,Yuma Ito,Kumiko Sakata-Sogawa,Makio Tokunaga,Akinori Awatsu,Mitsuyoshi Nakao","RPL5 maintains spatial organization of the ribosomal DNA arrays through regulation of biophysical properties of the nucleolus","第44回日本分子生物学会年会",,,,,,2021,Dec. "Uchino S,Ito Y,Sato Y,Handa T,Ohkawa Y,Tokunaga M,Kimura H","Live imaging of transcription sites using an elongating RNA polymerase II-specific probe.",,"J Cell Biol",,"Vol. 221","No. 2","p. e202104134 (23 pages)",2021,Dec. "内野 哲志,伊藤 由馬,Jessica Dai,佐藤 優子,半田 哲也,大川 恭行,徳永 万喜洋,木村 宏","転写伸長型RNAポリメラーゼII可視化プローブによる生細胞内における 転写伸長部位の観察","第44回日本分子生物学会年会",,,,,,2021,Dec. "内野 哲志,伊藤 由馬,佐藤 優子,半田 哲也,大川 恭行,徳永 万喜洋,木村 宏","リン酸化型RNAポリメラーゼII可視化プローブによる転写部位の生細胞観察","第39回染色体ワークショップ・第20回核ダイナミクス研究会, オンライン",,,,,,2021,Dec. "Xiang Zhou,Yuma Ito,makio tokunaga","A simulation study to evaluate improvementof three-dimensional localization precision of single molecule images using adaptive optics.","第59回日本生物物理学会年会",,,,,,2021,Nov. "伊藤 由馬,徳永 万喜洋","1分子超解像イメージングを用いたRNA ポリメラーゼII とクロマチンのナノスケール相互作用解析","第59回日本生物物理学会年会, オンライン",,,,,,2021,Nov. "Masanori Hirose,Yuma Ito,makio tokunaga","Single-molecule analysis of state-specific histone mobility in chromatin subcompartments with different epigenetic modifications","第59回日本生物物理学会年会",,,,,,2021,Nov. "Yuma Ito,Sirisukhodom Spanut,makio tokunaga","Single-molecule imaging analysis of RNA-dependent dynamics of phase-separated nucleolar proteins in living cells","第59回日本生物物理学会年会",,,,,,2021,Nov. "Masanori Nakano,Yuma Ito,makio tokunaga","Structural changes in heterochromatin involved in cell cycle using single-molecule and super-resolution imaging","第59回日本生物物理学会年会",,,,,,2021,Nov. "Yang Liu,Ning Zhao,Masato T. Kanemaki,Yotaro Yamamoto,Yoshifusa Sadamura,Yuma Ito,Makio Tokunaga,Timothy J. Stasevich,Hiroshi Kimura","Visualizing looping of two endogenous genomic loci using synthetic zinc-finger proteins with anti-FLAG and anti-HA frankenbodies in living cells",,"Genes Cells.",,"Vol. 26","No. 11","p. 905-926",2021,Sept. "Uchino S,Ito Y,Sato Y,Handa T,Yasuyuki Ohkawa,Tokunaga M,Kimura H","Visualizing transcription sites in living cells using a genetically encoded probe specific for the elongating form of RNA polymerase II",,"bioRxiv",,,"No. 2021.04.27","p. 441582",2021,Apr. "Yuma","Visualizing and quantifying single-molecule dynamics in living cells","9th Tokyo Tech International Symposium on Life Science and Technology",,,,,,2021,Feb.