ChinKim Wei 研究業績一覧 (14件)
Kim Wei Chin,
Rei Kimura,
Hiroshi Sagara,
Kosuke Tanabe.
On the Numerical Method for Photofission-Based Nuclear Material Isotopic Composition Estimation in Thorium-Uranium Systems,
Nuclear Science and Engineering,
Vol. 196,
No. 7,
p. 852–872,
Apr. 2022.
Kim Wei Chin,
Hiroshi SAGARA,
Chi Young HAN.
Application of Photofission Reaction to Identify High-Enriched Uranium by Bremsstrahlung Photons,
Annals of Nuclear Energy,
Vol. 158,
p. 1-7,
Apr. 2021.
国内会議発表 (査読有り)
Chin Kim Wei,
木村 礼,
相樂 洋,
田辺 鴻典.
Nov. 2022.
Chin Kim Wei,
木村 礼,
相樂 洋,
田辺 鴻典.
Nov. 2021.
チン キム ウェイ,
相樂 洋,
韓 治暎.
制動放射ガンマ線を用いた光核分裂による高濃縮ウラン検知への適用性研究 (3) (γ, 2n) 反応ノイズによる光核分裂反応を利用した同位体組成測定手法への影響,
Nov. 2020.
Chin Kim Wei,
Hiroshi SAGARA,
Chi Young HAN.
Applicability Study of Photofission Reaction to Identify High-Enriched Uranium by Utilizing the Bremsstrahlung Photon (2) Selection of Incident Electron Energies and Validation of PFRR Principle,
The 40th Annual Meeting of INMM Japan Chapter,
Proceedings of the 40th Annual Meeting of INMM Japan Chapter,
Institute of Nuclear Materials Management (INMM) Japan Chapter,
Nov. 2019.
国際会議発表 (査読なし・不明)
Kim Wei Chin,
Hiroshi Sagara,
Jun-ichi Hori,
Yoshiyuki Takahashi.
Measurement System Requirements for Photofission Signal Detection with Coincidence Neutron Counting Method,
International Symposium on Zero-Carbon Energy Systems,
Jan. 2023.
Kim Wei Chin,
Hiroshi SAGARA,
Jun-ichi HORI,
Yoshiyuki TAKAHASHI,
Chi Young HAN.
System Design of Photofission Reaction Ratio with High-energy Bremsstrahlung Photons for Nuclear Security,
The INMM & ESARDA Joint Annual Meeting,
Proceedings of the INMM & ESARDA Joint Annual Meeting,
Aug. 2021.
国内会議発表 (査読なし・不明)
Chin Kim Wei,
Hiroshi SAGARA,
Chi Young HAN,
Application of Photofission Reaction to Identify Highly Enriched Uranium by Utilizing Bremsstrahlung Spectrum Photon,
The AESJ 2019 Fall Meeting,
Proceedings of the AESJ 2019 Fall Meeting,
Sept. 2019.
Chin Kim Wei,
Hiroshi SAGARA,
Chi Young HAN,
Applicability Study of Photofission Rate of Reaction Ratio Method to Identify High Enriched Uranium by Utilizing the Bremsstrahlung Spectrum Photon,
The AESJ 2019 Annual Meeting,
Proceedings of the AESJ 2019 Annual Meeting,
Mar. 2019.
Non-destructive assay technology development using photofission reactions with bremsstrahlung photons for multi-nuclide composition assay in nuclear material,
Exam Summary,
Doctor (Engineering),
Tokyo Institute of Technology,
Non-destructive assay technology development using photofission reactions with bremsstrahlung photons for multi-nuclide composition assay in nuclear material,
Doctor (Engineering),
Tokyo Institute of Technology,
Non-destructive assay technology development using photofission reactions with bremsstrahlung photons for multi-nuclide composition assay in nuclear material,
Doctor (Engineering),
Tokyo Institute of Technology,
Non-destructive assay technology development using photofission reactions with bremsstrahlung photons for multi-nuclide composition assay in nuclear material,
Doctor (Engineering),
Tokyo Institute of Technology,
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