チヤールズサヨ ダサーラ 研究業績一覧 (4件)
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- 全件表示
Charles S.Dasalla,
Hiroyuki Kambara,
Makoto Sato,
Yasuharu Koike.
Single-trial classification of vowel speech imagery using common spatial patterns,
Neural Networks,
Vol. 22,
No. 10,
pp. 1334-1339,
May 2009.
S. DaSalla,
Hiroyuki Kambara,
Makoto Sato,
Yasuharu Koike.
SinSingle-trial classification of vowel speech imagery using common spatial patterns,
No. 22,
pp. 1334-1339,
May 2009.
国際会議発表 (査読有り)
Charles S.DaSalla,
Hiroyuki KAMBARA,
Makoto SATO,
Yasuharu KOIKE.
Spatial Filltering and Single-Trial Classification of EEG during Vowel Speech Imagery,
i-Create 2009,
Apr. 2009.
Charles DaSalla,
Makoto Sato,
Yasuharu Koike.
EMG Vowel Recognition using a Support Vector Machine,
The 3rd International Symposium on M odeling of Human Functions,
pp. 227-232,
June 2007.
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