author = {Terutaka Maehara and Tetsuji Yano and Shuichi Shibata},
title = {Structural Rules of Separation in Alkali Silicate Melts Analyzed by High-Temperature Raman Spectroscopy},
journal = {J. Non-Cryst Solids},
year = 2005,
author = {Terutaka Maehara and Tetsuji Yano and Shuichi Shibata and masayuki yamane},
title = {Structure and Phase Transformation of Alkali Silicate Melts Analyzed by Raman Spectroscopy},
journal = {Phil. Mag.},
year = 2004,
author = {Terutaka Maehara},
title = {Laboratory investigation of oxy-fuel-firing atmosphere on soda-lime-silica melts},
journal = {Proc. of 6th European Society of Glass Conference, Glass Odyssey},
year = 2002,
author = {前原輝敬},
title = {高温ラマンスペクトルからみたケイ酸塩ガラス融液中のQn平衡反応の組成依存性},
journal = {第41回ガラスおよびフォトニクス材料討論会講演要旨集},
year = 2001,
author = {前原輝敬},
title = {水分含有雰囲気がソーダライムガラス融液に与える影響},
journal = {第41回ガラスおよびフォトニクス材料討論会講演要旨集},
year = 2000,
author = {Tetsuji Yano and Terutaka Maehara and Shuichi Shibata},
title = {High-Temperature Raman Spectroscopy of Alkali Silicate Glass Melts},
booktitle = {106th Annual Meeting of the Americal Ceramic Society},
year = 2004,
author = {Terutaka Maehara and Tetsuji Yano and Shuichi Shibata},
title = {High-Temperature Raman Spectroscopy of Na2O-RO-SiO2 Melts},
booktitle = {XX International Congress on Glass, Kyoro, Japan},
year = 2004,
author = {前原輝敬 and 矢野哲司 and 柴田修一 and 山根正之},
title = {高温ラマンスペクトルからみたケイ酸塩ガラス融液中のQn平衡反応の組成依存性},
booktitle = {第42回ガラスおよびフォトニクス材料討論会講演予稿集},
year = 2001,
author = {前原輝敬 and 柴田修一 and 矢野哲司 and 山根正之},
title = {水分雰囲気がソーダライムガラス融液に与える影響},
booktitle = {第41回ガラスおよびフォトニクス材料討論会講演予稿集},
year = 2000,
author = {Tetsuji Yano and Shuichi Shibata and Terutaka Maehara},
title = {Structural equilibria in silicate glass melts investigated by Raman spectroscopy},
year = 2006,
author = {Terutaka Maehara},
title = {Study on the Structure of Alkali Silicate Glasses and Melts by High-Temperature Raman Spectroscopy
year = 2002,
author = {Terutaka Maehara},
title = {Study on the Structure of Alkali Silicate Glasses and Melts by High-Temperature Raman Spectroscopy
school = {東京工業大学},
year = 2002,