"A. Strijevskaya,A. Yamaguchi,S. Shoji,S. Ueda,A. Hashimoto,Y. Wen,A. C. Wardhana,J. E. Lee,M. Liu,H. Abe,M. Miyauchi","A nanophase-separated copper-zirconia composite for bifunctional electrochemical CO2 conversion to formic acid",,"ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces",,"Vol. 15",,"p. 23299",2023,May "Y. Liu,A. Yamaguchi,Y. Yang,A. N. E. Aisnada,S. Uchida,H. Abe,S. Ueda,K. Yamaguchi,T. Tanabe,M. Miyauchi","Synthesis and characterization of the orthorhombic Sn3O4 polymorph",,"Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.",,"Vol. 62",,"p. e20230640",2023,Mar. "Y. Yang,M. Toyoda,A. Yamaguchi,Y. Cho,A. N. E. Aisnada,H. Abe,S. Ueda,S. Okunaka,S. Saito,M. Liu,H. Tokudome*,M. Miyauchi","Bandgap widening through doping for improving the photocatalytic oxidation ability of narrow-gap semiconductors",,"Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys.",,"Vol. 25",,"p. 255",2023,Jan.