@article{CTT100765395, author = {Yun Gao and MINORU TAKAHASHI and Carlo Cavallotti and Guido Raos}, title = {Molecular Dynamics Simulation of Metallic Impurity Diffusion in Liquid Lead-bismuth Eutectic (LBE)}, journal = {Journal of Nuclear Materials}, year = 2018, } @article{CTT100765397, author = {Yun Gao and MINORU TAKAHASHI and MASAO NOMURA and Takashi Nozawa}, title = {Characteristic of Nickel and Iron Diffusion in Molten Lead-17lithium Alloy}, journal = {Fusion Engineering and Design}, year = 2016, } @article{CTT100765396, author = {Yun Gao and Guido Raos and Carlo Cavallotti and MINORU TAKAHASHI and MASAO NOMURA}, title = {Molecular Dynamics Simulation on Physical Properties of Liquid Lead, Bismuth and Lead-bismuth Eutectic (LBE)}, journal = {Procedia Engineering}, year = 2016, } @article{CTT100765411, author = {Yun Gao and Minoru Takahashi and Masao Nomura}, title = {Experimental Study on Diffusion of Ni in Lead-bismuth Eutectic (LBE)}, journal = {Energy Procedia}, year = 2015, } @article{CTT100765407, author = {Yun Gao and Minoru Takahashi and Masao Nomura}, title = {Characteristics of Iron and Nickel Diffusion in Molten Lead-bismuth Eutectic}, journal = {Mechanical Engineering Journal}, year = 2015, } @inproceedings{CTT100765526, author = {Yun Gao and Guido Raos and Carlo Cavallotti and Minoru Takahashi}, title = {Molecular Dynamics Study on Thermal Physical Propertied of Liquid Pb-17Li}, booktitle = {}, year = 2016, } @inproceedings{CTT100765527, author = {Yun Gao and Guido Raos and Carlo Cavallotti and Minoru Takahashi}, title = {Molecular Dynamics Simulation of Liquid Lead-Bismuth Eutectic (LBE)}, booktitle = {}, year = 2016, } @inproceedings{CTT100765573, author = {高雲 and Guido Raos and Carlo Cavallotti and 高橋実}, title = {液体鉛ビスマス合金中の金属不純物の拡散特性に関する分子動力学的研究}, booktitle = {}, year = 2016, } @inproceedings{CTT100765575, author = {高雲 and 野澤貴史 and 朴 昶虎 and 鈴木達也 and 高橋実 and 野村雅夫}, title = {細管内における鉛リチウム中の金属の拡散特性}, booktitle = {}, year = 2015, } @inproceedings{CTT100765463, author = {Yun Gao and Minoru Takahashi and Masao Nomura}, title = {Diffusion Coefficients of Metallic Impurities in High Temperature Lead-Bismuth Eutectic}, booktitle = {}, year = 2014, } @inproceedings{CTT100765583, author = {高雲 and 高橋実 and 野村雅夫}, title = {細管内における鉛ビスマス中の金属の拡散特性 第二報 金属の性質の影響}, booktitle = {}, year = 2014, } @inproceedings{CTT100765532, author = {Yun Gao and Minoru Takahashi and Masao Nomura}, title = {Experimental Study on Diffusion of Ni in Lead-bismuth Eutectic (LBE)}, booktitle = {}, year = 2013, } @inproceedings{CTT100765490, author = {Minoru Takahashi and Yun Gao and Marion Guihot and Asril Pramutadi}, title = {Overview of Studies on Lead-bismuth Technology in Tokyo Institute of Technology}, booktitle = {}, year = 2013, } @inproceedings{CTT100765654, author = {高雲 and 野村雅夫 and 高橋実}, title = {液体鉛ビスマスにおけるNiの拡散係数測定}, booktitle = {}, year = 2013, } @inproceedings{CTT100765657, author = {高雲 and 高橋実 and 野村雅夫}, title = {細管内における鉛ビスマス中の金属の拡散特性}, booktitle = {}, year = 2013, } @misc{CTT100737480, author = {Yun Gao}, title = {Experimental and Molecular Dynamics Study on Metallic Impurity Diffusion in Liquid Lead Alloys}, year = 2017, } @misc{CTT100737483, author = {Yun Gao}, title = {Experimental and Molecular Dynamics Study on Metallic Impurity Diffusion in Liquid Lead Alloys}, year = 2017, } @misc{CTT100737479, author = {Yun Gao}, title = {Experimental and Molecular Dynamics Study on Metallic Impurity Diffusion in Liquid Lead Alloys}, year = 2017, } @misc{CTT100760565, author = {Yun Gao}, title = {Experimental and Molecular Dynamics Study on Metallic Impurity Diffusion in Liquid Lead Alloys}, year = 2017, } @phdthesis{CTT100737480, author = {Yun Gao}, title = {Experimental and Molecular Dynamics Study on Metallic Impurity Diffusion in Liquid Lead Alloys}, school = {東京工業大学}, year = 2017, } @phdthesis{CTT100737483, author = {Yun Gao}, title = {Experimental and Molecular Dynamics Study on Metallic Impurity Diffusion in Liquid Lead Alloys}, school = {東京工業大学}, year = 2017, } @phdthesis{CTT100737479, author = {Yun Gao}, title = {Experimental and Molecular Dynamics Study on Metallic Impurity Diffusion in Liquid Lead Alloys}, school = {東京工業大学}, year = 2017, } @phdthesis{CTT100760565, author = {Yun Gao}, title = {Experimental and Molecular Dynamics Study on Metallic Impurity Diffusion in Liquid Lead Alloys}, school = {東京工業大学}, year = 2017, }