@inproceedings{CTT100835100, author = {Anisa Jasmine Apriyadi and Shoichi Kishiki and Nobuhiko Tatsumi and Yukichi Okada and Eiichi Watanabe and 飯島孝幸 and 長谷部優}, title = {打ち込み鋲の基礎的な性能と構造部材への影響 その6 複数の打ち込み鋲を有する接合部の引張耐力}, booktitle = {日本建築学会大会学術講演梗概集}, year = 2020, } @inproceedings{CTT100835099, author = {飯島孝幸 and 長谷部優 and Anisa Jasmine Apriyadi and Shoichi Kishiki and Nobuhiko Tatsumi and Yukichi Okada and Eiichi Watanabe}, title = {打ち込み鋲の基礎的な性能と構造部材への影響 その5 デッキプレート接合部の引張耐力}, booktitle = {日本建築学会大会学術講演梗概集}, year = 2020, } @inproceedings{CTT100835098, author = {Eiichi Watanabe and Yukichi Okada and Anisa Jasmine Apriyadi and Shoichi Kishiki and Nobuhiko Tatsumi and 飯島孝幸 and 長谷部優}, title = {打ち込み鋲の基礎的な性能と構造部材への影響 その4 デッキプレート接合部のせん断耐力}, booktitle = {日本建築学会大会学術講演梗概集}, year = 2020, } @inproceedings{CTT100820291, author = {Anisa Jasmine Apriyadi and Shoichi Kishiki and Nobuhiko Tatsumi and Eiichi Watanabe and Yukichi Okada and 長谷部優}, title = {撃ち込み鋲を用いたデッキプレート接合部の引張・せん断耐カ}, booktitle = {PROCEEDING OF THE 90th ARCHITECTURAL RESEARCH MEETINGS, KANTO CHAPTER, ARCHITECTURAL INSTITUTE OF JAPAN}, year = 2020, } @inproceedings{CTT100813096, author = {Anisa Jasmine Apriyadi and Shoichi Kishiki and Nobuhiko Tatsumi and Yukichi Okada and Eiichi Watanabe}, title = {FUNDAMENTAL PULL-OUT CHARACTERISTICS OF DRIVEN PIN}, booktitle = {鋼構造年次論文報告集}, year = 2019, } @inproceedings{CTT100813171, author = {Anisa J. Apriyadi and Shoichi Kishiki and Nobuhiko Tatsumi and Eiichi Watanabe and Yukichi Okada}, title = {FUNDAMENTAL CHARACTERISTICS OF DRIVING PIN AND ITS EFFECTS ON STRUCTURAL COMPONENTS}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 12th Pacific Structural Steel Conference}, year = 2019, } @inproceedings{CTT100813207, author = {Anisa Jasmine Apriyadi and Nobuhiko Tatsumi and Shoichi Kishiki and Eiichi Watanabe and Yukichi Okada}, title = {Fundamental Characteristics of Driving Pin and Its Effects on Structural Components}, booktitle = {}, year = 2019, } @inproceedings{CTT100804064, author = {Eiichi Watanabe and Yukichi Okada and Anisa Jasmine Apriyadi and Nobuhiko Tatsumi and Shoichi Kishiki}, title = {Fundamental Characteristics of Driving Pin and Its Effects on Structural Components Part 2 Beam Test Experiment Plan}, booktitle = {Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan}, year = 2019, } @inproceedings{CTT100804063, author = {Anisa Jasmine Apriyadi and Yukichi Okada and Eiichi Watanabe and Nobuhiko Tatsumi and Shoichi Kishiki}, title = {Fundamental Characteristics of Driving Pin and Its Effects on Structural Components Part 3 Beam Test Experiment Results}, booktitle = {Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan}, year = 2019, } @inproceedings{CTT100804065, author = {Yukichi Okada and Eiichi Watanabe and Anisa Jasmine Apriyadi and Nobuhiko Tatsumi and Shoichi Kishiki}, title = {Fundamental Characteristics of Driving Pin and Its Effects on Structural Components Part 1 Fundamental Investigation by Pull-out Test}, booktitle = {Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan}, year = 2019, } @inproceedings{CTT100793789, author = {Anisa Jasmine Apriyadi and TATSUMI Nobuhiko and Eiichi Watanabe and Yukichi Okada and KISHIKI Shoichi}, title = {Fundamental Characteristics of Driving Pin on Structural Components}, booktitle = {PROCEEDING OF THE 89th ARCHITECTURAL RESEARCH MEETINGS, KANTO CHAPTER, ARCHITECTURAL INSTITUTE OF JAPAN}, year = 2019, } @inproceedings{CTT100799718, author = {Xiang Fu and Anisa Jasmine Apriyadi and Shoichi Kishiki and Zhe Qu and Yao Cui}, title = {Cyclic loading test of masonry infilled Chuandou timber frames in China part.4 Masonry infill evaluation}, booktitle = {}, year = 2018, } @inproceedings{CTT100799717, author = {Anisa Jasmine Apriyadi and Xiang Fu and Shoichi Kishiki and Zhe Qu and Yao Cui}, title = {Cyclic loading test of masonry infilled Chuandou timber frames in China part.3 Previous research summarize}, booktitle = {}, year = 2018, }