"Bo Peng,Jinchuan Jie,Jia Sun,Qing Liu,Xianlong Wang,Zidi Hang,Haimin Ding,Shinji Muraishi,Tingju Li","Synergistic deformation and fracture behavior of heterostructure Cu/1010 steel bimetal laminated composites",,"Materials Science and Engineering: A",,"Volume 888","No. 17","page 145835",2023,Oct. "Shinji Muraishi","Micromechanics analysis of Internal stress caused by precipitate and dislocation microstructure","Global Conference on Innovation Materials 2023(GCIM2023)",,,,,,2023,June "Shinji Muraishi","Dislocation interaction of misfitting precipitates in Aluminum alloys","Joint Workshop on Education and Research for Materials Science and Technology",,,,,,2023,May