浜瀬枝里菜 研究業績一覧 (7件)
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E. Hamase,
F. Damian,
C. Poinot-salanon,
M. Saito,
H. Sagara,
C. Y. Han.
A feasibility study on long-life reduced-moderation water reactor with highly protected Pu breeding by doping with minor actinides,
Ann. Nucl. Energy,
Vol. 54,
p. 76-84,
E. Hamase,
H. Sagara,
C. Y. Han.
Long-life Fast Breeder Reactor with High Protected Pu Breeding by Introducing Axial Inner Blanket and Doping Minor Actinides,
Ann. Nucl. Energy,
Vol. 44,
No. 1,
p. 87-102,
E. Hamase,
H. Sagara.
Extension of core life-time in fast breeder reactor by introducing inner blanket and doping minor actinides,
Ann. Nucl. Energy,
Vol. 38,
No. 7,
p. 1496-1504,
国際会議発表 (査読有り)
E. Hamase,
H. Sagara.
Effects of Inner Axial Blanket and MA on Extension of Core Life-time of Large-scale FBR,”,
Trans. Am. Nucl. Soc.,
Vol. 105,
No. 1,
p. 667-668,
Nov. 2011.
E. Hamase,
H. Sagara.
Effects of MA doping in Fast Breeder Reactor,
GLOBAL 2009,
May 2009.
国内会議発表 (査読なし・不明)
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