BudimanBentang Arief 研究業績一覧 (30件)
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Farid Triawan,
Rihito Nakagawa,
Kazuaki Inaba,
Bentang Arief Budiman,
Experimental investigation of shear stress effect on the flexural behavior of aluminum foam beam,
Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology,
Vol. 34,
No. 5,
pp. 1831-1836,
Apr. 2020.
F B Juangsa,
B Arief Budiman,
P L Sambegoro,
P Setyo Darmanto,
T Nozaki.
Synthesis of Nanostructured Silicon Nanoparticles for Anodes of Li-Ion Battery,
2019 6th International Conference on Electric Vehicular Technology (ICEVT), Bali, Indonesia,
pp. 175-178,
Nov. 2019.
Farid Triawan,
Biddinika, M.K.,
Hanaoka, S.,
Budiman, B.A..
Promoting higher education abroad program in science and engineering to Indonesian high schools: methods, challenges and recommendations,
Indonesian Journal of Computing, Engineering and Design,
Vol. 1,
No. 1,
pp. 17-28,
Apr. 2019.
Ignatius Pulung Nurprasetio,
Bentang Arief Budiman,
Muhammad Aziz.
Evaluation of bonding strength and fracture criterion for aluminum alloy – woven composite adhesive joint based on cohesive zone model,
International Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives,
Vol. 85,
pp. 193-201,
Oct. 2018.
Bentang Arief Budiman,
Fauzan Adziman,
Poetro Lebdo Sambegoro,
Ignatius Pulung Nurprasetio,
Rizky Ilhamsyah,
Muhammad Aziz.
The role of interfacial rigidity to crack propagation path in fiber reinforced polymer composite,
Fibers and Polymers,
in press,
July 2018.
Faizal Arifurrahman,
Bentang Arief Budiman,
Muhammad Aziz.
On the lightweight structural design for electric road and railway vehicles using fiber reinforced polymer composites – a review,
International Journal of Sustainable Transportation Technology,
Vol. 1,
No. 1,
pp. 21-29,
Apr. 2018.
Firman Bagja Juangsa,
Bentang Arief Budiman,
Muhammad Aziz,
Tubagus Ahmad Fauzi Soelaiman.
Design of an airborne vertical axis wind turbine for low electrical power demands,
International Journal of Energy and Environmental Engineering,
Vol. 8,
pp. 293-301,
Dec. 2017.
Bentang Arief Budiman,
Firman Bagja Juangsa,
Muhammad Aziz,
Ignatius Pulung Nurprasetio,
Ilman Nuran Zaini.
Experimental verification of interfacial strength effect on the mechanical properties of carbon fiber-epoxy composite,
International Journal on Advanced Science, Engineering and Information Technology,
Vol. 7,
No. 6,
pp. 2226-2231,
Dec. 2017.
Muhammad Aziz,
Firman Bagja Juangsa,
Winarto Kurniawan,
Bentang Arief Budiman.
Clean co-production of H2 and power from low rank coal,
Vol. 116,
pp. 489-497,
Dec. 2016.
Bentang Arief Budiman,
Djoko Suharto,
Indra Djodikusumo,
Muhammad Aziz,
Firman Bagja Juangsa.
Fail-safe design and analysis for guide vane of hydro turbine,
Advances in Mechanical Engineering,
Vol. 8,
No. 6,
pp. 1-8,
July 2016.
Bentang Arief Budiman,
Kosuke Takahashi,
Kazuaki Inaba,
Evaluation of interfacial strength between fiber and matrix based on cohesive zone modeling,
Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing,
Vol. 90,
Page 211-217,
July 2016.
Arif Hidayat,
Karna Wijaya,
Annisa Nurdiawati,
Winarto Kurniawan,
Hirofumi Hinode,
Kunio Yoshikawa,
Arief Budiman.
Esterification of Palm Fatty Acid Distillate with High Amount of Free Fatty Acids Using Coconut Shell Char Based Catalyst,
Energy Procedia,
Volume 75,
Page 969-974,
Aug. 2015.
Muhammad Aziz,
Pandji Prawisudha,
Bayu Prabowo,
Bentang Arief Budiman.
Integration of Energy-Efficient Empty Fruit Bunch Drying with Gasification/Combined Cycle Systems,
Applied Energy,
Vol. 139,
pp. 188-195,
Feb. 2015.
Bentang Arief Budiman,
Kosuke Takahashi,
Kazuaki Inaba,
A New Method of Evaluating Interfacial Properties of a fiber/matrix composite,
Journal of Composite Materials,
SAGE Publisher,
Jan. 2014.
国際会議発表 (査読有り)
Muhammad Aziz,
Bentang Arief Budiman,
Erwin Sutanto,
Poetro Sambegoro.
Implementation of electric vehicle and grid integration,
5th International Conference on Electric Vehicular Technology (ICEVT 2018),
Nov. 2018.
Ignatius Pulung Nurprasetio,
Bentang Arief Budiman,
Muhammad Aziz,
Ahmad Alfin Afwan.
Development of static and dynamic online measurement system for ground vehicles,
5th International Conference on Electric Vehicular Technology (ICEVT 2018),
Oct. 2018.
Poetro Sambegoro,
Bentang Arief Budiman,
Muhammad Aziz.
Dimensional and parametric studies on thermal behavior of Li-ion batteries,
5th International Conference on Electric Vehicular Technology (ICEVT 2018),
Oct. 2018.
Muhammad Aziz,
Bentang Arief Budiman.
Extended utilization of electric vehicles in electrical grid services,
4th International Conference on Electric Vehicular Technology (ICEVT 2017),
Oct. 2017.
Bentang Arief Budiman,
Muhammad Aziz.
On the lightweight design for electric vehicles using composite materials,
4th International Conference on Electric Vehicular Technology (ICEVT 2017),
Oct. 2017.
国際会議発表 (査読なし・不明)
Kosuke Takahashi,
Bentang Arief Budiman,
kishimoto kikuo.
Evaluation of interfacial strength of fiber/matrix in composites by characteristic length of Tresca stress contour,
The 3rd International Workshops on Advances in Computational Mechanics,
Abstracts of 3rd International Workshops on Advances in Computational Mechanics,
p. 153,
Oct. 2015.
Bentang Arief Budiman,
Kosuke Takahashi,
Kazuaki Inaba,
A Continuum Model of Interface to Investigate Stress Transfer on Fiber-Matrix Composite,
International Conference on Advances in Composite Materials and Structures,
Bentang Arief Budiman,
Kosuke Takahashi,
Kazuaki Inaba,
The Influence of Elastic Bonding Behavior at Fiber-Matrix Interface to Composite Performance,
11th International Conference on Durability Analysis of Composite Systems,
B. A. Budiman,
K. Takahashi,
K. Inaba,
K. Kishimoto.
Stress Contour Utilization for Estimating Interfacial Properties of Fiber/Matrix Composite,
19th International Conference on Composite Materials,
July 2013.
B. A. Budiman,
K. Takahashi,
K. Inaba,
K. Kishimoto.
Stress Distribution Contour in Composite Matrix for Evaluation of Interfacial Properties,
9th International Conference on Fracture and Strength of Solids,
June 2013.
B. A. Budiman,
K. Takahashi,
K. Inaba,
K. Kishimoto.
Evaluation of Interfacial Properties Based on Stress Distribution Contour in Carbon Fiber-Epoxy Composite,
2nd ACIKITA International Conference on Science and Technology,
2nd ACIKITA International Conference on Science and Technology,
pp. 34-48,
Aug. 2012.
国内会議発表 (査読なし・不明)
Characterization of fiber-matrix interfacial debonding based on a continuum damage model,
Doctor (Engineering),
Tokyo Institute of Technology,
Characterization of fiber-matrix interfacial debonding based on a continuum damage model,
Doctor (Engineering),
Tokyo Institute of Technology,
Characterization of fiber-matrix interfacial debonding based on a continuum damage model,
Exam Summary,
Doctor (Engineering),
Tokyo Institute of Technology,
Characterization of fiber-matrix interfacial debonding based on a continuum damage model,
Doctor (Engineering),
Tokyo Institute of Technology,
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