"Xiangyu Su,Mario Larangeira,Keisuke Tanaka","How to Prove Work: With Time or Memory.",,"IEEE Access",,"Vol. 10",," 1192 - 1201",2021,Dec. "Carlo Brunetta,Mario Larangeira,Bei Liang,Aikaterini Mitrokotsa,Keisuke Tanaka","Turn-Based Communication Channels","Provable and Practical Security - 15th International Conference, ProvSec 2021",,,,,,2021,Nov. "Maxim Jourenko,Mario Larangeira,Keisuke Tanaka","Payment Trees: Low Collateral Payments for Payment Channel Networks","International Conference on Financial Cryptography and Data Security","Financial Cryptography and Data Security",,,," 189?208",2021,Oct. "Xiangyu Su,Mario Larangeira,Keisuke Tanaka","How to Prove Work: With Time or Memory",,"IEEE International Conference on Blockchain and Cryptocurrency (ICBC)",,,,,2021,June "Maxim Jourenko,Mario Larangeira,Keisuke Tanaka","Payment Trees: Low Collateral Payments for Payment Channel Networks","情報とセキュリティシンポジウム(SCIS2021)",,,,,,2021,Jan.